
#1 [en] 

Since homins seem to be able to tell when a source is 100% safe to dig when they start digging it (due to the OP mat picks) I'd love to see the grahpic for the node become blue so we can visually see it before starting the dig

The pick has such a low rate of success anyway...
Why not let us see which worked?

Last edited by Loved (8 years ago) | Reason: typo in title oops!


#2 [en] 

interesting idea, some will say that's not fair because a master digger can pop a large number of nodes, and go directly to the blue ones without the risk of not getting the "safe" node.  (would be good for non-kill diggers, they would surely dig the node dry due to safe factor, and kill diggers could choose these nodes because they would only need to cp source life thus cutting down on stanza changing)

none the less, i'll +1.



Remickla (atys)
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#3 [en] 

...and go directly to the blue ones without the risk of not getting the "safe" node. 

There actually is no risk, I prospect (up to 10 nodes), sys info tells me if there is one that is safe from the Greslin pik. I left click the souces to look at the explosion bar.
(Has an other color I remember, blue? purple?, currently I have no Greslin pik to test.)

Loved, you are requesting programming work to have a few clicks less :P

#4 [en] 

Hi Yubina yes :) I realise this

But I also just want the source to change to blue colour because it would look visually attractive

(yes I don't want to click either, I won't boher clicking through 10 nodes to find the one nice one, sorry for that lol)

PS. It's just an idea not a request, it can take 4 years I won't mind
Still a good idea=)

Last edited by Loved (8 years ago)


#5 [en] 

very true, bar turns blue-ish.

would save on a few clicks, and i just figured because i favor the over all idea i'd beat a few nay-sayers by using their ammo while still supporting the idea :)

i like progress that is nice :)

talk   +1 blue nodes


Remickla (atys)
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