
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Posters have been plastered all over Atys:
Homins from all of Atys,

Come and participate in various challenges of the 2594 Atys
Games from 2h - Quinteth, Nivia 5, 3rd AC 2594 to 2h - Tria, Fallenor 15, 4th AC 2594 included! (*)
– "Party time" on Silan.
– Mektoub race in Zora.
– Marathon between Yrkanis and Pyr.
– Triathlon near Windermeer (OP Windermeer Farm).
– Tournament.
– Team game: "Yubo Ball!" How many yubos will you collect? The contest will take place on Sunday, september 10th at 19:00 UTC (21:00 CEST) near Sirgio’s Camp (Tylini Gate) in the Hidden Source.
– Team game: "Light the fire!" Will you light the campfire more often than the opposing team? Come to the Matis Arena every day from 7:00 pm UTC (21:00 CEST) and register with P'tit Bill.

OOC (*) From Sunday, 3 September 2017 19:00:00 UTC (7 years ago) to Sunday, 17 September 2017 19:00:00 UTC (7 years ago) included.

Edited 13 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Mektoub race rules:
You have to ride on a Mektoub through this game. No teleporting. On the route are Checkpoints in shape of a torch. They have to be visited in the correct sequence. If you miss one, there will be a Note on the next one you get. You are not allowed to use any Speedbuffs . You are allowed to use protecting Buffs like invulnerable.


P'tit Bill
Level-Design Team Manager [FR]

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
“Party time” on Silan
The homins living in this region can have fun helping the Ranger Intendant, Yí Shì-Dàshì, (in front of Chiang the Strong) to prepare the festivities. A fine beer and cooked rendor … What a delight!

Will you bring back enough rendor meat to the camp’s cook?


P'tit Bill
Level-Design Team Manager [FR]

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español
Marathon rules:
You have to travel on foot through this game. No teleporting. On the route are Checkpoints in shape of a torch, that have to be gotten in the correct sequence. If you miss one, there will be a Note on the next one you get. You are not allowed to use any Speed buffs. You are allowed to use protecting Buffs like invulnerability.


P'tit Bill
Level-Design Team Manager [FR]

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español
Triathlon rules:
This game consists of 3 stages: A, B and C.
On each stage there are NPC arbitrators as Checkpoints. They have a capital letter of the stage in their Name and are serially numbered. They have to be gotten in the correct sequence. If you bypass or miss one, there will be an advisory note on the next one you reach. No teleporting. You are not allowed to use any Speedbuffs (like eggs). You are allowed to use protecting Buffs like invulnerability.

Stage A: You have to ride on a Mektoub through this one and, yes, it’s ok if your Mektoub has to swim.

Stage B: You have to swim through this one.

Stage C: You must run through this one.

At the end of stage C you will find a board next to the NPC that will show you the total time.


P'tit Bill
Level-Design Team Manager [FR]

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | English | Deutsch | [Español]
Reglas de Enciende la Hoguera:
2 equipos de jugadores.
Los jugadores deben ir al equipo contrario y encender su hoguera (sin moverse durante 25 segundos).
Cuando el fuego esté encendido, apaga el fuego del equipo contrario si estaba encendido.
2 temporizadores, uno por equipo.
Los jugadores deben proteger al que enciende la hoguera y prevenir enciendan la suya.

El juego se juega en 3 rondas, cosa que se puede apreciar al apagarse las antorchas alrededor del campo.

* Posible elementos parasitarios podrían aparecer durante el juego.


P'tit Bill
Level-Design Team Manager [FR]

#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Yuboball rules
In Yuboball, two teams will try to score goals on a yuboball field.
The ball is a Yubo that will be placed in the middle of the field. The Yubo won't move on its own until the start. The players are only allowed to move the Yubo by taunting him. It is not allowed to kill the Yubo, to move him with help of the fear spell or to use any ability on him other than taunt.
The players try to pull the Yubo into the goal of the other team by using Taunt.
the trick is to get the attention of the Yubo and to drag it into the direction of the other team's goal as long as it is attacking you. Other players will taunt it away from you, so you have to be fast - but not too fast or you will lose its attention!

Each team will consist of 3 to 4 players (depending on total number of homins attending this contest) and each team match will take a minimum of 10 minutes with a change of sides after 5 minutes. If there are only a few teams, this time may be increased.
Depending on the number of teams there will be either a league system or just play-offs.
The event team will provide simple shirts for the characters to wear. Feel free to give your team a funny or impressive name!

The Yuboball contest will take place next to Sirgio's camp (Tylini Gate on the map) in Hidden Source. This location can be reached easily from the Kami or Karavan teleporter in Hidden Source, the portal from the Thesos region or the Marauder's camp.


P'tit Bill
Level-Design Team Manager [FR]

#8 [fr] 

Pour le triathlon, le départ est à la ferme de windermeer.

Pour la course A, à dos de monture , voici le plan

Pour la course B, nage, voici le plan

Pour la course C, à pied, voici le plan

Bonne course à tous, et surtout à moi, koi? ze veux des cadeaux moi *fait la moue*


FB: Eleanide Ryzom

#9 [fr] 

any special prizes? weapons, items, potions?

any novelty prize to be expected? (btw still the same events thought by Suboxide years ago with minor alterations)

#10 [fr] 

Merci aux anim de continuer à faire les events hrp pour que certains, comme moi, les découvrent après une longue absence et pour que d'autres puissent les refaire, comme Misugi.
Merci aux anim de nous donner de leur temps pour que ses events perdurent.


FB: Eleanide Ryzom

#11 [fr] 

OOC Events are fun, keep it up.

#12 [fr] 

Maybe these ones are within an IC context, but still... Well done.

#13 [fr] 

En voyant la matis devant Pyr, sa main se porte instantanément sur la paume de sa hachette. Ils ont osé. Ces enflures ont osé mettre un sale orskos en faction devant la porte de cerakos, là où fut brûlé l'ancien sharükos et grand-père de Lykos. Il ne peut pas laisser passer ça. Déjà qu'il ne supporte pas ces jeux qui fleurent bon l'entente entre les peuples, lui qui ne supporte pas certains de son propre peuple. Non, là, c'est trop.
Il rédige sous le coup de la colère une lettre qu'il envoie aux responsables de ces jeux.
"Message à l'intention des responsables des jeux d'atys"
oren pyr

Nous subissons depuis quelques temps des attaques répétées de la part des matis sur des patriotes fyros, la karavan a détenu pendant plusieurs jours un ancien celiakos, et il y a quelques temps, nous avons perdu l'un des celiakos les plus important de Pyr et un grand guerrier peu de temps après dans des circonstances troubles.
Aussi, la présence d'un matis en tenue de karavan devant la porte de cerakos à Pyr est un affront à tous les patriotes de notre sharük. En tant que représentant de sharükos choisi par les patriotes de Thesos, je vous fais part de notre indignation et vous prie de changer l'animateur de votre course de mektoub pour le remplacer par un fyros de sève, ou tout du moins, un homin qui ne soit pas de sève matis.


Azazor, akenak de Thesos.

(ps HRP: enflures ne s'adresse bien sûr pas aux anim de l'event, c'est purement RP ;) )

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Fyrenor (7 years ago)


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#14 [en] 


by next event you become a fluffy bodoc ^^ i hope for you :)))


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#15 [fr] 

oh je n'avais pas vu mais dis moi Azaz ta jolie matisse elle a une superbe tenue :) je ladoree je la veux .
Bon par contre c'est une kara sans casque? Donc on découvre que les gardes kara sont bien des homins
heureusement que cette fois cet event est hrp
merci encore pour cet event et les cadeaux dont cette jolie tenue kara , nha ? erf dommage :(


FB: Eleanide Ryzom
Last visit Wednesday, 27 November 21:29:19 UTC

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