#31 Added by Bitttymacod 8 years ago
When I /createGroup Armor It says <notExist:cmdCreateGroupSuccess1>
#32 Added by Fyrosfreddy 8 years ago
Yes I did read that. I posted the file so FyrosFreddy could look at it. I have the English client, so anyone with that client can't use it, I guess. I didn't see anywhere what client it worked with or didn't.
#33 Added by Lopyrech 8 years ago
In other words the translation group has not only not been given the translations to do, the variables have not even been set up to be translated yet.
#34 Added by Bitttymacod 8 years ago
Last edited by Bitttymacod (8 years ago)
#35 Added by Craftjenn 8 years ago
#36 Added by Dacurly 8 years ago
#37 Added by Lopyrech 8 years ago
Patch fixed most of this for me, still not loading weapon that is in the group I create. At least all the Armor is loading now, makes /naked and reloading armor much better.
Last edited by Lopyrech (8 years ago)
#38 Added by Dacurly 8 years ago
#39 Added by Lopyrech 8 years ago
There is no "HandsL" in the xml file, there is a "HandL" in the file and I deleted it and it works now. I see a "Hands" also in there, could this be the issue? I'm by no means a programmer, Just something I noticed. Since "Hands" (meaning both I am thinking)has 1 hand empty, it loads both as empty or saves both "HandL" and 'HandR" as empty? IDK, just making guesses here.
#40 Added by Dacurly 8 years ago
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Dacurly (8 years ago)
#41 Added by Ekoh 8 years ago
Another thing I noticed is that the xml file is NOT saved until you log out. I even waited for the in-game save to happen and the xml file did not change to show the new Group until I logged out.
#42 Added by Krill 8 years ago
#43 Added by Lopyrech 8 years ago
J'ai l'impression que la fonction ".true" a oublié le diadème, dans les slots à vider.
#44 Added by Krill 8 years ago
<remove slot="Headdress"/>
<item createTime="1457944880" serial="14593895" slot="Headdress"/>
#45 Added by Lopyrech 8 years ago
Je reformule. J'ai créé un groupe "Craft", en .true, dans lequel je n'ai qu'une veste et un pantalon.Quand j'ai une tenue complète (armure et bijoux, pour le forage par exemple), et que j'équipe ce groupe Craft, le diadème que j'avais précédemment reste équipé. J'ai regardé le fichier groups_krill.xml, pour le groupe Craft, et je n'ai pas de ligne <remove slot="Headdress"/> Je n'avais pas non plus laissé le diadème quand j'ai créé le groupe, car je n'ai pas de ligne du type <item createTime="1457944880" serial="14593895" slot="Headdress"/>C'est peut-être un problème ponctuel au moment de la création de mon groupe. Ou pas.
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