
#16 Reporter | Citer[en] 


Schritt 3:
- Hinzufügen des OS X-nstallers auf
- Patch der OS X Beta-Clients auf die offizielle OS X-Version

will it get trouble with the gatekeeper? if the client isn't from verified developer, the default setup of gatelkeeper will block the installation.

#17 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Ryzom is a verified developer, they have the developer certificate


#18 Reporter | Citer[de] 

Wie lange wird das noch dauern ??

#19 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Ok, how do I get help if the upgrade didn't work for me?

When I launch the new client it just hangs and when I close
the launch program it says the program is unresponsive.

I tried logging onto CeB but I was the only one there.

#20 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Ok, how do I get help if the upgrade didn't work for me?

When I launch the new client it just hangs and when I close
the launch program it says the program is unresponsive.

I tried logging onto CeB but I was the only one there.

You should go to IRC channel : :)

Dernière édition par Xiombarg (il y a 8 ans).


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#21 Reporter | Citer[de] 

Installation über den ryzom_installer_windows von der Homepage schlägt fehl. Ich will nur den Installationsordner ändern. Die alte Version habe ich vorher deinstalliert, da ich eine frische Installation wollte....Fehlermeldung: Fehler beim Überschreiben der Datei:
C: Proramm Files/Ryzom/ryzom_installer_qt_r.exe.........

So und jetzt? Ohne die alte Version lässt sich der Installer wohl nicht nutzen.

Sehr schlau.


In Vino Veritas

#22 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Please why it's installed in "C:\Proram Files/Ryzom" ?

Don't know you that this directory is read-only for a normal user ?

Ryzom doesn't require Admin access anymore.

Dernière édition par Xiombarg (il y a 8 ans).


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#23 Reporter | Citer[en] 

??????? i have to install the client where there want? but for what are the expert mode, where u can change the direction? that sucks


In Vino Veritas

#24 Reporter | Citer[en] 

The old version i deleted before. so no ryzom files on the computer. but the installer need the old version....and now?


In Vino Veritas

#25 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Please what happens exactly ?

Did you migrate 2.1 client to 3.0 using Ryzom Installer ?
Did you accept to Uninstall previous client ?
Did it copy your files ?
What is your error when you do what ?


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#26 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I removed the old version....than i downloaded the new installer....but i think there need the old version, ready installed on pc. nice for people, there dont have ryzom already installed.
but is matter. my problem.

Looks like, u need the old version ready installed, when u want to use the new installer from the homepage.

Dernière édition par Zimbo (il y a 8 ans).


In Vino Veritas

#27 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hum with Ryzom Installer, you can download data from Internet, did you check that ?

Dernière édition par Xiombarg (il y a 8 ans).


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#28 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I watch Television over IPTV´s work very fine.

I found it....when u want to change the direction, u have to install it as admin - that´s it

Dernière édition par Zimbo (il y a 8 ans).


In Vino Veritas

#29 Reporter | Citer[fr] 

Resolu, Merci Kervala !!!!

Dernière édition par Zenfy (il y a 8 ans).

#30 Reporter | Citer[en] 

After the patch I now have no sound at all.

Any suggestions?
Last visit lundi 10 Juin 22:37:57 UTC

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