#1 Added by Arfur 9 years ago
Many new players have been asking about Outpost Battles. At the moment you have to be level 200+ to take any active part. Low level players cannot do any real damage against high level players. As we all know, there are Outposts in low level regions as well as high level regions. It makes no sense that high level players can dominate these low level battles. Why not limit max magic and melee levels to match the level of the region the OP is in. This would trigger when a player enters the battle zone and declares for the defence or attack. So at an OP in a 50-100 zone the max level melee or magic would be limited to 100.Max HP would have to be limited too.This would enable new players and low level players to participate fully in Outpost Battles. High level players could still participate but with their skills limited, enabling all players to fight on a level playing field.This would effectively open up an aspect of PvP for new players and let's face it - its great fun so why should only high level players be able to participate?
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Arfur (9 years ago)
#2 Added by Siela 9 years ago
#3 Added by Zilon 9 years ago
#4 Added by Placio 9 years ago
#5 Added by Acour 9 years ago
#6 Added by Craftjenn 9 years ago
#7 Added by Rikutatis 9 years ago
#8 Added by Craftjenn 9 years ago
#9 Added by Virg 9 years ago
#10 Added by Naema 9 years ago
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