
#16 Report | Quote[en] 

theres too little difference between being low lvl (1-125) and being higher (126-250), a great incentive to get people to pay would have been the 125 skills (fire,shockwave,poison, electricity spells) if you would limit f2p too 120 or even 100

want to specialize in a weapon? pay for 100+ weapon skill tree
want cool fire spell? pay for 100+ unlock

those think would be an incentive to pay, atm the only thing that is alluring is the storage, everything else is the same except an higher number on you item icons.

mayb even limit the higher quality item looks to pay2play.

want a axe on fire? sub, want a waving dagger? sub.


#17 Report | Quote[en] 

theres too little difference between being low lvl (1-125) and being higher (126-250), a great incentive to get people to pay would have been the 125 skills (fire,shockwave,poison, electricity spells) if you would limit f2p too 120 or even 100

want to specialize in a weapon? pay for 100+ weapon skill tree
want cool fire spell? pay for 100+ unlock

those think would be an incentive to pay, atm the only thing that is alluring is the storage, everything else is the same except an higher number on you item icons.

mayb even limit the higher quality item looks to pay2play.

want a axe on fire? sub, want a waving dagger? sub.


#18 Report | Quote[en] 

theres too little difference between being low lvl (1-125) and being higher (126-250), a great incentive to get people to pay would have been the 125 skills (fire,shockwave,poison, electricity spells) if you would limit f2p too 120 or even 100

want to specialize in a weapon? pay for 100+ weapon skill tree
want cool fire spell? pay for 100+ unlock

those think would be an incentive to pay, atm the only thing that is alluring is the storage, everything else is the same except an higher number on you item icons.

mayb even limit the higher quality item looks to pay2play.

Want a axe on fire? sub, want a waving dagger? sub.

A lot of good things here !!!!

#19 Report | Quote[en] 

theres too little difference between being low lvl (1-125) and being higher (126-250), a great incentive to get people to pay would have been the 125 skills (fire,shockwave,poison, electricity spells) if you would limit f2p too 120 or even 100 (...)

It hurts because I used to enjoy exactly these things as f2p, but it is the truth. I can enjoy pretty much every aspect as f2p with the current limit. Limit to 100 for the first double missile or even down to 50 for the bomb / spray / rico as first effects would have an even greater impact. This combined with equipment restrictions sounds ALOT more reasonable then crippeling someones forage to 150 with a f2p helping.

Definitely +1!



#20 Report | Quote[en] 

First you want to not limit content, but now you're in favor of it? what now? do you want 250 skills or all skills limited to 50?
That is not the problem in my opinion, the difference is big enough to be incentive to sub.

For the recoding: Ryzom Coire took an estimated 647 years of effort according to OpenHub. That's not nothing, and definitely not affordable for Ryzom at it's current state, nor in the near future.

For adding jumping, it's not really easy, and in my opinion not needed, we're very well without jumping. Discussion is it hard to add jump to Ryzom

I agree that it's great work, only thing i don't like is the nerf to f2p cp'ing, that will probably drive more people away than it makes sub and won't help for anything.


#21 Report | Quote[fr] 

Le staff payé malheureusement ça fait pas toujours du meilleur taff...
Si l'embauche est faite n'importe comment c'est certain, mais je suis confiant dans la capacité de la team actuellement en place pour faire ça comme il faut.

Si le fric ne fait pas tout, embaucher des gens à plein temps permettrait d'avancer sur certaine chose qui réclame ce dont la plupart des bénévoles manque; Du temps.

Donc il faut faire la part des choses.

Moi je serais ravi de savoir que d'avoir acheter un tatouage ou prit une extension de stockage pour mon appart ou pour ma guild, permette de payer ceux qui ont des compétences pour améliorer le jeu et peut être créer des embauches de personnes.
Par contre dégoûter ces même bénévoles d'un des rares endroit sans ces horreurs ça n'aiderai pas nécessairement non plus.
Là, je vois pas de quoi tu veux parler.
Quand au contenu supplémentaires du travail est également fait de sorte a permettre l'utilisation d'outils libre et gratuit (et puissant) et non plus réserver a deux trois personnes dans des condition pas forcement a la porter de toutes les bonnes volonté.
Je sais et c'est une très bonne chose c'est certain que Blender est plus accessible en terme de prix, pour réaliser des objets ça change pas grand chose, il faut être intéressé et y passé beaucoup de temps!


#22 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Further to your feedbacks, we are thinking to modify the new gameplay for care plannings.

We thank you for all your feedbacks, they help us to better adjust our additions and modifications.

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#23 Report | Quote[en] 

First you want to not limit content, but now you're in favor of it? what now? do you want 250 skills or all skills limited to 50?
That is not the problem in my opinion, the difference is big enough to be incentive to sub.

For adding jumping, it's not really easy, and in my opinion not needed, we're very well without jumping. Discussion is it hard to add jump to Ryzom

I think a lot of good things are thrown out there that we can compromise on. Remember this is all about collaboration and compromise, but I do not like limiting content that does not allow you to play the full game. Spells could be either way...types of weapons...meh...the waving and lightning and such...ya.

Jumping is a habit for most people in other games and its a BIG turn off for people when they try to play Ryzom. I know all about the discussions about adding jumping to Ryzom and I also know people that simply do not play the game because of it. If I did not already love Ryzom because it was the first big MMO I played I would not have continued playing it when I came back after quitting because I played other games where I could jump and it was very weird to not be able to jump in Ryzom. I knew I loved the game though and that I would get over not being able to jump and I did, other people do not make it that far. Can't jump=uninstall.

#24 Report | Quote[en] 

Siela's comments about jumping are completely the opposite to my own. Ryzom was not my first, nor my second MMO but I have stayed with it for considerably longer than any other MMO I have tried.

The one thing which I found nauseating, within the first hour of my WoW experience, was the persistent bunny-hopping everywhere, without reason. Clearly everyone found it either enjoyable or funny to do this. It was one of the things, along with the boring, repetitive nature of training at every level, which made me decide, at level 60, that I had seen enough and I left, never to return.

It was so refreshing to come into the world of this crazy rootball and find that no-one was jumping around. I was even happier when I discovered that one could not jump.

I have wondered many times since, whether anyone else felt the same way about jumping as I did, or whether everyone else would, in fact, simply uninstall if they discovered one could not jump.

#25 Report | Quote[en] 

I would only accept the addition of jumping to the game if the same modification was made for all aggro mobs (i.e. change the AI so that mobs could jump barriers as well.  It's only fair.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#26 Report | Quote[en] 

modification was made for all aggro mobs ...mobs could jump barriers....
No! Oh please! No! Kitins jump attacking you from above? Whaa!


#27 Report | Quote[en] 

I know this is late, but I will add to the list of people saying the modification to careplanning should be reversed :)

Someone fresh off Silan with level 20 harvest skill could be level 50 in a few hours of digging with a master. This is my favorite go-to method to powerlevel guild members (and not only) -- instead of letting them get frustrated with their puny prospection skills.


#28 Report | Quote[en] 

I know this is late, but I will add to the list of people saying the modification to careplanning should be reversed :)

Someone fresh off Silan with level 20 harvest skill could be level 50 in a few hours of digging with a master. This is my favorite go-to method to powerlevel guild members (and not only) -- instead of letting them get frustrated with their puny prospection skills.

lets be honest here, only subbed players use a freemium alt for careplanning, lets us not be disillusioned and claim that theres hordes of independant freemium players going around helping subbed players.
be truthful and just say outright that you want to the change reversed because it affects personal interests of the subbed players. (myself included no offence)

the powerleveling of 'real' freemiums isn't effected much by pre-150, they will still get a load of xp at the q150cap for the main digger. if you powerlevel them to the freemium cap, whats there to do for them? stop playing or pay? imo thats hurting the freemiums. if they cant even level to 125 without being handheld what they gunna do when they sub?

tho whether reversing it is a good thing for the livespan of ryzom or not, i'd say yes it is, that change doesn't effect freemiums at all, what? worried freemiums help a subbed and get 50% of the q250 mats with which they cant do much cept degrade crafting or waste the quality potential?

im all for reversing it, i already find foraging dreadfully boring and takes longer to level then other skills even WITH a careplanning alt, with this change im never going to forage ever again.
And certainly not going to sub an alt solely for careplanning while said alt can still heal just fine without.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Magez (8 years ago)


#29 Report | Quote[en] 

I consider that statement polemic, untruthful and close to a violation of forum rules. Of course there may be some who deeply dislike the loss or uselessnesss of their f2p helper account and don't speak out, but it is not up to you to judge upon whether or not the criticism is "honest".

I usually prefer to dig together with my fully subbed second account, but am not against accepting a lower level digger for CP (and, of course, prospection). During such interactions I like to tell those players about tricks how to dig effectively, which stanzas to acquire first etc. if such conversation is appreciated (most time it is).

I frequently read in uni that higher level diggers were asking for CPers. That won't be possible anymore with the recent change. As I experienced on uni, CP applications were serviced faster than calls for CPers. Not few of those accepting a real player CPer let their f2p alt pause during such activies.

Beneath all that, frustrating the subbed players, even those who resent the nerfing of their f2p alts, is a bad and wrong move. We cannot afford to lose active players.

And your other arguments aren't overly conclusive. A low level CPer, even a lvl 30-40 or so, so far was well able to provide sufficient ground stability in most cases, and so was a possible partner even for high level diggers, much more after crossing the lvl50 or 70. This is the most boring part of a digging career where solo diggers retrieve few mat and proceed slowly. So the "powerleveling" of "real" (I assume, non-alt is meant) freemiums is very much affected as they are losing partners. There are more active diggers in the 200-250 range than below.

Btw., why should it worry a f2p to receive mats of higher quality? That does not follow at all, they can do everything with those mats no less than with mats of their own level, even more, they may try to sell them to other players at a, say 2000% rate, which is 880 dapper/mat at q250 as compared to 40 dap/mat for q50 stuff. Btw, "degrade crafting" aka overcrafting is great for craft skill leveling.

But it is obvious that diggers able to harvest >q150 mat will not accept receiving q150 at maximum. It would not give any xp for any team member (or 5 or 9 xp or so) beyond digging lvl 170 of the subbed digger.

Btw you seem to have fairly low experience in foraging except you are one of the consistent digging haters (I accept that attitude, of course). Digging is exhausting between lvl 21 (where you get through Silan missions) and lvl 75 ca., there is not much yield and there are few stanzas to fine tune harvesting. Afterwards, many, including me, get addicted to digging. Though I have mastered all ecos, I am out to harvest regularly for several purposes. So do many other harvesting masters, and so far they liked to accept lower level CPers.

Last edited by Daomei (8 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#30 Report | Quote[en] 

@ Mages:

Actually, you're wrong.

I'm dead bored of digging already. Haven't dug a decent amount of mats in months. And I don't plan to touch digging just for the sake of leveling my craft, it feels like wasted time with each bag of materials.

But, what I *have* done is exactly what I said: pick up a guildie or a random person whose level is 10+, brought them to careplan my nodes, and do it until they're level 45-55. That is purpose enough to make me dig a bit. However, if taking a careplanner means digging q150 mats.. those are pointless to me.

Just my take on things.


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