Gas mask for foraging, reduce gas damage
Yes 16 (7)
No 15
Other (I will comment in the thread) 2
Other 0
Abstain 2

#20 [en] 

Well, if homins realize that they need something like a mask, maybe its time to start a research group to research the problem more closely and design that mask?

#21 [en] 

"I quite enjoy digging and I'd prefer to invent a gas mask than enslave a permanent heal-homin,"

Most of the people use an alt for this (just look at the only concern people had when the F2P has been released...), if it can reduce the amount of alt in game... then why not (like, no body can heal your source if you are wearing a gas mask or something).

#22 [en] 

"I quite enjoy digging and I'd prefer to invent a gas mask than enslave a permanent heal-homin,"

Most of the people use an alt for this (just look at the only concern people had when the F2P has been released...), if it can reduce the amount of alt in game... then why not (like, no body can heal your source if you are wearing a gas mask or something).

I dont think this will help reduce "dummy" alts. People will simply not use mask and continue using alts.

Btw, from last 3 calls for CP I found someone only once.... Sometimes I am thinking if it has any meaning to even ask and wait. Load alt is easier and faster and always available and instead of waiting i can dig.

#23 [en] 

You can also dig without alt, just say'in :)

#24 [en] 

Hmmm... Sentience is not human thinking (other than we are scientifically not aware of other sentient beings).
The very essence of sentience is taking advantage of abstract concepts to self protect, grow and prosper.

Maybe it is not gas masks that they invent, but some other spell that creates a strong wind, or a protective field, or a piece of jewelry that negates some part of the poison.

Either way, developing new concepts within Atys should be the goal.
After all, crafting, and creating things is currently the largest piece, isn't it?

Maybe rethinking how the software mechanics work is in order.

But, I digress.

Do homins have hands?
Do homins have noses?
Would it be instinctual for homins to cover their noses at bad smells?
Finally, from the lore perspective, are homins intellectually stunted?

That is, are the homins lack the intellectual capacity to come up with new things?


Let's not make homins idiots.

This is dangerous argumentation, because it can cover anything you can imagine OCC. Remember that homins are not humans and the "homin evolution in time" was not as same as humans'.

Ok, lets think in roleplay. Are homins thinking the way you (human) do? What are their goals and visions? Where are those inventors who should invent things? Is it you?

If anything, by all fights around I think its more possible that homins will invent new weapons more than gas masks :(

#25 [en] 

Nudge -- we know of *lots* of sentient species here on Earth, just not any as *intelligent* as we are (as far as we can tell). Sentience mostly consists of the awareness of "self" and "other". It is the lowest level of cognition. It moves up from there to simple problem solving, primitive communication, warning communication, recognition of specific "other" beings, etc. (not necessarily in that order).

Speaking OOC (of course) homins seem to be intelligent, but limited in their worldview. The Matis experiments with plants, for instance, or the Tryker's implementation of experiments to use Flyners for lift or make potions that do something besides go BOOM! (or to make things that deliberately go BOOM!) seem to be driven by cultural imperatives and expediency more than by careful and systematic analysis. It is also limited by the materials at hand.

My feeling is that the technology is at about the early medieval level (pre-Industrial Revolution). Medieval humans were no stupider than we are today, they were just limited by their worldview and available technology.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#26 [en] 

Actually, instead of enslaving, you could hire a healer. Most likely you have a pretty healthy income. In my youth, being hired was the only income I had - and the only way to learn the occupation.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Salazar (7 years ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Saturday, 28 September 15:00:30 UTC

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