
#1 [es] 

tell me what's good today? why should i pick ryzom? how many times a month do you update the game? how many maintenance does the server get?

#2 [en] 

Tell me, what do you expect of the game?

#3 [es] 

Why should I tell you? Look at it, like it, or leave it.

You know, Ryzom gives no cookies ..


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#4 [en] 

Ryzom has no orc or elves. It's unique setting is a big selling point imho. This and the game mechanics for the different main skills.


Last edited by Arcueid (7 years ago)


#5 [de] 

einfach alles ist gut heute :)

weil Ryzom uneingenommen immer noch die besten Inhalte hat wie zb. eins der besten Craft Systheme die es gibt.

es wird so oft aktualisiert wie es sein muss, mehr braucht es doch nicht ^^

der Server wird jeden Abend, bevor ich ins bett gehe von mir gestreichelt und zugedeckt, damit er nicht friert (einfriert) und / oder einen Schluckauf bekommt :))


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#6 [es] 

Astarth makes a valid point:- as a new player why would you pick Ryzom? It is a question we must all consider from time to time.  Not many new players would be concerned with new content or the health of the server, but these things must also be considered.

New players = more money for the game = more content + development = game is more attractive to new players

Its a circular argument.  Or a vicious circle.  Or a chicken and egg question.

One recent development which has benefitted the game is the adjustment to payment options, enabling ex-players to return more easily, thus boosting game population and revenue.  If this can be maintained, it provides a short circuit to the above equation.  An additional revenue stream from ex players means we are not so dependent on a constant influx of new players to grow the game.  This breaks the vicious circle.  

We all know what makes Ryzom great but we also know that Ryzom is not for everyone.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#7 [es] 

++ Arfur ^^


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:08:27 UTC

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