
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting agenda

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge

- Recently completed projects (Atysmas 2016 and Ranger Consolidated Lore)
- New team management approach to increase transparency
- Miscellaneous


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meetings agenda will be organized differently this year: instead of speaking about the 10 Ryzom Forge groups one by one, we’ll talk about:
  • Just done projects
  • Ongoing projects (main topic)
  • Miscellaneous


Exception: today’s meeting, because I first need to explain you our new way of working for more transparency. So today, it will be:
  • Just done projects (Atysmas 2016 and Ranger Consolidated Lore)
  • Teams new way of working for more transparency
  • Miscellaneous


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Done projects

1 Atysmas events

Event team has run an Atysmas Story Telling event: (link above, post #1)

Ark team has scripted 2 new events and reused 2 other ones. All have run 24h/24 during 17 days:
  • Grinch or Elf ? (new, by Riasan): (link above, post #3)
  • The biggest of all snowmen (new, by Ptitbill): (link above, post #4)
  • Yubohoho (reused, created by Goki): (link above, post #5)
  • Catch up with Ronny (old event improved by Riasan): (link above, post #6)


Graphics team has created new scenery and rewards (see the last pictures in Ryzom Forge album:
PtitBill: I want to point out that all players who have at least targeted one of the mini-snowmen in motion on Atys must claim their prizes. (
R Lyne : Yes but I have nothing in my apartment, so I hesitate. I would not like to lose them as I lost the 12 year old cake.

Q Tamarea: What are your feedbacks about Atysmas 2016?
  • Glorf: I'm not very fond of HRP events and lags were a bit annoying sometimes.
  • Nuts: i hope that the amount of effort put for the last hrp events will be the same for RP events in the year
  • W Tamarea@Nuts: it's scheduled and we'll do our best.




Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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2 Ranger consolidated Lore

This important internal document is finished and validated. Its content will be used/shared day after day by Event Team during the Ranger events.

This done work also mean that Ranger Rite project can start![p]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Teams new way of working for more transparency

Tamarea : As Ryzom Teams manager, I'm currently working on a new Ryzom Teams organization (tools, communication and way of working) to improve our general communication inside each team, and especially between the teams (between Ryzom Teams, Ryzom Core and Ryzom Forge), but also with the players.

For this purpose, we change some of our internal tools, starting with our internal chat and our team tasks management tool, opening them at maximum to the other teams and even partly, to players.

Chat: RocketChat

We'll move soon from Slack to RocketChat (Open source tool, will be hosted by Ryzom).

Things that will change
  • Ryzom Team, Ryzom Core and Ryzom Forge will not be in separate chats anymore: there will be only 1 chat for the three of them, with some private channels for Ryzom Team under NDA, and also with public channels for all of us.
  • Players will also have access to a public channel (according to Ulukyn, it should be possible to access it from ingame, like it was the case with the old CeB).


Things that will not change:
  • Possibility to have public and private channels.
  • A bot will permit talks between IRC users and RocketChat’s ones.


Team tasks management: Kanboard / Outil de gestion des tâches des équipes : Kanboard

We’ll replace our old tasks management tool, Asana, by a new tool, Kanboard, that is Open source and hosted by Ryzom.

I want to offer all Ryzom Teams (NDA, Ryzom Core and Ryzom Forge) an overview of all the projects (ideas, scheduled projects and ongoing ones).I also want to imply the players at maximum, and to show them at maximum on what we are working on internally (not too much spoiling events of course).

That’s why some of the boards will have a public access (in read-only mode) and will be used as Public Roadmap. The limitations of accesses will be done on the work documents themselves attached to the boards (wikis, pads, forums...)

Ryzom Team, Ryzom Core, Ryzom Forge and the players will access the main boards (but with some edit/read-only limitations according to the groups). These boards will be used as public Roadmaps.

Ideas from the players will be studied. If validated they will be added in the “Reserve” part and then move along the various status. We’ll limit the number of projects in parallel in the various status so that we must finish some projects before starting the next ones.Moving ideas into the “Reserve” will depend on the number of votes given by the players to the various ideas: this part is yet to be implemented.

All this will be detailed either later in RF meeting and in the forum and can be discussed later when players will be used to it.

Nuts: is it accurate to submit ideas right now ? Or is it better to wait the stabilization of the new system ?
Tamarea@Nuts: do you mean ideas for Ryzom in the forum?

Nuts:  yes, i'm wondering if the actual idea will not be discard since this forum is not clean at all and nothing seems to be moved from the main forum to rejected/accepted for a while. And also on this forum, for example this idea #24 (i just took the first one from the list) hasn't been updated in 3 years
Tamarea: Small explanation about
"Ideas for Ryzom" topics:For a while, years ago, Ulukyn (Dev) and I were studying 5 proposals each week, alternating 5 DE, 5 EN then 5 FR, with the help of Aileya for DE part. Then I was doing reports to players about the proposals status : refused, validated, postponed.But these players proposals are very important and we must take care of them. We must offer you, our players, the fixes, improvements and new features you need or dream to have.Now than we are working all together, it becomes possible to study again these ideas and to implement some of them. But the current Ideas for Ryzom topics, in 3 languages, is huge and not organized at all, so it’s very difficult to study it.I will close the current "Ideas for Ryzom" forum on WebIG and will open a new one, asking the players to explain their proposal differently (I’ll explain more another day). It should be possible to give each player account xx points to dispatch between their favourite proposals. So we could easily see the players favourite ideas and move these proposals with the more of points in our Reserve”.

Nuts: Good idea, we should have a common way to propose idea. if the initial post doesn't match with the defined template, you ask the guy to review his post... this will most probably avoid tons of trash ideaOsquallo, So i think on this side you are on the way i was personnaly expecting :)

Nuts: "So my tags were (and still are) seen as lies by players." yeah, that's why i was raising this point, you should have post a statement for this a long time ago, cause CSR are still redirecting us to this forum for our ideas (not later than the last week when i was discussing the RP tag on the french universe)Then the first thing could be to reset those forums to have a fresh start and not let those remaining ideas pending, and let only the one you are working on it.

More details there.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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1 Creation of a Test group

To better include the players, Ryzom Forge and Ryzom Core in Ryzom project processes and have their feedbacks about a project during its developpement process, a mixed “Test Group” (RC/RF/RT/players) will soon be created. The testers will have an access to the test shard “Yubo” for test purposes. If you are interested, please send an application email to, precising:
  • Name and surname
  • Date of birthday
  • Native language
  • Ryzom account name
  • Faction(s)/nation(s)/Organization of your main characters
  • Level max of your main character
The languages and faction/nation/organization informations will ne used to compose a balanced Test group.

2 Regular assemblies and events

Dates will be put in the public calendar soon.Scheduled: 1 assembly or small event by week, alternating the nations.

3 Event sequences, small events and assemblies

2 event sequences will run in the same time. During this period, the 2 other nations will have small events and assemblies. Then we’ll alternate.We start with an episod of Fyros and Zoraï sequences + Matis and Tryker events. Then we’ll move to an episod of Matis and Tryker sequences + Fyros and Zoraïs small events and assemblies. Etc.Rangers and Marauders will be included in some of these events, waiting to have their own ones.

4 Player creation: the books of guilds” by Moniq

Moniq has published a new “Books of guild”s in an app:

5 Level Design group thanks

Ptitbill has published a “thanks” post there:


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:39:13 UTC

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