
#41 [en] 

But reducing number of slots *would* hurt me and other people who sell looted materials.

Thats interesting, I often have 2 chars at the slot limit of 128, It would not hurt me in any way if the number of slots were halved.

*drags an old dusty game box from the shelf*
In Lotro the last time I played I had about 11 sales chars with 30(?) slots each, as a P2P player (was 0-5 slots or something for F2P).
(Resale time 72 hours, and 60 days time to grab the items from marked before they were destroyed.)

#42 [en] 

Different strokes for different folks. I have one main, one apartment storage alt and one Guild Storage alt. (The Silan alt doesn't count in this discussion.)

Reducing slots would hurt me in that I (main = Bittty) am the only one who puts things on market (and it's a nice gig; it keeps me in tp pacts). Having to have extra toons to handle sales would hurt me in my current playing style.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#43 [en] 

Now I understand your point of view better Bittty, thx!

How would it be if the items stay in the yours tab after their resale time is run out, would that hurt your (or anybody else) play style?
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