#38 Added by Yubina 8 years ago Report | Quote
#39 Added by Dukenono 8 years ago Report | Quote
/version says:ubuntu: FV (2017-02-25...)macos: FV (2017-01-12...)
#40 Added by Ulukyn 8 years ago Report | Quote
On Windows 10 (installed Ryzom yesterday, started it for the first time today and patched)/version: (2017-02-25...)Windows client also crashes random on enter or exit a second sceneBtw. got rid of black/white textures, with switching to Direct3D, now the trees are flying and dancing XD *sneaks back to Linux*
#41 Added by Dukenono 8 years ago Report | Quote
YubinaOn Windows 10 (installed Ryzom yesterday, started it for the first time today and patched)/version: (2017-02-25...)Windows client also crashes random on enter or exit a second sceneBtw. got rid of black/white textures, with switching to Direct3D, now the trees are flying and dancing XD *sneaks back to Linux*Ok my fault, my fix are not in the latest patch. So i have do another patch today ( with only the fix for Scenograpĥic Editor alias SE alias SEd alias PowoSE alias PowoSEd (choose the good one :p)
#42 Added by Ulukyn 8 years ago Report | Quote
#43 Added by Dukenono 8 years ago Report | Quote
#44 Added by Yubina 8 years ago Report | Quote
#45 Added by Moniq 8 years ago Report | Quote
I can only have one public scene per account at a time? Seriously?(So I need to take off woods for the new scene...)
And I was not able to figure out how scene renaming works. Further, the exit button does not exactly meet my expectations (with visible collisions before use).
And btw, wonder what happened to X & Y & Z resize, disable collisions and the ring maps?
Everything else looks good, the sorting feels better now and it runs pretty stable, thank you. :)
#46 Added by Yubina 8 years ago Report | Quote
YubinaI can only have one public scene per account at a time? Seriously?(So I need to take off woods for the new scene...)For now, but you can share unpublished scenes to friends in specific list, no matter if it's public.
YubinaAnd I was not able to figure out how scene renaming works. Further, the exit button does not exactly meet my expectations (with visible collisions before use).There are some minor issues, but the basic works. Renaming and removing groups is not finished, IMHO.
YubinaAnd btw, wonder what happened to X & Y & Z resize, disable collisions and the ring maps?Collisions are bit buggy, that is true, but I hope Ulukyn will fix it in next editor update. Collisions resize works to me in X/Y, Z confuses me. Rotation seems buggy.
YubinaEverything else looks good, the sorting feels better now and it runs pretty stable, thank you. :)IMHO, it needs some minor fixes and some bit more advanced functions.Which functions do you miss?
Last edited by Yubina (8 years ago)
#47 Added by Naema 8 years ago Report | Quote
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Naema (8 years ago)
#48 Added by Moniq 8 years ago Report | Quote
#49 Added by Tamarea 7 years ago Report | Quote
Project : Scenario Editor
#50 Added by Jahuu 7 years ago Report | Quote
MoniqYubinaAnd btw, wonder what happened to X & Y & Z resize, disable collisions and the ring maps?Collisions are bit buggy, that is true, but I hope Ulukyn will fix it in next editor update. Collisions resize works to me in X/Y, Z confuses me. Rotation seems buggy.I actually mostly toss the collisions from the cliff of the bark (literally, collision - move X & Y), instead of taking the time to edit them. A lot of them are way too large for their shapes. The Z axis is special in Ryzom, it’s kind of 2.5D, not the 3D it looks like. Where the ground is not even enough or collisions overlap it’s possible to walk below a collision. You can’t move a collision on Z because it always tries to snap to the ground. You can’t walk on top of a collisions, there is no top ;) (unfortunately). Changes on rotation Z of the collision seem to be reset on save (bug).
#51 Added by Vanixia 7 years ago Report | Quote
#52 Added by Leeisnecyene 7 years ago Report | Quote
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