
#1 [en] 

Hello, Atys. We are a new Kami guild. We have an Outpost, have vent, and look forward to learning with others. We are also a part of the Kami Alliance. We are based in Zora, the Jungle. Give a shout to me or Wizzmo if you need anything. Our main guild play time is currently 6 am - 9pm GMT-7. (Mountain to West Coast America)

#2 [en] 

Ohhh! Sounds like a guild I should be a member of! How serious do you take your name? Where does it come from? Could you maybe write a thing or two about the history and meaning of it?

Novice Crafter

#3 [en] 

Well done sir for giving it a shot, trying to make it on atyss is tuff, not getting sucked into someone elses guildy grind might make it more enjoyable. if ye need help check me out on your six in zorai space :o)


mayhem - where no one is an island
Last visit Wednesday, 15 January 15:00:51 UTC

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