

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Hi Everyone

Can anyone tell me how to find information such as:

-who owns the game?
-how to contact them?
-what the structure of the hierarchy for new content is?
-who really has the power here to make changes?
-do the owners really take idea-feedback seriously?

I have some limited knowledge of the ryzom forge but how strongly does the forge influence the game in the end?

Thank you


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

"-who owns the game?"

"-how to contact them?"
Best idea is most probably to go through Tamarea

"-what the structure of the hierarchy for new content is?
-who really has the power here to make changes?"

Any idea has to be validated by a lot of peoples/team before starting to be implemented. To me it seems to be a very complex internal system

"-do the owners really take idea-feedback seriously?"

Who knows... I can tell you that some ideas are considered and will come one day.

-- Personal thought here --
They also don't want to hurt the player base by making some changes.. I think it's one of the biggest break for game changes.

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Tamarea is the representative of all the teams working on Ryzom (dev, animation...). So, by experience, I know that, unfortunately, often she's very very busy. Therefore, what I suggest you is to take contact with CSR. (Type "/who gm" in your chat window to known who is on line.) CSRs can help you to know more about how and who contacting people in the teams.


Zo'ro Argh
Chargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

thanks for the help
i won't want to use up limited time yet =) for now going to just observe and read up on forge some more


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Here is a start for reading: https://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Main_Page.

Although, the link they use to discuss RF projects now might be outdated, (not sure), as they use rocket chat to discuss some things i believe. Also, our calendar on our homepage usually shows when they are going to have a meeting.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Tamarea is the representative of all the teams working on Ryzom (dev, animation...). So, by experience, I know that, unfortunately, often she's very very busy. Therefore, what I suggest you is to take contact with CSR. (Type "/who gm" in your chat window to known who is on line.) CSRs can help you to know more about how and who contacting people in the teams.

She is not asking about Ryzom Forge or Ryzom Team but about the owner of the game. RF & RT are mainly volunteers, they don't own the game.
The question is more like how to contact vl, and Tamarea is the best chance for it. I don't think any CSR has contact with people behind.
So yes, Tama.
Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:30:25 UTC

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