
#57 Report | Quote[en] 

Hmm, about the number of subs needed to keep the game going... There are 63 subbed accounts just from those that answered "How did you come to know about Ryzom?"

Which wont even be a 10th the number of subbed accounts. Most players will not even visit the forums to read them and of those who visit to read most of those wont ever post. So 63 who said they subbed figure 9 or 10x that that are subbed meaning people. Some of those people we know from being in our various guilds and uni chat etc have more than one account subbed. Id say absolute min subbed accounts in ryzom are pushing towards if not at 1k or more minimally

#58 Report | Quote[fr] 

Je pense que le jour où il y aura un shop sur Ryzom signera pour moi la fin de mon avatar.

Pour ma part aussi.

F2P, pourquoi pas. Mais je suis absolument contre tout système permettant aux joueurs payant des extras d'accélérer leur progression. Cela sonnera, à mon très humble avis, le glas de la communauté telle qu'elle existe aujourd'hui. Et je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit pour du mieux...


-- Yragael

#59 Report | Quote[fr] 

Le phénomène de payer plus que les autres exitent dejà.Certains ont plusieurs comptes payant.Ceux qui payent plusieurs comptent pour progresser plus vite à l'insu de ceux qui ne peuvent avoir plus d'un compte.Si la ( discrimination financiere ) est pas dejà presente là......

Je ne parle que les comptes payant pas les comptent reroll gratuit que tout le monde a,mais s'en cache bien.

Et depuis un moment sur Ryzom,dans l'esprit F2P.Il y est dejà present à petite echelle.De toute façon Ryzom c'est son dernier virage...Si le F2P l'aide pas à redemarrer,c'est la cloture.

#60 Report | Quote[es] 

Pour les hors sujets :
La chanson "Ryzom c'est la fin" je l'ai toujours entendu.
J'ai joué pour la premiere fois à la beta, je suis parti et revenu 2 fois, toujours en payant, là je suis revenu encore.
Il y a peu de joueurs, mais il y en a toujours autant, les arrivées compensent les departs, les gens revienent, la comunauté linux est une bonne source d'arrivants.
Si ce jeu n'a pas besoin de plus pour vivre il continura sans probleme, c'est un jeu ultra niche de fidèles.

Concernant le sujet :
Cette annonce ne dis qu'une chose : les anciens comptes payants pourront revenir gratuitement avec leurs persos plutot qu'avec un alt.
C'est plutot sympa pour les personnes concernées mais ça ne change rien pour la vie du jeu, au lieu de revenir avec un alt je reviens avec mon perso mais qui a les memes stats que si c'était un alt free to play.

Réactions :
- "pay to win, je me casse!"
- "débarquement de kikoos!"
- "je suis sur que c'est lié à l'arrivé d'un cash shop, je me casse !"
- "c'est pas ce genre de changement qu'il nous faut, c'est plus de contenus, je me casse!"

Tips pour les devs : svp, ne lisez pas les forums, c'est à vous décourager de bosser sur ce jeu.

#61 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Cash shop is not pay to win, gear doesn't bring skill and knowledge.
anything sold on a cash shop should be BOP... Bind on pickup. So that it's bound to a character as soon as he picks it up and wears out at a normal pace, the gear can't traded.

Most games sell things like experience pots with might triple you do for 1 hour, or a pot that gives you no death penalty for 1 week no matter how much you die
Most items are aimed at new players

Items such as 150% crafting scrolls.. Which guarantees no degrade no matter what level item you craft.
Don't you wish that boosted 250ql item wasn't a degrade???!?! Even though you used a scroll with said 99% success rate!!

These things generally are not pay to win... You still need the SKILL, knowledge and materials in game to use them.

People seem to forget that 60+ skills to master in a challenge initself and new players will purchase anything that helps them.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#62 Report | Quote[en] 

Cash shop is not pay to win, gear doesn't bring skill and knowledge.
anything sold on a cash shop should be BOP... Bind on pickup. So that it's bound to a character as soon as he picks it up and wears out at a normal pace, the gear can't traded.

Most games sell things like experience pots with might triple you do for 1 hour, or a pot that gives you no death penalty for 1 week no matter how much you die
Most items are aimed at new players

Items such as 150% crafting scrolls.. Which guarantees no degrade no matter what level item you craft.
Don't you wish that boosted 250ql item wasn't a degrade???!?! Even though you used a scroll with said 99% success rate!!

These things generally are not pay to win... You still need the SKILL, knowledge and materials in game to use them.

People seem to forget that 60+ skills to master in a challenge initself and new players will purchase anything that helps them.

Um a pot that makes you do tripple what your normally do in ryzom would be insanity.

Most cash shop stuff is aimed at those with bloated bank accounts the last craprpg i played with a cash shops top 10 players on just my server spent a few 100 grand. If ryzom goes that rout it will ruin the game. Youll have cashers who spend 1000s who refuse to help out new players who are gaining 3 and 4 lvls to the new players 1 lvl. You wuld have the elites who have all gear that never wares out while non elites have normal gear. Right now you can pretty much get geared up for next to nothing or nothing. Players who give out some rpetty great gear to new players just hitting the main land for crafting digging etc and do it every single day. That ould all end with the cash shop.

Any type of cash shop in ryzom should be extremely limited limited to things like pets that are just that a pet that does nothing to boost stats can not carry any thing or in not other way effects game play. Maybe some custom looks for your armor etc. Any thing more would ruin this now 12 year old game and probably kill it off totally.

#63 Report | Quote[en] 

I would ask every single person on this post to stop discussion of things way off topic

this is about fremium

not cash shop
not pay to win

please, if you want to discuss these things move it to another topic
i would even ask the GMs to pick up all those repsonses and move them if they were able to

thank you for your kind cooperation


#64 Report | Quote[en] 

I would ask every single person on this post to stop discussion of things way off topic

this is about fremium

not cash shop
not pay to win

please, if you want to discuss these things move it to another topic
i would even ask the GMs to pick up all those repsonses and move them if they were able to

thank you for your kind cooperation


This move to this set up will be good for ryzom.

#65 Report | Quote[en] 

EVE has been around since 2003, ryom is 12 years old, not far behind.
They are moving to fremium as well

Runescape is 2001
I don't know the date they went to allowing p2p to going back to f2p (there were problems with p2p having more bank slots and it was not easy to convert, now... they separate the two, so it's easy to convert)

Fremium is great, I have heard new players say they do not want to be "locked in" to paying. Sometimes you just need to take a few months off for either moving/rl reasons or just finances, work/school etc

Freedom to do this is excellent
As a bonus , sleepers will return just to log in
Friends will be reunited
The population will go up dramatically for a bit
People will be tempted to resub when they see each other again



#66 Report | Quote[en] 

EVE has been around since 2003, ryom is 12 years old, not far behind.
They are moving to fremium as well

Runescape is 2001
I don't know the date they went to allowing p2p to going back to f2p (there were problems with p2p having more bank slots and it was not easy to convert, now... they separate the two, so it's easy to convert)

Fremium is great, I have heard new players say they do not want to be "locked in" to paying. Sometimes you just need to take a few months off for either moving/rl reasons or just finances, work/school etc

Freedom to do this is excellent
As a bonus , sleepers will return just to log in
Friends will be reunited
The population will go up dramatically for a bit
People will be tempted to resub when they see each other again


Exactly my thinking to.

#67 Report | Quote[en] 


Um a pot that makes you do tripple what your normally do in ryzom would be insanity.

Most cash shop stuff is aimed at those with bloated bank accounts the last craprpg i played with a cash shops top 10 players on just my server spent a few 100 grand. If ryzom goes that rout it will ruin the game. Youll have cashers who spend 1000s who refuse to help out new players who are gaining 3 and 4 lvls to the new players 1 lvl. You wuld have the elites who have all gear that never wares out while non elites have normal gear. Right now you can pretty much get geared up for next to nothing or nothing. Players who give out some rpetty great gear to new players just hitting the main land for crafting digging etc and do it every single day. That ould all end with the cash shop.

Any type of cash shop in ryzom should be extremely limited limited to things like pets that are just that a pet that does nothing to boost stats can not carry any thing or in not other way effects game play. Maybe some custom looks for your armor etc. Any thing more would ruin this now 12 year old game and probably kill it off totally.

Read what I typed... Making blank statements and trying to argue with me doesn't get you nowhere sir.
Many people said the game would die when it went free to play and many raged, threaten to quit when all servers were merged because the game would "DIE".
Gear doesn't make you elite in this game, your knowledge of the root ball itself does.
Nothing is instant, to master any skill takes time 1 hour of extra xp is like having a out of team healer.
Mainstream games have all embraced the idea of micro payments, this allows them HIRE PAID STAFF to DEVELOP the game and constantly ADD NEW CONTENT... 12 years old and 80% of the new content has been website based fluff with links added in game.

Total free to play ends into Micro payment system, what is sold in that shop depends on the developers... But the idea has to be embraced.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#68 Report | Quote[en] 

Total free to play ends into Micro payment system, what is sold in that shop depends on the developers... But the idea has to be embraced.

Nitrouss, the point of the post isn't about total free to play
- Paying for Premium option will permit more gameplay rights.
Moving to Premium option will offer more gameplay possibilities, such as double experience points, more storage capacity, higher allowed level of equipment...
Removing an account from the Premium option will allow the player to go on playing with this account. It will, however, be moved back to the Free to Play option.

Please leave it be with the cash shop, really.

Last edited by Loved (8 years ago) | Reason: quote typo


#69 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Freemium = "Hey come back and log into your old account... Oh wait you can't use your maxed out skills,items and inventory unless you pay a subscription"

People don't want to pay a monthly sub fee, there are hundreds or games that are totally free to play on steam alone with no restrictions... Trying to compete against those by allowing former subscribed players to log into the game is a frugal effort to attract subscribers, people left the game for a reason which may have something to do with no challenging content being released since pre merger, many other free to play MMOs have taken parts of our community guild wars 2 being a great example.
The effort on behalf of the developers/volunteer staff to move the game forward is nice.

Last edited by Nitrouss (8 years ago)


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#70 Report | Quote[en] 

EVE has been around since 2003, ryom is 12 years old, not far behind.
They are moving to fremium as well

Runescape is 2001
I don't know the date they went to allowing p2p to going back to f2p (there were problems with p2p having more bank slots and it was not easy to convert, now... they separate the two, so it's easy to convert)

Fremium is great, I have heard new players say they do not want to be "locked in" to paying. Sometimes you just need to take a few months off for either moving/rl reasons or just finances, work/school etc

Freedom to do this is excellent
As a bonus , sleepers will return just to log in
Friends will be reunited
The population will go up dramatically for a bit
People will be tempted to resub when they see each other again

1) EVE do have micro-payment system.
2) EVE will implement alpha clone for f2p who will not be able to learn all techno but some tech can be learned to the maximum.
3) EVE have a real, strong and awesome IG market
4) You can buy Skin Injection in the market using ISK or PLEX/AUR
With there payment system they earn money and the game have dedicated and payed people to work on the game.

1) Ryzom don't have micro-payment system.
2) Ryzom do not allow to master any skill
3) Ryzom have an inexistent IG market :(
4) The only good point is we cannot sell skill to others.

No money = only volunteers to work on the game, they have life and limited time.

So it's great to talk about EVE but they already have system to make money with the game witch Ryzom don't have (yet ?)

Last edited by Azram (8 years ago)

#71 Report | Quote[en] 

I think people need to understand I'm saying it is a positive change, a step in the right direction, something good.

It's just a start

They'll have to make ryzom friendly to transition to p2p to f2p, runescape started off with a bad transition, you couldn't use any of your stuff or skills properly till later

The gaming community doesn't want to be locked in so much by payments anymore, ryzom is taking a good initiative in starting this

It doesn't mean this is the end

My point is eve is old, ryzom is old, the fremium concept will benefit both
How much benefit is going to be small at first, sure, but good is good

Be positive, if you don't believe in success success will not find you

edit: eve allows you to trade membership too, i would not mind this at all, i would love to buy membership for my friends

Last edited by Loved (8 years ago)


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