#16 Added by Sinvaders 7 years ago
#17 Added by Naveruss 7 years ago
Bien que l'idée d'une évolution et un entretien des garnisons par les joueurs soit intéressante, je suis définitivement contre la suggestion effectué de base, et pour cause, disons le franchement, cette idée a avant tout pour but de donner plus de cible aux joueur maraudeurs à la recherche de PVP. Sauf que cela ne peut pas se faire en le rendant obligatoire dans un jeu avant tout PVE.
Pour ce qui est des joueurs catégoriquement opposé à cette idée, ont ils réellement besoin de se justifier sur pourquoi ils ne veulent pas être susceptible de se faire PK et chain kill ? Ou juste en dehors des comportements abusifs, ont ils besoin de justifier pourquoi ils ne veulent pas PVP ? Chacun joue comme il le souhaite et ce n'est pas une question de s'opposer au changement.
Et pour se qui est de « se défendre du pull de mob », et bien cette pratique est interdite, donc la meilleur défense est ticket avec preuve.
Sinon, je soutiens par contre l'idée de pouvoir entretenir les gardes, afin de responsabiliser les joueurs, sans pour autant les forcer à être vulnérable au PVP. Cela revient un peu à cette suggestion ci : https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/25790/6 #6
(Mais du coup, les maraudeurs auront une région à entretenir?)
#18 Added by Sinvaders 7 years ago
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Sinvaders (7 years ago)
#19 Added by Maxxye 7 years ago
#20 Added by Syron 7 years ago
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Syron (7 years ago)
#21 Added by Azazor 7 years ago
#22 Added by Sinvaders 7 years ago
#23 Added by Jahuu 7 years ago
Another example, in FH it was the only city that had no anti-marau guards (by choice of trying to develop a defense system with PJ: UFA) in the end, ALL night, it was pvp ! more one possible connection with guildoux quiet, friends or whatever. The barn FH was more populated than your camps. Result, well the guards alas income.
#24 Added by Maxxye 7 years ago
but if players have to pay for guards, players arent going to like it. If you offer them something for the same content, it might work better.
Open PvP isnt very good idea imo, there is players who love it and there is others who hate it. Sandbox should work for both (just my opinnion, like everything I write lol). However adding more PvP content is good idea (as long as when I'm tired/afking/digging, I can be just PvE dig, craft and kill myself with gas xD).
tl;dr Punishing people for not doing PvP isnt making anyone want to do it, encouraging them with reward could.
Last edited by Maxxye (7 years ago)
#25 Added by Bitttymacod 7 years ago
The idea is not to primilary add PvP content in the game. The idea is to transfer the security of the lands to players.
"You would lose most people."It's exactly because of this mentality that the game is stuck in a status-quo and don't move.
" would totally change the nature of the game! "Maybe collecting mats to fight the goo/build tower defense in Thesos is also against the nature of the game then.
You are talking about "dappers" and "short-cycle" as blockers and then it's 'NO'. My opinion is: you read PvP and then you closed the discussion.
And maybe instead of opening the zones to PvP, we can think about something based on the same models as patrols in PR, I don't know. Or you can also imagine that, instead of the nation, it's the OP owner which is responsible for the zone etc etc there is many interesting possibilities that can be discussed on this topic.
#26 Added by Sinvaders 7 years ago
#27 Added by Moniq 7 years ago
...As a marauder player for me it's impossible to grind dappers if I want to play my char on the right way: aka to collect dappers you need to do mission or occupations: - craft mission are given by PNJ's who increase our fame at one point and/or are friends with nations... doesn't make sense for me to do that; - occupation: as far as I know I can't do them since I'm not allowed in any city of Atys (because of my fame being lower than -50 everywhere);
Last edited by Moniq (7 years ago) | Reason: +about guards
#28 Added by Zagh 7 years ago
Tout ceux qui ont répondu ici sont full tag pvp.
Last edited by Vauban (7 years ago)
#29 Added by Kimyh 7 years ago
#30 Added by Sinvaders 7 years ago
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