Fucus gift?
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Dracoalt, Horra, Jahuu
4 (1)
Atys: Alrik, Arfur, Barukaa, Bazett, Bitttymacod, Bluaarbthi, Deamors, Dukenono, Gidget, Hwinoree, Jacp, Knoedelfee, Kovabon, Lamda, Liaiki, Loved, Mermaidia, Morset, Neela, Nerwane, Nokkuya, Sienn, Sinvaders, Suldrun, Vorazun, Wirroy, Xolok, Yubina, Yuboslaughter, Zendae, Zilon
31 (4)
Other 0
Abstain 2

#1 [en] 

I think that they should add a focus gift to others while they dig as an option for magic.

Last edited by Dracoalt (8 years ago)

#2 [en] 

My vote is a quite emphatic NO!

If there were a Focus Gift spell and the homin casting Focus Gift also careplans, all diggers would always pull all the mats out of every spot that gets popped with zero risk without having to use a single brain cell to think of how they need to set up their dig bar.

Ryzom is not a Skinner Box, nor do I want it to become one. I stay here for the depth and how much the game rewards learning. Take that away by making digging a simple "HHH and get all the mats!" and you take away some of Ryzom's appeal.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.


Topic moved.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 [en] 

Focus healing is something we all wish for from time to time. I am informed that very early on in beta testing it used to be possible.

Gidget's response is emotional, and I agree with it. More importantly, focus healing would seriously imbalance the game -- I suspect that's why it was removed.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 [en] 

More importantly, focus healing would seriously imbalance the game -- I suspect that's why it was removed.

Exactly what I think, it's pretty balanced as it is now.

There is focus self heal that gives up to 2600 focus every 6 min and if that has cool down, just sit down for 1-2 min, and/or use occupation products (Larvester) or eat a flower (OP).

(A bit off topic but, I still think the xp cap should be higher, I hit it so easily especially while digging in team.
It makes no sense then to improve the dig technique further, it makes digging boring for me.)

#6 [en] 

As a healer I would like to get the last bar full too =). There's the larvaes, but it needs exchange so it's not the same at all.

How about using larvae on somebody else or focus heal with say 12-20 min cooldown and perhaps only for high level healers?


#7 [en] 

There's the larvaes, but it needs exchange...

Only if the digger is not also a Larvester.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#8 [en] 

I'm absolutely fine with the focus self heal and sometimes sit down a bit. I nearly never need any more focus heal (really rarely some eggs from the easter events for the kp/pat roots). 

And I use normal equip, no focus boosted (complete set would give 600 extra focus).
But I did all the rites that give a permanent focus bonus.

#9 [en] 

Focus healing is something we all wish for from time to time. I am informed that very early on in beta testing it used to be possible.

Gidget's response is emotional, and I agree with it. More importantly, focus healing would seriously imbalance the game -- I suspect that's why it was removed.

Self Heal was also a skill tree during early Beta; removed because it was ridiculously easy to level it. Don't recall focus heal but I wasn't that interested in digging in those days so maybe that's why my memory is fuzzy; or age.

I agree it would create an imbalance, just as the self heal branch did.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#10 [en] 

Looking at this with an open mind, I will proceed to break down some ideas around the idea of a self heal focus.

From the beginning I will say it is not needed and would indeed cause balance issues but, let' see:

Setting aside supreme mats,

IF you had 1-2 cp'ers and a focus-healer out of team or even.. in team.. wow exp for that? What's going to happen...

Well... the digger will never run out of foucs
the digger can go all harmful and dig rather quickly with a cp'er and basically drain the entire node

What does this mean? Well.. if we have 3 real players, they could share the mats, but... as ryzom has shown me, one player will run all 3 toons so it will cause more problems than we'd like.

Now, if the healer got heal exp it would be a cheap way to 250 heal, so that would be bad because you'd have people who don't really know how to heal in risky areas , kinchers jugs even cratchas.. if they easy-healed

If one person did all this they'd have tons of mats very quickly, yes they'd have to do more work.. yes... one person has run 3-4 or even 5-6 toons digging at the same time, 3 healers 3 cp'ers and gotten lots of mats.

The moral is.. if you were to have a focus heal here... it would enable this to be very easy and cheap and unbalance the game, but, for people who REALLY want this, they already do it with multiple toons and alts.

As a rather good digger I will advise that, you will never ever ever run out of focus if you practice and pop nodes as you dig, especially if your cp'er is a real person who is also popping nodes for you and properly managing your bars for you.

Sure I sound like one of those "no don't do it that way, do it this way instead" people that sometimes i dislike but.. there are legit balancing issues here

If this is about adding real needed skills to healing, I support that but I'd say you need to rename your forum post to "heal other focus" or something like that

In terms of sup mats, people will run alts and drain things rather quickly if they are geared especially with boosted jewels and an op pickaxe and some healers, it would make worse the whole "if you don't get there first your share of the pie is rather small" problem.

I'd love to see more variety in the heal tree
At the moment I am so tired after work, I may never master healing because I absolutely need to be in a team for this

I'm not really complaining so much as saying.. well.. sure if we had some other ways to level heal without being entirely dependent on a team, it would be nice for me but... don't shoot me for saying it. I'm not saying I don't appreciate the team play dynamic of the game.

Maybe a healer can support a digger in some other way, with perhaps a different kind of spell. 5% chance to get +1 more mat , etc (just making it up) but not a heal-other focus


#11 [en] 

I find I have no need for Focus Heal, simply because I rarely run out of Focus and I mostly dig solo.

I have 2 dig masters and to get there I experimented with all kinds of adjustments to the Prospect and Forage actions. I have balanced these out to maximise results from solo digging. I get to dig 3 sources per pop and 15-20 mats per source.

If you are regularly running out of Focus you need to adjust your action stanzas. I am convinced that this can be done at any forage level, not just higher levels.

Focus Healing would cause all sorts of problems as others have explained and is unnecessary.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#12 [en] 

I dont think the point of this was people running out of focus. I also dig solo and never run out of focus, heehee.

If the cooldown would be insane, like 20 mins or an hour and high healing level required for the focus healer, I dont think there wouldnt be much abuse.

Perhaps this is not what the game needs and many suggestions here stay as an idea, but I'd like to think that someday while rescuing diggers who have exploded or gassed themself, there would be heal for the focus bar too =)


#13 [en] 

If the digger died from gas or an explosion then they would drop mats and get no xp :( I'm not quite sure what you want then from focus healing... Unless you want healing xp for giving hp during a dig??? However, between care planners, larvester products, self heal focus, and focus eggs, diggers should be all set with focus :)

Last edited by Placio (8 years ago)

#14 [en] 

...I'd like to think that someday while rescuing diggers who have exploded or gassed themself, there would be heal for the focus bar too =)

A Grade 6 Larvester can refill their Focus bar from 0 in a few seconds, even if they have a few boosts (Armilo, rites, Faction pick...) pushing them up around 5k.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#15 [en] 

some ppl take to digging easy , others like me struggle. Focus gift would have been a great thing when I was learning. Even now things still go wrong from time to time and sitting waiting for focus spoils things. If there was a focus gift, it should be just that, Giver gives some of there focus, no xp just a plain gift.
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