
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
I would like to have a makro command that lets your char walk in direction of a named Waypoint/Mapmaker and stops the char when in a certain proximity. also the next command in the chain should be triggered only when the char reached the destination. This way one could build walking paths. very helpful for long distance travels.

#2 [en] 

Pressing 'end' key will toggle auto run mode for those times when you need to take potty break.



#3 [en] 

year I know, its about to create paths. so I can avoid obstacles or dangerous areas.

#4 [en] 

I fail to see how you would repeatedly use this, except when going to harvest.


#5 [en] 

Exactly, harvesting, or any job where you have to travel the same long distance over and over again would benefit from this

#6 [en] 

Macro for water carrier, cartograph?


#7 [en] 

year I know, its about to create paths. so I can avoid obstacles or dangerous areas.

You seem to have in mind an 'Auto Trek' function which would safely take you across the map without fear of any kind of danger.

I would be against anything that automatically avoids dangerous areas, and if you want avoid obstacles, presumably including the edge of the map, this would be difficult to code.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#8 [en] 

Mobs migrate, so even if you could get one that avoided terrain, making an autopilot that could avoid mobs would be difficult at best.

More importantly though, the Ryzom Code of Conduct seems to take a pretty dim view of certain forms of automation. Section III, subsection 1 (Exploits and use of third-party programs) has this to say;


Using macros which are not part of Ryzom's integrated macro system in order to make your character partly or completely independent of your direct control, is strictly prohibited.

My understanding of that section of the CoC is that, like most online games, the GMs/CSRs of Ryzom take a very dim view on botting. While having a macro that does something simple like target a specific entity then executes a certain action (careplan, follow, heal...) is fine, at a certain point the complexity of the script effectively removes the player from the equation and becomes a bot. And if the bot is playing instead of the player, a case could be made that the player is no longer even needed and that nobody would really be hurt if the player were removed completely (suspended or banned).

While there are a few things I would like to see a little more automated (like swapping jewels), I can see how adding certain things could (and inevitably would) be abused. I am willing to tolerate having to manually navigate dangerous areas in order to prevent those sorts of abuses. Sure, Water Carrier runs are a bit tedious, but being jumped by a hardcore PvP-er and his horde of botted alts while digging in PR would be even worse. With that in mind, the limitations on the macro system make sense, and the omission of sophisticated auto-pilot is likely more about ideology than technical limitations.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#9 [en] 

I mostly agree on Gidget, especially on the part that macroing is about ideology.

I forfeit a second armour/jewel set because of how much you have to click every time to copy some actions from your mind into the game.
Because of this, the game does in reality not have such a feature for me - it's wasted.

I'd like if selecting an action bar would work together with switching armor/jewels and weapons.
BUT I do not like fully automated click&watch games.
I agree that the player should be involved, but I disagree that the player has to do the very same tasks over and over and over again.

A macro could stop if the player levels up or if the inventory is full.
It could stop if many other players are nearby and "the bot spam" is blocking a ressource spot.

Some actions in Macros could be limited to X uses per day or 1-2 per hour.
With TPs and non-shareable macros, I don't see a possibility this can be abused for trecking.

#10 [en] 

The Idear is not to take away any risk, and even with a good planed path you could still run into a mob or whatever. actually its more about getting trough terain that has many ostacles like cliffs or similar. where I can not just say "move" and leave for a coffee. Because I would get stuck on some cliff 100m from where I started.

This I just a way to shorten paths /time actily manuvering through the world. I belive that this part of the game is just tidous and has no real value for the gameplay.

#11 [en] 

I wouldn't be opposed to being able to plant flag markers along a route, perhaps on your map with a maximum of 10 or so to get to a spot, then clicking 'Move' and having your homin go there. It would be dangerous enough to have to keep watching your homin,  yet save you constantly clicking keys unless you are attacked. I like the idea. If you can tweak it a little bit, it might work.

#12 [en] 

I wouldn't be opposed to being able to plant flag markers along a route, perhaps on your map with a maximum of 10 or so to get to a spot, then clicking 'Move' and having your homin go there. It would be dangerous enough to have to keep watching your homin,  yet save you constantly clicking keys unless you are attacked. I like the idea. If you can tweak it a little bit, it might work.

That is exactly what I intedet it for.
Especialy on those "walke 4km to that city" quests it would help a lot.
Last visit Friday, 20 September 05:49:42 UTC

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