
#35 Report | Quote[en] 

Yes, I would prefer a postponement, too. Yet, between Sep 24 and Sep 30, there is only the Thursday Sep 28 with a conflicting event. Must it be a whole week?


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#36 Report | Quote[fr] 

*lève la main*
oui pour ma part

+1 !


#37 Report | Quote[fr] 

pas de problème, un dimanche ou un autre me convient.


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#38 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Thanks for your answers. So the fyros event is moved to sunday, october 1st.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#39 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

We prefer to move the event again to next week (sunday 8th of october) because of the recent events.
With all our encouragements to Legions Fyros.



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#40 Report | Quote[en] 

As for "public transit", that was a metaphor, and boss hunts are nowhere near as obvious as mass transit.

Again, I can't imagine any one living in a civilized area not knowing that mass transit exists .... the 1st thing I do when traveling anywhere on busines is d/l all the mass transit maps to my phone app.  I don't know that [insert destination here] has mass transit, so I make it y business to find out.

Since this subject has come up, I have made occasional announcments in public chat channels at various hours between 8 am and 4 am EST.   "NPC Hunt Tomorrow ...  usual time ... if you need particulars send PM".  No PMs rec'd to date.

I think the issue in your instance is, unfortunately, not being on line during the hours it occurs.  Announcements are made in public chat channels with regularity in the hour leading up to each hunt.   So if ya not on to "see them" or the hours I listed above, it's likely because its outside the hours you play in which case is of no significance.

In any case, I think the issue has been addressed with the sticky.
And that's one of the reasons I don't use apps in game. They are all amateur, which means that they cannot be trusted inherently. Some may be trustworthy and some not, but one cannot assume that they are.

What source can ?   But I really don't understand the concern.  Also remember, much of the new game content (i.e. gear groups) has been supplied by volunteers (amateurs), in some cases the very same people who wrote apps.  They are certainly going to be as accurate as the source material.   So if we are going to say "Use BM Maps / Silenda Maps / Yubo Maps" or "use BM Craft Patterns" or "see the wiki" when all the app does is open a window IG to that exact same page, I'm not sure I understand how one can one be more or less reliable / accurate than the other.

As for Bunny Tools .... we do get the occassional note saying that a data point is in error.  The Mob Data Bunny Tool for example contains 1536 pieces of data.  In the 12 years we have been using it, 2 corrections have been made.  That's 99.9% accurate as of 2005 and improved since then.  The exe mats tool has 11,280 data points, each one was verified by 2 peeps before being recorded in the tool.  The season availability is the same as BM site, so one is no more valid than the other, the time and weather data was done by homins who are fallible and so far 2 instamces of errors have been reported, now fixed.   So far we stand at 99.99% since release.

The OP Registry just looks at the game code and pulls it out .. there is a delay from when the 2nd battle ends and the chnage occurs but I don't understand the mechanism responsible.  The occupation tools are just based upon the system clock.  You push a button, and it inserts the known cooldown time.  I use one of the mats calculators every day, since release i think only fix has been a mat name was mislabeled.

The mat data we all relied on when using bubblegumcrisis site or Kipeecraft, is the same data found in Molly's Materials and Recipies.  They do not always give exact same answers but they vary by tenths of a % point as the new IG stuff has improved claculation methods and, if I understoof Arc corectly, is therefore more accurate / relaible and faster than the older tool.

Now in the RyGReg and the Fame Traker Tool case, this is an excellent work which is "in progress" as noted by the Versioin No. being less than 1.0 (0.7 and "0.4).  It's a beta.  There are folks who are comfy using Beta's and those who are not.  I'm in the first group.   I was one of those who participated in each of Ryzom's betas including FBT.  Many of my best Ryzom experiences where discovering and working to fix the early bugs and trying to help find the cause of current ones.

I use "World Clock" and to date, I haven't found it to give me the wrong time.  It's icon is less than an inch from Windows System time on screen so i can see both at the same time if i choose to do so.  Same info as here:


In short, the point I wanna make is ... the IG Tools, at least the ones Im using fall into 3 major categories

a)  Web Viewers - If the web sites everyone relies are are deemed accurate enough to use, then the tools which allow you to view those same web sites in game shouldn't be any different.  BM App, RyzomBosses just open a window into a web page.  With the same data being viewed from the same source, accuracy / reliability is identical.

b)  File readers - Zyroom remote reads the guild and apartment inventories for you by reading a file (string_client.pack) on your HD.  If Zyroom is accurate, then anything that views the same file IG should also be accurate.  Of course that file doesnt get updated until after you exit game but when viewing inventories for craft needs, I really don't worry about what got added in the last 75 minutes since I logged in.  99 time soutta 100 its gona save me a walk back to GH / Apartment to check.

c)  API Readers - Probably a misnomer but best i could come up with.  The more tricky ones are the ones that pull directly from data stored, I assume,  on server elsewhere which can ve viewed from the API.  I would guess that this is what Moniq is doing at least in part and, given the beta status, I'm reasonably confident that she will get these working in the officially released version or that any unreliable features will be removed.  Yes, at present, all features may not be 100% reliable but its better than nothing.... that's why it's "in beta".

The error we spoke of tho is a lot like how deposit tracking works.  It is working as intended but the descrition of the function is less than accurate.  RyGReg I think suspect may be recording "When you last used one of Moniq's apps" rather then when you were "last seen" in game.,

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (7 years ago)


#41 Report | Quote[en] 

And that's one of the reasons I don't use apps in game. They are all amateur, which means that they cannot be trusted inherently. Some may be trustworthy and some not, but one cannot assume that they are.

I would call them 3rd party apps. Not officially part of the game, made by anyone who can create a webpage.

In contrast the official webapps (hosted at https://app.ryzom.com like this forum for example) are developed alongside the game and closed source to my knowledge.

Trusting these apps or rather the people behind them is a decision every player has to make. Apps which need an additional API key to work are even more sensitive.

I know most of the app developers and I would rather have a few players skip on them for any reason then no web apps at all. I think they can enhance your game esp. with the slow development of the commercial ryzom game.


Last edited by Arcueid (7 years ago)


#42 Report | Quote[en] 

Add to my wish list, a way to mark (yay, eh, nay) posts so that I didn't have to make a reply like this and take up space when I appreciate a post.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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