
#25 [en] 

I still stand by my proposal to shorten the length of wars, as per my first post in this thread, simply because said activity is plainly boring. This would solve Kimmerin's grief (time wasted defending) while at the same time would encourage more activity on lower level OPs in general.


#26 Multilingual 

Mjollren: I politely disagree. Outposts in 50-100 regions have the advantage of being reached easily from faction teleporters within a 1-3 minutes range. So, they may be guarded by one player (even a low level alt) alerting the defenders to come for rez and reinforcement (a wicked observer may even be a neutral alt). So the surveillance and defense of a 50-100 OP is easy, why nerfing the attack altogether?

Compare it to the defense of Loria Stronghold, Ginti, Westgrove etc. where I lived through the defense boredom repeatedly. Neither Kami or Kara could afford to withdraw their defense forces as redeployment would take 10-15 minutes at minimum (not to speak of redeploying artillery). Thus the situation was WWI style static, everybody staying inside the trenches.

Declaring war in 50-100 zones may be easier, but so is defense.

Famous proverbs:
"Die meiste Zeit des Lebens warted der Soldat vergebens" (Most of his lifetime the soldier is waiting in vain)
"War is boring"

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Daomei (8 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#27 [en] 

A note here: actually Daomei, redeploying a faction in a level 250 area takes about five minutes at most. Multiple battlefields have proven the only real obstacle was the discipline of the faction in movement.

@Mjollren: Shortening the length of an OP war would make attacking a high level OP from a faction stronger than yours even more unthinkable, because the 2 hours are actually essential to get things done unless your numbers are greater than those of the enemy.

Hey, Mjoll, you're from the biggest faction; we don't mind if you guys come a few people short because of boredom, you know? It may even out the odds a little bit!:D

Now I don't know yet how that last statement I said made you feel, but I assume it to be quite similar to what your recommendation made me feel (except for the part where you're explicitely named/targetted). Shorter battles means the sheer bulk of the troops is even more important to the outcome than it is at the moment. Last battle on Ginti, offence needed less than an hour to get their 10 rounds, while defending party took nearly an hour and a half. Numbers during phase 1 are a bit blurry in my head, although I'm pretty sure it looked like something like 45vs30, while on phase II the numbers looked like 20vs30. In both cases, people killing NPCs were more in numbers, however NPCs will be way easier to manage if you have a bigger bulk of troops. NPCs that are harder to manage means it takes longer to reach the same stage in the battle.

I've been leading battles for groups usually (not always, but usually) roughly 2 thirds of the size of their opponents; please don't make a wipe even more costly for a smaller faction!

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ingfarah (8 years ago)

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