
#53 [fr] 

The wheel

One day, at the bend in Thesos, Elea was approached by a tryker:
"Hey Elea! Have you seen the new wheel?
- Ah yes, the wheel...I still remember the day the company of the wealthy gubani set up shop in every capital. After a few months, some people were hooked. A shocking article entitled "Wheel of Fortune: drug or scam?" even appeared in PlayHomin 2 when the wheel was created in 2537.
- Oh really? the wheel is such an old scam?
- I never won my yubo. Fortunately, one of my protégés, Makita, offered me my Bipbip yubo.
- Hannn Bipbip the dirt that bites or pees on your calves? How old is this mutt?
- And yes, Bipbip has been keeping me company for ages. Have you heard anything about this wheel?
- Yeah, the company did a check on the old trykers who were holding the wheel. You'll see what they found...and all the winning lots were in their apartments...
- Han, when I said they were hustlers
- As a result, they were fired and sent into exile to tame and care for new jungle perched mounts. I've heard of gubani.
- Waouh cool, I love the little squeaks of the gubanis, so cute. Ah, that reminds me of when we used to talk about mounts.

- So who turns the wheels?
- Well, they had to change all the wheels so that the new gubanis tryker dealers couldn't cheat. And they added new winning prizes to make up for it.
- Ah, that's nice...I hope they put my hat on, I miss it...
- Bah there are wigs, farts, furniture for the apartment....
- Ohhhh well I'll go and have a chat with the new tryker, maybe I'll manage to bribe him with my tokens
- Ah sorry the chips have changed
- What? Are my chips ruined?
- But no, there are new tokens with different values, but you can exchange your old ones for new ones.
- Phew
- Yes, and you can bet one or 5 chips per spin. That way, you increase your chances of winning.
- Okay, I'll hold. Well, I'm off to see it. See you soon.
- Good luck Elea."

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Eleanide (4 months ago)


FB: Eleanide Ryzom

#54 [fr] 

Le camp maraudeur

Eleanide entendit une rumeur, selon laquelle, le camp maraudeur avait ouvert ses portes à tous tant qu’il venait en paix. Sa Sève ne fit qu’un tour, aussitôt elle sorti sa vieille monture Kalista et se mit en route pour le camp. Trop contente d’aller revoir ses jeunes gardiens, elle en oublia nourriture mais n’oublia pas sa shooki.
Elle arriva devant le camp, descendit de Kalista qui se souvenait bien de ce camp où elle n’avait rien a brouter, à part du fourrage sec, elle recula même de 2 ou 3 pattes. Mais, fidèle, elle suivit Elea.

"Bankun la couturière, tu es de retour ?" dit un garde de l’entrée du camp en la s’inclinant.

Elea resta dubitative devant le jeune homin, ne le reconnaissant pas.

"Bah tu ne me reconnais pas ?"

Le garde s’approchant d’elle et tendit la main comme s’il voulait attraper sa jupe.
Elea surprise, fit un pas en arrière par réflexe et … soudain, l’homin souriant, reconnu les fossettes du jeune homin. C’était lui, le petit qui venait tout le temps contre elle pour écouter ses histoires.

"Oh ! C’est toi, Doyffy ? que tu as grandi *air étonnée* Je me souviens encore quand tu t’endormais posant ta tête sur mes genoux au feu de camp et que ton père venait te porter pour te coucher. Ralala que le temps a filé vite.
- Alors tu reviens parmi nous ? Tu viens nous raconter de nouvelle histoire ? Hey dis, tu as apporté ta fameuse shooki et tes caramels ? "

Eleanide voyant l’impatience du jeune homin, rit

"J’ai appris que vous aviez ouvert les portes à tous tant qu’on laissait nos armes à l’entrée
- Ouais t’as vu ça ? c’est cool hein. Le nouveau chef, il allait aussi à tes feux de camps. Un jour il a rameuté tout le camp et a dit que ce serait bien qu’on s’ouvre davantage pour recruter
- Ah c’est une bonne nouvelle. J’avais eu du mal à m’intégrer parmi les guerriers à l’époque"

Un autre garde passant par là, s’arrêta net.

"Hey Elea ! Tu reviens pour nous faire ton yubo la moutarde ou pour te faire botter le popotin ?
- Barhund Starni
- Grr tu ne sauras toujours pas parler normalement; banrund c’est au revoir
- Oups que veux tu on e se refait pas *sourit* Non je viens vous rendre visite vu que vous avez ouvert le camp à tous . Et désolé je n’ai pas pris mes gamelles mais j’ai de la shooki "
*lui en tendant une bouteille*
" Ah cool *l’ouvrant aussitôt et en buvant comme s’il était en manque* Cette bonne vieille shooki .. de Thesos je suis sûr *lui donnant un coup de coude amical* Alors toi et Pecus zetes ensemble ?
- Ralala que ton imagination est toujours aussi débordante. Pecus est comme un frère voyons…et il a enfin trouvé une homine qui veuille de lui
- Ah bonne nouvelle. Et toi ?"

Eleanide changeant de sujet, rétorqua

"J’ai appris que beaucoup de guerriers sont partis par les racines explorer d’autres Ecorces et ne sont pas encore revenus. C’est dommage que certains soient partis, ils se seraient éclatés sur les avant-postes. Ces temps-ci les Kara et Kami s’affrontent d’arrache pieds" *frotte son popotin, la douleur de l’OP de la veille se faisant encore sentir*
"Qu’est ce qu’il y a Elea, tu te sens rouillée ? Tu as perdue l’habitude d’être rouée de coup ?
- Oui certainement, je laissais cette tâche à d’autres mais mes amplis maga m’appelaient
- Ah au fait j’ai appris que tu as ouvert l’élection Miss Mister Atys. On peut y participer ?
- Oui c’est ouvert à tous tant que les armes sont laissées dans le sac
- Tu seras juge ou candidate ? Je vote pour toi si tu l’es
- Rah vieu filou, tu ne changes pas. Il y a assez d’homine et des plus jeunes
- Mais t’es pas vieille twa, t’es Eleanide, la pioche, tu n’peux pas vieillir…c’est comme l’autre-là *cherche le nom* la grande bleue qui fonce toujours
- Ah Momie euh… pardon Ashuleila
- Mouais c’est ça, je la guette parfois quand elle passe et bah elle court toujours aussi vite. Au fait c’est quand l’élection que j’aille reluquer les jeunettes ?
- C’est bientôt pour dans un cycle
(dimanche 11/06 à 20h30 FR = 18h30 GMT). L'élection aura lieu en bas du bar de Thesos. N’hésite pas à venir avec d’autres. Pecus nous a réservé de la shooki *sourit en voyant l’homin révassé*

Elea passa l’après-midi avec ss anciens compagnons du camp puis ramena Kalista à Thesos


FB: Eleanide Ryzom

#55 [fr] 

But who is Bipbip?

On a rainy morning, a young yubo was born, leaving his mother to die. His father? Well, like all males, he had abandoned his female. The little one grew up among the group of yubos with the surrogate mothers. Surprisingly, he sensed that he was different: he sought the company of the hominin.

Homins amused him. And just as well, the homins were always trying to get closer to him. And he? to lure them in, pretended to follow them, even let himself be stroked. No sooner had they turned their backs than he was peeing on their ugly dresses. And as he was being chased, he would hide under the homines' dresses. The homins, trying to catch him, would often get a good slap from the homine. But, as his whiskers tickled the homines' legs, they would scream and jump, almost stepping on him. As a result, he'd bite their calves and run off.

In winter, when he saw a female by the fire, he would hide in a bush. When night fell, he'd approach, casting a huge shadow that would scare off any female. If the hominin wasn't afraid, he'd snuggle up to her for the night. In the morning, he'd put a nice turd in her boots to keep her feet warm and pee on her bag to keep the insects away. Then he went back under the comforter. But in the morning, the homine, putting on a boot, screamed and threw the 2nd boot at the yubo, who ran to hide in a bush. No sooner had the homine risen than gingos swooped down on her bag, nibbling at it and devouring her supplies in the process.

The yubo grew up to be the terror of his group of yubos. Until the day he found a hominin who protected him from homins who got too close to her, swinging a pickaxe at them, and who didn't scream when he tickled her calves. She even gave him scratches, toffees and warmth on chilly nights. The first time she stepped into his gift-filled boot, she laughed. And she killed the gingos charging at her bag. Then she caught up with the yubo and told him not to do that.

Since then, the yubo has strutted proudly alongside this homine. To thank her, well, he continues to pee on the dresses of homines and bites the calves of homins who get too close. As time went by, Bipbip remained faithful to Eleanide; despite his arthritic condition, he followed her as best he could. She, seeing him waddle with difficulty, carried him more and more.

Last edited by Eleanide (1 year ago)


FB: Eleanide Ryzom
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