
#1 [en] 

As many other MMOs such as WoW and FFXIV have, we would benefit from an offline exp booster.

In Wurm Online I think it's double exp accumulation, in XIV it's 50% extra etc

Skyrim also has it

It goes by other names such as rested bonus, well-rested bonus

If you log out in an inn or otherwise sanctuary area, or a bed, (or your home etc) you accumulate a (usually capped) exp boost that you can use up when you come online

I haven't been able to get on much lately and it will get worse for me
Just some thoughts, on someone paying for something he can't really fully use. A wonderful but unpolished gem in fact.

It is the people and for the sake of development that I support by subbing, even if I don't play. Many of us are that way but for the ones who aren't only that way, this helps bribe a bit.

P.S. I don't want to hear about perma-double exp already being in place, I'm suggesting stacking extra on top of that.


#2 [en] 

i don't really see the benefit or the logical behind such a "bonus". not really rp imho

#3 [en] 

It is interesting and could alter the grind of leveling a bit. I think those other games offer it as more of a server management tool, as keeping afk people at the stables all day isn't very productive.

#4 [en] 

IMO xp progression is just fine, no need to add something to boost it.
And the fact you have to play the game to be rewarded is a good thing, we need more active players, not just suporting the game with money.

#5 [en] 

This could support occasionnal players, yes, and could be linked to RP because when a player is offline we can imagine his toon is resting, especially if he is in a safe area.

The boost you accumulate should be proportional to your time offline, but with a maximum limit.

When the boost is active you would benefit 50% extra xp (calculated on base xp), taken out from the amount that have been accumulated. It could take like 22 hours offline to fully regenerate it : the ideal for a player who logs only in the evenings. The maximum extra xp amount you can accumulate could be setted in order for the boost to last during 1 or 2 hours of non-stop grinding (depend strongly of the player efficiency).

Additionnaly this could encourage people to make pauses, which is healthy.


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#6 [en] 

And most important, we want to be able to xp on megacorp when at work!

#7 [fr] 

+1 pour Fifi XD

#8 [en] 

Well, WOW, FFXIV and Wurm have certainly a lots of good idears for Quality Of Life in the game scene, but I bet Ryzom could go a step furter with the new dimention of game gratification that Dreeps give.
Just have a look to the gameplay, could bring so much fun to Ryzom for the people who loves this wonderfull, game but dont get enough time to play it :

#9 [en] 

Ummm... If you are subscribing, you are already geting a 2x experience boost.

I'm assuming (since nothing else makes sense) that this would be similar to accumulating catalyst crystals up to a certain amount and at a certain rate while you sleep. Those would then be expended in the usual way.

1) Would this work for subscribed as well as non-subscribed players? If not, then it would be very easy to implement, but subscribed players might get a bit peeved.
2) What is the point? Advancement in most branches is very fast for a subscribed player, and we want to encourage subscribed players. After all, the game does need money to run.

Fifi -- We really need to get that sarcasm font put into the Forums. :D

-- B

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (8 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 [en] 

I suggest everyone gets a little boost, there are two ways

1) everyone accumulates extra exp pool at the same rate and the actual boost is more for subs and less for non-subs OR

2) everyone gets the same amount of extra exp per boost pool used but subs gather offline exp boost faster than non subs

It should be a fairly small amount (not double, say, 50% more as some other games use) or 25% non sub, 50% subbed, everyone gathers at same rate.

So subbed would be x2.5 with boost x2 no boost non subbed would be 1x no boost and 1.25 boost (still double exp for subbed)

As to the point...

I don't get to log on much but I'm paying my full monthly sub anyway. Why should I not get something of a gift for logging back in?

Rested exp boost is a common mmo concept and hurts no one, helps everyone

Do you really want me to unsub if I know I won't play more than a few hours a week? Why not bribe me? (this idea isnt only held by me, many wold just unsub)

I encourage anyone to review new ideas with a "why not" outlook, open minded. Start by eliminating potential problems with the idae (the why not), then a why-not only becomes a positive force for change. It becomes, well if we do this.. then xyz good things may/should/can happen.

Last edited by Loved (8 years ago)


#11 [fr] 

Pourquoi non : tout simplement car gagner des points d'expérience n'est pas, pour moi, le but du jeu.

Survivre sur Atys n'est pas facile mais cela s'apprend. S'apprend uniquement en jouant pas en dormant.

Par exemple, je suis niveau 100 en combat je gagne des XP en combattant des mob de même niveau et j'ai appris les techniques de jeu qui me permettent de rester vivante; Si après un temps de déco plus ou moins long, je me retrouve avec un niveau 200 (totalement impossible mais c'est pour l'exemple), je vais devoir combattre pour gagner de l'expérience des mobs de niveau 200 mais je vais devoir les combattre sans avoir acquis ces techniques qui me permettent de rester vivante. Et alors deux possibilités soit je ne combats que des niveaux 100 et alors quel est l'intérêt d'avoir acquis ces niveaux en dormant soit je vais me décourager après être morte plusieurs fois et je vais voir ailleurs si c'est mieux.

Donc franchement je n'en vois pas l'intérêt.

Après je veux bien avoir un esprit ouvert et faire évoluer les choses mais donnons plutôt l'envie aux joueurs de venir en créant des animations et pour cela investissons plus de notre temps pour aider au développement du jeu :-)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#12 [en] 

Loved? I'd like your comment on my visualization of your proposal, because what you said in your last post made very little sense to me. Not that I disagreed with it, but I could not understand it!

I do not play "other MMO games". I do not play them because they do not give me what Ryzom gives me. That means I cannot compare your proposal to other MMO. I need a concrete explanation in terms of Ryzom before I can even critique it. I do NOT understand this "gain xp by sleeping" (if that's what it is -- see comment above).

If actual xp gains are made while offline I am very much against this.
If some form of measured increase in a multiplier for xp, what is the magnitude of the increase? 2.5x vs. 2x is quite clear, but when does the 2.5x run out???


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [en] 

Hi Btitty thanks for writing, here' a less jagon'ed breakdown
Sorry about the bad neatness of the post

Lets assume all f2p are 1x exp online, p2p are 2x online

Lets now assume all players receive a pool that counts upward from 0 to say, 100k (this is just a number).

When the player does an action of any sort that generates exp, the game says "base exp + 25%" and depletes that 25% from the 100k pool.

Actual example:

p2p player is melee'ing a mob +20 levels over him or herself receiving 6k exp per kill. Player has 30k sleep bonus pool saved up.

game says, player gets 6k + 25% (+1.5k exp for a total of 7.5k per kill) the 1.5k is removed per kill (so 30k / 1.5k = 20 kills for 7.5k exp and then all the sleep bonus is used up)

from there you can see the rest is just balacing
the rate of adding up rested exp for p2p, f2p, can be different (1000 bonus points per 1hr etc (again im really just making this up, if you really want to sit down and try to balance real numbers we can certainly do that easily enough))

f2p and p2p can gain sleep bonus at different rates, and also the % increase per action can be used up at different rates (for the sake of balancing)

example, f2p is 1k bonus per 2hrs and gets +15% per action, p2p is 1k bonus per 2hrs and gets +25% per action (again all made up numbers)

At first I was going to say, oh no you aren't getting offline exp but then I realised.. in a way you ARE kind of... because you have to use the bonus but it IS a pool of exp that you can use, so you are gaining passive exp

Some games like wurm online let you choose when to use your rested exp (so lets say i really want to save it up for a hard skill like close combat) and some games like ffxiv use it up as soon as you use any action (you have to choose your actions wisely)

I'm just suggesting something fair and balanced that gives people who are offline a little help catching up, especially when we're paying for it

I don't have time anymore to play as much as I'd like and after a while it feels like I'm not getting my money's worth (but I' m really just paying to support the game even if i don't play it's fine honestly)

I lifted this from google image search


#14 [en] 

It saddens me that players like Fifi and Kyriann while, well meaning for sure.. are unable to see the simple point of Zendae

You CAN always say "everything is fine exp is fine it goes up fast enough we don't need more" yada-yada-yada but who are you really helping? Are you helping the game grow at all ? No.

You simply give in to mediocrity / status quo.

There are people who would benefit from this and it would not hurt anyone, is everyone here this adverse to change, I ask you all?

Forgive me over the top reaction here but it is something I must say.
Ryzom cannot afford to be behind the times in every aspect.

It's nice that it's niche, it's nice that the community is great. It's nice that I'd pay just for the community but guess what... if you want more money, more players, more paying players.. little things like this can and will help a great deal.

I enjoy the exp just fine the way it is but I may just unsub when I have to work and go to school full time again (as of Tuesday)

Mind you.. I am quite good at leveling, but that's not the point.


#15 [fr] 

@Kyriann :

Moi aussi je serais contre ce que tu as donné en exemple ! mais en fait, ce n'est pas du tout comme ça que ça fonctionnerait :)

Je sais pas si la nouvelle explication de Loved t'éclaire ? Pour résumé en français, quand tu relog, tes levels n'ont pas bougés d'un iota, mais tu bénéficies de gain d'expérience supplémentaire sur chaque action qui t'en donne habituellement, et ce temporairement puisque le réservoir d'xp supplémentaire s'épuise à mesure. Quand tu es offline, ce réservoir se remplie doucement, jusqu'à une certaine limite.

Je suis d'accord que gagner de l'xp n'est pas la finalité, mais cela représente tout de même pour l'ensemble des joueurs un temps de jeu énorme. Tu verras quand tu voudras atteindre une maîtrise en craft.

Le mécanisme évoqué ici aide les gens avec un petit mais régulier temps de connexion.

Last edited by Zendae (8 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !
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