
#31 [en] 

In fact, for older players the dapper is broken because they have lots of them, but young players are mostly low on dappers.
The reason, with one lvl 200 crafting skill and a lvl 200 dig skill you can already make 200k+ per hour by running craft missions (time for digging the mats included) if you know how and about double for craft/dig masters.

But what about smaller/new players, the adjustments after server merge made their life a lot worse.
The payment for small crafting missions is to low, so they have to do an occupation, it’s the easiest way for them to make up to 180k a day (50 fame, lvl 2 occupation).
If someone does not know or want to do an occupation, there are rarely any other ways to earn that amount of dappers from npcs.
For example, a fairly new player starts digging in the lvl 200 area:
4k + 1k for tps, for each bag of mats
25k for the craft tool, 9k for the pick
112k (* 3) for the packer
selling crafted goods to the merchant nearly +0k

That makes already >150k for the first packer filled with mats, not to mention any armor or jewels to wear (and then I see older players asking such a young player for 2 m dappers for a ex jewel set ;’D)
And the biggest problem about that, is that the older players are not really aware of this situation, when they were young homins, things were different, they were able to earn money with just digging and crafting and selling things to the merchant.
They were not forced to do an occupation (or worse low level craft missions) to be able to level dig and craft.

Hope it’s not too far away from the topic :)

A bit back o the topic:
Still, biggest problem with the resale, people mostly don’t use it for precious things (only for trash) because they can loose their things easily, so the destruction of anything placed on marked after any amount of time needs to be removed.

Players that are not afraid to loose anything on game mechanics are less stressed/frustrated and more happy while playing!

And for the little ones, it makes their life a lot easier to use resale, if they just can go to the marked and grab the things they need 7/24, no asking, no feeling bad because getting things for free, no waiting for the crafter to be on…

There is no better equipment ever than those that is tailored to your specific needs.
And the need of little players is that they grow out of equipment faster than they learn to spell Psykopla. Trying to fix the marked would maybe not mean much to most older players, but a lot to new players.

#32 [en] 

Still, biggest problem with the resale, people mostly don’t use it for precious things (only for trash) because they can loose their things easily, so the destruction of anything placed on marked after any amount of time needs to be removed.

I rarely sell anything that I wasn't about two seconds away from destroying. If it's going to be destroyed anyways, I may as well destroy it myself and make almost as many dappers on average without flooding my SysInfo with notifications about unsold gear being removed from the shelf.

As Bittty points out, the current Atysian economy runs largely on gifting and barter. Merchants are useful to those who have neither the connections to get gifts nor the skill to make their own gear, but realistically the usefulness of merchants drops precipitously once one hits Mainland and makes at least one friend.

I suspect that making merchants relevant again may not be possible without larger changes to the economy that I feel are beyond the scope of this discussion.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#33 [en] 

As Bittty points out, the current Atysian economy runs largely on gifting and barter. Merchants are useful to those who have neither the connections to get gifts nor the skill to make their own gear, but realistically the usefulness of merchants drops precipitously once one hits Mainland and makes at least one friend.

I suspect that making merchants relevant again may not be possible without larger changes to the economy that I feel are beyond the scope of this discussion.

A few little tweaks could make things a lot better for those that are already selling a lot in the current system. Like the 14 days/64 slots, it would allow me to renew my items always on the same day of the week, that already would make it a lot easier.

I have usually 250+ slots used on the current resale, selling currently 30-40 items/stacks each day (still nearly double than before christmas!). At least half of my sales is equipment around q80/150.

Why I’m doing this? To earn lots of dappers? Lol, can make at least 10x as much in the same time with running crafting missions.
People are very happy and thankful about my offers! Thats the reason I’m keeping it up (for more than a half year now).

#34 [en] 

Thank you for your efforts they do not go unappreciated
I would not have gotten any melee levels without your weapons

It's not that I don't know plenty of super master level crafters but I don't need to track them down all the time, or hoard a bunch of items for later in multiple Quality, and I get to feel the security of, oh yeah there's gonna be something there for this newbie I just met, let me go get one for them.

The existing system has it's problems but there's no reason not to make easy changes that will only cause benefits

If it is helping someone and not hurting anyone, I don't care what the "reality" is. We all have different perceptions of reality. In my reality I don't need to subscribe to the current state of the system.


#35 [en] 

it's most probably a bad idea ( i think it is, but still ), but what about decreasing the items longevity ? make them dying quickly, this will require us to change our equipment more often -> more demand then maybe people will start to look oftenly at what is available at merchant ?
( also, there is too many sups mats on the server for the current population, using more mats will maybe make the SN battle revive)

#36 [en] 

Hi Sinvaders

I would support your topic if you make a new post in ideas section

Since the supply is high, increasing how fast durability depletes is not a bad idea. It won't really affect much though... I think the biggest guilds easily have 10 guild halls of sups

For now, what do you think about the current proposed idea?
Would you support, more time on vendor, and less slots?


#37 [en] 

It's not that I don't know plenty of super master level crafters but I don't need to track them down all the time, or hoard a bunch of items for later in multiple Quality, and I get to feel the security of, oh yeah there's gonna be something there for this newbie I just met, let me go get one for them.

The existing system has it's problems but there's no reason not to make easy changes that will only cause benefits

If it is helping someone and not hurting anyone, I don't care what the "reality" is. We all have different perceptions of reality. In my reality I don't need to subscribe to the current state of the system.

But reducing number of slots *would* hurt me and other people who sell looted materials.

@Sinvaders: Please no... For the big guilds it would not matter much, but for smaller guilds, it would be a disaster in terms of supplying for the guild.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#38 [en] 

Hi Bittty,
If you stack up your looted mats do you still need all 125 slots ? (honestly asking) I find it really risky to keep that many stacks on merchant, plus a bit laggy to load and sort all my items so I try not to use all of them


#39 [en] 

I did hit the limit just during Atysmas, yes, even after stacking.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#40 [en] 

I'm willing to bet the number of people using all 125 slots isn't so high but you me and yubina have all done it

Perhaps making the slots high if your levels are higher would be nice but I want to stay away from anything except really easily changing digits in code

The initial thrust of this idea is simply more time
It's not super likely the owners/devs will really implement this i figure but if it came down to a vote i'd still seek to reduce slots to help keep things on the merchant more valuable or with more thought to quality

Hey maybe we can ask for more apt. space + less slots in merhcant with more time :) double the apt + half the slots + double the time etc


#41 [en] 

But reducing number of slots *would* hurt me and other people who sell looted materials.

Thats interesting, I often have 2 chars at the slot limit of 128, It would not hurt me in any way if the number of slots were halved.

*drags an old dusty game box from the shelf*
In Lotro the last time I played I had about 11 sales chars with 30(?) slots each, as a P2P player (was 0-5 slots or something for F2P).
(Resale time 72 hours, and 60 days time to grab the items from marked before they were destroyed.)

#42 [en] 

Different strokes for different folks. I have one main, one apartment storage alt and one Guild Storage alt. (The Silan alt doesn't count in this discussion.)

Reducing slots would hurt me in that I (main = Bittty) am the only one who puts things on market (and it's a nice gig; it keeps me in tp pacts). Having to have extra toons to handle sales would hurt me in my current playing style.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#43 [en] 

Now I understand your point of view better Bittty, thx!

How would it be if the items stay in the yours tab after their resale time is run out, would that hurt your (or anybody else) play style?
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