
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Español | Français
The Nobles, Subjects and Residents of the Kingdom received the following missive bearing the royal seal:
Noble, Subject, Resident:

Kellen Codgan, Royal Councilor, will depart from Yrkanis on 20h - Prima, Folially 13, 3rd AC 2592 (*) towards Avendale in order to join the wedding of his aunt Locian Wyler with the Kard‘al of Avendale, Denen Toen. He will be attending as a witness for Serae Wyler.

Your company is requested  to escort him during the journey and to ensure both the protection of his person and that of his mektoub, which carries the Royal presents for the couple.

Jena bless you,

Libi Freldo,
Royal Councilor

(*) [OOC] On Thursday, 30 March 2017 19:00:00 UTC (8 years ago) [/OOC]

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Maupas (8 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | Español | Français | [Deutsch]
Die Taliari, Bürger und Einwohner von Aeden Aqueous erhalten das folgende Sendschreiben, welches das Siegel der Föderation trägt:
Taliar, Bürger, Einwohner:

Nair-Kellen Codgan, der Neffe von Nair-Locian Wyler, wird am 20h - Prima, Folially 13, 3rd AC 2592 (*) von Yrkanis abreisen, um nach Avendale zu kommen, damit er an der Hochzeit seiner Tante mit dem Kard‘al Denen Toen teilnehmen kann.

Eure Begleitung ist erbeten, um ihn zu eskortieren, sobald er im Trykergebiet eintrifft.

Tryka, Meer, Sella!
 (*) [OOC] Am Thursday, 30 March 2017 19:00:00 UTC (8 years ago) [/OOC]

Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (8 years ago)

Last visit Sunday, 16 February 14:47:25 UTC

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