What you do think about this Free to Play model?
Implement this!
Atys: Aelia, Mehtori, Nitrouss, Nutsy, Omer, Ravens
This is good with minor adjustments.
Atys: Rikutatis
Atys: Djiper
I do not think this will help Ryzom.
Atys: Alrik, Bitttymacod, Dinorath, Kyohei, Kyriann, Lhyrs, Placio, Yubina, Yuboslaughter, Zilon
10 (2)
I like the current Free to Play model. Do not change.
Atys: Aaylejah, Arfur, Asumi, Ausonius, Bazett, Bradbreddan, Ethiniiel, Ingfarah, Kaehla, Karagoz, Keeria, Kilvaner, Macwilson, Marae, Mermaidia, Naema, Nehrie, Nokkuya, Nuttie, Oxxy, Phaozhu, Sienn, Tjerch
23 (2)
Atys: Larla
Abstain 2

#1 [en] 

Right now the free to play model is not really free to play and many people are giving negative reviews because you are capped at level 125. Let's be honest 125 does not allow you to fully play the game in all areas. It does offer quite a bit of content but this is not free to play.

I suggest a new free to play model that allows people to never be locked out of their account if they decide they no longer want to pay for the game.

Free to play model:
Able to reach level 250 in all skills.
Able to have a mount and 1 packer. (Let's face it one packer is not much be greatly needed for diggers.)
Not able to access guildhalls, Apartment, or Packer 2 and 3.
Able to use Catalyzers but do not receive permanent catalyzers
A limit of 50 flags on the players map.
No access to 250 zone and Prime Root teleporters.

Pay to play bonuses:
Permanent Catalyzers
Access to Apartments, Guildhouse inventories, ALL Packers.
Maximum flags on the players map.
Priority Customer Service access.
Access to all teleporters with required fame.

*(When players are not subbed....if any items are in their Apartments or Packers 2 and 3....those items are no longer accessible. They are also no longer able to retrieve mats from guild houses.)
*(When paying players become unsubbed teleports to 250 zones and Prime Roots are not usable.)
*(Map flag removal upon returning to free to play would not be viable. I recommendation is that there is no deletion of map flags in this situation.)

Ryzom is also not currently capitalizing on things such as Name Changes and Account Restorations. A flat $5 dollar fee for these services would add additional revenue at a price that many people would pay for.

***The biggest change to the game in this aspect is that people will now have a reason to fight over outposts again and trade catalyzers for free to play players and alts. This revives a large portion of Ryzom that is currently dead.

With these changes players are able to experience the full game of Ryzom, however, they have restrictions that are not game breaking and do not affect their game play significantly. Bonuses to paying players are nice things that just help them do things in an easier manner.

Suggestions to this plan are always welcomed as we need to make this model better then it is now to attract more people.

#2 [en] 

OP wars will become 400 f2p level 250 alts vs another 400 f2p level 250 alts :(

#3 [en] 

I have a doubt that people leaving negative reviews did in fact reach level 125 even in ONE skill. I know I did take months to cap out on the relevant skill while doing lots of other things on the side (trekking, occupations, etc). And I did work mostly with catalyzers, having started to play close to Christmas, so people were handing them out left and right.

I do agree that the current model CAN be improved, however a balance must be struck so that players don't end up mucking around for 1 year before they even consider subscribing for 1 month and then leaving..


#4 [en] 

OP wars will become 400 f2p level 250 alts vs another 400 f2p level 250 alts :(

Not many people are good at controlling multiple accounts, but maybe we could find a limiting factor to prevent this besides level cap.

#5 [en] 

...Let's be honest 125 does not allow you to fully play the game in all areas...

Really? What limits you, exept you cant do quests and requires you to be better in sneaking?

#6 [en] 

...Let's be honest 125 does not allow you to fully play the game in all areas...

Really? What limits you, exept you cant do quests and requires you to be better in sneaking?

How many 125s will it take to kill named mobs and bosses? Those are large parts of end game content.

If you are 125 in dig it is really difficult to dig Supreme mats for your max amps because the only stanza that would allow that is the harmful 140 and that is not going to work very well. But you can wear 140 amplifiers.

And if you read my line that you quoted i said "fully" which means yes you can play the game but there are things that will be beyond you and you do not get the full enjoyment.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Hijati (9 years ago)

#7 [en] 

Free to play model:
Able to reach level 250 in all skills.
Able to have a mount and 1 packer. (Let's face it one packer is not much be greatly needed for diggers.)
Not able to access guildhalls, Apartment, or Packer 2 and 3.
Able to use Catalyzers but do not receive permanent catalyzers
A limit of 50 flags on the players map.
No access to 250 zone and Prime Root teleporters.

So you want to limit me even more? Some of us f2p have apartments and do visit GH and wander in 250 lvl zones and do mark interresting spots on the map. No, thanks. Your rules sounds morel ike a demo...

#8 [en] 

Free to play model:
Able to reach level 250 in all skills.
Able to have a mount and 1 packer. (Let's face it one packer is not much be greatly needed for diggers.)
Not able to access guildhalls, Apartment, or Packer 2 and 3.
Able to use Catalyzers but do not receive permanent catalyzers
A limit of 50 flags on the players map.
No access to 250 zone and Prime Root teleporters.

So you want to limit me even more? Some of us f2p have apartments and do visit GH and wander in 250 lvl zones and do mark interresting spots on the map. No, thanks. Your rules sounds morel ike a demo...

From my understanding f2p accounts are not supposed to be able to have apartments already or be able to withdrawal from a guild house. You can still wander in 250 zones you just cannot get the tps.

Last edited by Hijati (9 years ago)

#9 [en] 

No, thanks. Your rules sounds morel ike a demo...

A demo is what the games currently running f2p model is...its a demo...the game is not free to play and enjoy all content it is demo the game to 125 and the rest is p2p.

#10 [en] 

How many 125s will it take to kill named mobs and bosses? Those are large parts of end game content.

Well, pay if you want to do those solo. No problem in a group with others. Whats the problem?
If you are 125 in dig it is really difficult to dig Supreme mats for your max amps because the only stanza that would allow that is the harmful 140 and that is not going to work very well. But you can wear 140 amplifiers.

So maybe f2p should be limited to use q140... or you need friends. Or trade mats.
And if you read my line that you quoted i said "fully" which means yes you can play the game but there are things that will be beyond you and you do not get the full enjoyment.

I dont feel like i cant fully enjoy the game. Your suggestions would make me feel so.

#11 [en] 

How many 125s will it take to kill named mobs and bosses? Those are large parts of end game content.

Well, pay if you want to do those solo. No problem in a group with others. Whats the problem?
If you are 125 in dig it is really difficult to dig Supreme mats for your max amps because the only stanza that would allow that is the harmful 140 and that is not going to work very well. But you can wear 140 amplifiers.

So maybe f2p should be limited to use q140... or you need friends. Or trade mats.
And if you read my line that you quoted i said "fully" which means yes you can play the game but there are things that will be beyond you and you do not get the full enjoyment.

I dont feel like i cant fully enjoy the game. Your suggestions would make me feel so.

Thank you for making my point for me. People will be required to have p2p people to do things for them and thus they are not able to fully play the game.

#12 [en] 

I dont understand, what you want. No offense, but you sound like others laugh to you not having higher lvl or having no good friends.

You complain you cant dig and craft q150, do you realize that this is in fact beyond the limitation? In fact your limit should also be on 125. But its not enough for you, obviously.

And I also think we have a different opinion on how should be this game played. I have no problem with cooperation. I preffer it and i understand this as the basic of the game. You sound like you preffer competition.

#13 [en] 

You complain you cant dig and craft q150, do you realize that this is in fact beyond the limitation?

Actually i never once mentioned q150 now did I?

I am making my point that the game is not free to play when you cannot do everything in the game. Limiting things that affect convenience is a better free to play model then the current one which is a demo of the game and not really a free to play.

#14 [en] 


Some of us f2p have apartments and do visit GH and wander in 250 lvl zones and do mark interresting spots on the map. No, thanks. Your rules sounds morel ike a demo...

And so just to clarify on for free to play players do not have an accessible inventory and neither to guild halls. Yes you can buy an apartment on a free to play account but you cannot really do anything with it. SO...what i proposed would not limit your play style in any way EXCEPT for the fact that you cannot put as many flags on your can put flags but its only the limit that would affect you.

#15 [en] 

I voted agree on this because I feel that it will help Atys gain and KEEP players compared to the current system. I don't necessarily agree with everything on it, but these are just ideas being thrown around.

I think perhaps instead of letting all players have access to the 250 masters, capping at 201 free to play would be a good check point. You get the titles to brandish and wouldn't be able to access the mastery level features of the game.

I think the idea you have with the packers is a great one. Let f2p have a mount and one packer. That will at minimum let f2p do some crafting / harvesting but not nearly at the capacity a subbed player is capable of.

Realistically, I think most f2p players are going to be so involved with everything else to realize the full potential of guild halls. F2p players will likely just join a guild and learn as much as they can about the game for a very long time, at least that is what I did when I first started.

Apartments, however I think are different. For f2p these should be purely cosmetic. Just a place for you and your friends to goof around in. Subbed players should gain access to the storage and "remodeling" to show off to their friends so they feel they are getting rewarded for their subscription.

Just a few of my ideas, I don't know a lot about the current state of the game, but I was a long time player years back. Any way thanks for reading.
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