
#31 Multilingual 

ShadoWalkers welcomes our new evils Opunys & Liquor:))


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#32 Multilingual 

A bit late but never late to Welcome our new evils Haphine & Lukestar;-)


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#33 Multilingual 

Bit late and i apologise but with same Evilness we give a Evil welcome to Jellona/Elvanae and a big Evil welcome back to Aleeskandaro :)


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#34 [en] 

Big welcome to our newest member Fishgod!!!



#35 Multilingual 

A new Evil is in Atys welcome Terantantula:)


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#36 [en] 

ah *that's* where tera went :) Good luck Tera o/

#37 [de] 

We are 1000 days old as of today!

It has been a great and fun path so far and we are certain there is even more yet to come.

We'll take the chance to welcome our newest Shado:


who is already on his path to greatness.

Also here's an updated list of our High Officers:


If you're up for some challenge, join us and lets have some fun together!

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Aleeskandaro (4 years ago)



#38 Multilingual 

Bankun Atysians, first of all wanted to give a evil/warm welcome to our new ShadoWalker Dullahan.)

This x-mas will be not the same as last years as some of our family members left us but we keep them in our heart and wish them all our evil luck in there new path you never know when and where our path can meet again.)

To all Atysians ShadoWalkers wishes Merry Christmas  Joyeux Noël   Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Navidad

As all years on this dates ShadoWalkers will give the gifts that MaraSanta as left for you all in our GH.)

Last edited by Agan (5 years ago)


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#39 [en] 

Warmest welcome to


, a great storyteller!



#40 [en] 

Welcome back to Atys and welcome to the ShadoWalkers Clan, Zchrupe


Shadows looming

Last edited by Dullahan (5 years ago)



#41 [en] 

Some of us :)

Leader: Agan(Atys)
High Officers: Bisugott(Atys)Bazzet(Atys)Digitale(Atys)Ema(Atys)Generallee(Atys)Ikarra(Atys)Jahuu(Atys)Sad(Atys)
Officers: Chaoscontrol(Atys)Dullahan(Atys)Greyworm(Atys)Luminatrix(Atys)Spieko(Atys)Zchrupe(Atys)
Status: Largest and Most active marauder guild

If you are interested and you love challenge,come have fun exploring the Marauder side of Atys with us, send us a tell o ingame mail.

Basic knowledge of Atys and some skills are a plus, but we will consider your application even if you're new.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Aleeskandaro (4 years ago)



#42 [en] 

I don't think the Marauder life is the way for me but respect for the playstyle and nice guild.


#43 [en] 

I don't think the Marauder life is the way for me but respect for the playstyle and nice guild.

Come to the dark side, we have some of the nicest players in the community...

Though, to be fair, being a marauder can be rough, especially for a newbie, since we don't have access to all those city quests others get. Honestly, you're new-ish to the game. There's no hurry to join any faction. Just enjoy the game and don't worry about it :)



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#44 Multilingual 

            Shadowalkers  wishes all Atysians and Ryzom Team a

                       Merry Christmas

                          Joyeux Noël

                   Fröhliche Weihnachten

                           Buon Natale

                           Feliz Navidad



 ahhh forgot as always Shadowalkers will giving Atsmas gifts in coming week keep on uni, evil hugs:)



Last edited by Agan (4 years ago)


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#45 [es] 


            Shadowalkers  wishes all Atysians and Ryzom Team a

                       Merry Christmas

                          Joyeux Noël

                   Fröhliche Weihnachten

                           Buon Natale

                           Feliz Navidad



 ahhh forgot as always Shadowalkers will giving Atsmas gifts in coming week keep eye on uni, evil hugs:)




From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))
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