Technical Support


#31 [en] 

Dacurly --
  It is working, the information in the xml file shows that.  (By the way, all the other items have default locations, so they don't need a "slot=..." variable)
When I /createGroup Armor It says <notExist:cmdCreateGroupSuccess1>

What it is doing instead of showing you the value of the variable "cmdCreateGroupSuccess1", which it would normally do, is showing you that the variable "cmdCreateGroupSuccess1" is not defined, even in English.

I expect that what the variable should look like is a text string: {Group %1 has been created.}, where %1 represents the name you gave it.

In other words the translation group has not only not been given the translations to do, the variables have not even been set up to be translated yet.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#32 [fr] 

Yes I did read that. I posted the file so FyrosFreddy could look at it. I have the English client, so anyone with that client can't use it, I guess. I didn't see anywhere what client it worked with or didn't.

Windows 10 / Native wuda been fine :)


#33 [en] 


In other words the translation group has not only not been given the translations to do, the variables have not even been set up to be translated yet.

Everything is setup since 3 months to be translated.
The problem is those new strings hasn't been included (and possibly, also not yet translated) in the client data, so the translations system show a <NotExists:...> (it's the same for right click > copy/open link in chat btw)


#34 [en] 

Umm... that's what I would mean by "set up" -- included in the client.

I understand what you are saying, and am now a little clearer on what you mean.

My main point was, and I think you'll agree, that despite the error message, the group is being set up and could be used.


P.S. -- I am mildly pleased to see that I predicted reasonably well the value of the variable.
+cmdCreateGroupSuccess1 [Group %name successfully created.]

Last edited by Bitttymacod (8 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#35 Multilingual 

using a french linux, it worked D
the "NotExist:uimGroup" is not cute, but the feature is very nice - thanks soooo much ;)

sous linux en francais, ca marche D
le "NotExist:uimGroup" n'est pas tres joli, mais la fonctionalité est super - super merci :)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#36 [fr] 

Patch fixed most of this for me, still not loading weapon that is in the group I create. At least all the Armor is loading now, makes /naked and reloading armor much better.

#37 [en] 

Patch fixed most of this for me, still not loading weapon that is in the group I create. At least all the Armor is loading now, makes /naked and reloading armor much better.

I'm aware of this, the fix will be available in next client patch I think.

In the mean time, you can open your groups_*.xml file, find the bad group, and remove the line containing a slot="HandL", this will solve the issue.

Last edited by Lopyrech (8 years ago)


#38 [fr] 

There is no "HandsL" in the xml file, there is a "HandL" in the file and I deleted it and it works now. I see a "Hands" also in there, could this be the issue? I'm by no means a programmer, Just something I noticed. Since "Hands" (meaning both I am thinking)
has 1 hand empty, it loads both as empty or saves both "HandL" and 'HandR" as empty? IDK, just making guesses here.

#39 [en] 

There is no "HandsL" in the xml file, there is a "HandL" in the file and I deleted it and it works now. I see a "Hands" also in there, could this be the issue? I'm by no means a programmer, Just something I noticed. Since "Hands" (meaning both I am thinking)
has 1 hand empty, it loads both as empty or saves both "HandL" and 'HandR" as empty? IDK, just making guesses here.

Ooops yeah, typo on my part, it's HandL without a "s".
Hands actually means whatever is equipped in your armor hand slot, so it's for gloves (it can be a little confusing :P), no relation to this at all.


#40 [fr] 

Just tested it out with 3 more groups , with 2 weapons, no weapons and 1 with no Armor, just my Pick, all worked fine but the Pick group, it saved the group but did not reload as naked and a Pick (the way I made the group) I am thinking that's the way it should be :)

FYI,Here is what it saved for the just Pick Group.

<group name="Dig">
<item createTime="1498076845" serial="5199494" slot="HandL"/>
<item createTime="1498076845" serial="5199494" slot="HandR"/>

Another thing I noticed is that the xml file is NOT saved until you log out. I even waited for the in-game save to happen and the xml file did not change to show the new Group until I logged out.

Also I changed the xml file so it was not proper just to see what would happen, the game would not load. So be careful if you change it with a text editor.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Dacurly (8 years ago)

#41 [en] 

Another thing I noticed is that the xml file is NOT saved until you log out. I even waited for the in-game save to happen and the xml file did not change to show the new Group until I logged out.

It's the same with xml files for key and interface, they are saved only when log out.

If your client crash, then you lose all changes.


#42 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English
J'ai l'impression que la fonction ".true" a oublié le diadème, dans les slots à vider.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#43 [fr] 

J'ai l'impression que la fonction ".true" a oublié le diadème, dans les slots à vider.

Hum, tu es sûr ? je viens de créer un groupe quand je n'avais pas de diadème avec true, et ensuite il me rajoute bien un diadème dans les slots à vider


#44 [fr] 

Je reformule. J'ai créé un groupe "Craft", en .true, dans lequel je n'ai qu'une veste et un pantalon.
Quand j'ai une tenue complète (armure et bijoux, pour le forage par exemple), et que j'équipe ce groupe Craft, le diadème que j'avais précédemment reste équipé. J'ai regardé le fichier groups_krill.xml, pour le groupe Craft, et je n'ai pas de ligne

<remove slot="Headdress"/>

Je n'avais pas non plus laissé le diadème quand j'ai créé le groupe, car je n'ai pas de ligne du type

<item createTime="1457944880" serial="14593895" slot="Headdress"/>

C'est peut-être un problème ponctuel au moment de la création de mon groupe. Ou pas.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#45 [fr] 

Je reformule. J'ai créé un groupe "Craft", en .true, dans lequel je n'ai qu'une veste et un pantalon.
Quand j'ai une tenue complète (armure et bijoux, pour le forage par exemple), et que j'équipe ce groupe Craft, le diadème que j'avais précédemment reste équipé. J'ai regardé le fichier groups_krill.xml, pour le groupe Craft, et je n'ai pas de ligne

<remove slot="Headdress"/>

Je n'avais pas non plus laissé le diadème quand j'ai créé le groupe, car je n'ai pas de ligne du type

<item createTime="1457944880" serial="14593895" slot="Headdress"/>

C'est peut-être un problème ponctuel au moment de la création de mon groupe. Ou pas.

Trouvé & fixé, ça sera dans le prochain patch client :-P

@Dacurly : found the issue and fixed it, It'll be in next client patch

Last edited by Lopyrech (8 years ago)


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