
#1 [en] 

I propose a new page similar to the Encyclopedia page in a sense, but different. It would have a series of missions accompished which would involve a homin getting ambers of knowledge. after a homin gets maybe 10 ambers in a region, after doing a bunch of missions, then they would be able to unlock a series of missions allowing them to obtain a Red amber which is more valuable and older.

These could be missions, or achievements (Yubo points!) or maybe rites accomplished.

After they collect a number of Red ambers, whatever amount, maybe 5-8 or so in a region, then they would unlock a series of harder missions where they could eventually obtain a purple amber, the rarest and most valuable of all, (This is in the Lore by the way). Each region would give only 1 purple amber, 5 total including PR, (or more if you want to include nexus and the other PR zones).

After a homin obtains 5 purple ambers, they can unlock an entrance to a new zone (for the future), or maybe include a new boss too.
the reward is to be determined in the future, as this is going to take some time to implement.

Cons: It makes the game more linear i know, but it can make it more fun too if there is a mix of different things to do.
It can be continued as the person reaches the new zone with more missions maybe... lots of Ideas here.

Add to it! :)

Last edited by Naema (8 years ago)

#2 [en] 

As I see it, there is already some missions in game. Each mission giver gives a series of missions in which after you accoplish all of them from a certain mission giver, he gives you an amber of knowledge.

If you notice, in many places on Atys there is 'Certain qualified Fellows' who can impart knowledge of the amber cubes, but right now they are worthless and do nothing. Lets get them involved! After you do all the missions from a certain mission giver, it will unlock an amber cube of knowledge from the 'Certain qualified Fellows.'

#3 [en] 

What happens if you destroy the item accidentally? You are stuck :p
I prefer some sort of license or trust-voucher …

You may get a recipe for a torch/scent which scares away some sort of swarm-mob like killer-ants or killer-bees which are deadly for you without it.
Or it is some sort of "Blight Zone".
Thus you unlock the area by being able to survive there.

#4 [en] 

I am thinking it would be more like the Encyclopedia page, but have it look different, maybe like a pyramid shape with amber cubes on the bottom, then reds, then the purples at the top. Or even a reworking of the encyclopedia maybe. Where it keeps track of missions you have accomplished rather than having a specific item in your bag that you might lose.
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