
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

I did a subscription 2 days ago via PayPal (not through Steam but directly from my game account). All was fine until this noon, when I suddenly was no longer able to log into the game.

I got the following message: Your account needs a proper subscription to connect (3011)
[(client application: ryzom_live domain: ryzom_live)]

I logged in with a trial account and contacted a GM in game, he verified my account IS actually paid (14.05. to 14.06.), but he could not help me much further.

Seems there went something wrong when the free week ended, that also paid accounts get locked out. I am not the only one who encountered this issue, some other players in my community have the same issue, all of them since this noon.

I hope, this will get fixed soon.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

I have also recently re-subscribed, but through Steam, and today I am also getting the error "Error: your account needs a proper subscription to connect (3011)"

Thank you for your help.

#3 Quote[en] 

I got the same message but i don´t subscribed. Played 12 hours ago but now i can´t log in.
A friend of mine has the same problem.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

I have this issue. I resubbed just a day or two ago and cannot login. I did login to the account on the ryzom website and shows active subscription. :-(

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

i just sub this morning.
and when I looked it saids...
recurring sub.
how do I cancel this?


#6 Report | Quote[en] 

oh also I went thur steam does that make a difference?

#7 Report | Quote[en] 


We have found and fixed the problem impacting the players who have subscribed during the free week. They should be able to log in again at maximum in few hours.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Yep, all is working again now, thanks Tamarea and team :)

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

hm, I still can´t log in, "your account needs a proper subscription to connect (3010) ..."

I don´t have subscribed.

It happens since yesterday

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

hm, I still can´t log in, "your account needs a proper subscription to connect (3010) ..."

I don´t have subscribed.

It happens since yesterday

The free access week ended yesterday and old accounts that has been subscribed at some point now needs a subscription to be able to log in. You are of course free to create a new F2P account and get back in game :)


Senior Game Master
Ryzom Support Team

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

I ... I am really a little bit speechless ... you expect me really to do all over again.
What do you think I would react ?, like: "oh hey no problem, my life is worthless enough, who cares about the 20h playtime I spend this week" i think not...

How about a warning sign?

I thought you guys really came up with a F2P system, but no, it is not. It is just a free trial without time limit!
It is NOT a F2P game. Please stop calling it Free to Play !
The people out there aren´t stupid, everyone will think you just use the advertise aspekt of calling it "F2P". People will think you are fooling them and just wan´t to make money out of it!

There is no way you come around changing the "free trial"-system in to a F2P-System.
Why ? What do you think people will do if they notice they are not able to go back to an unsubscribed account ?, do you realy think they just make another account ? No, I tell you what will happen, they stay unsubscribed and nerver will subscribe, because they can´t go back. (It´s a little bit like thinking about leaving silan and go to main) And if you try to hide this fact, then they just get mad like me right now.

I am not an enemy of Ryzom, and I am so incredible upset, that this game never shone that bright it could.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Ryzom is F2P to level 125 in all skills and has limited access to storage. As soon as you subscribe your account you are able to access higher levels. To prevent someone going back to a free account while having higher levels and items the account becomes locked after subscribing the first time - simple as that. You can regain access by resubscribing. This is certainly not new for Ryzom. It may not be the best system but right now it's the only way to prevent this from happening. Only other thing to do is make subbed and unsubbed accounts totally seperate and make subbed accounts start from level 1 in everything which no one would be happy about either. Especially after going to 125 in all skills.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Eshe (9 years ago)

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Eshe - to be fair, let's quote our all-knowing friend Wikipedia, for a definition of "Free to play":
Free-to-play (F2P) refers to video games which give players access to a significant portion of their content without paying. There are several kinds of free-to-play games, but the most common is based on the freemium software model.

Moreover, while we may argue that Ryzom is f2p because some portion of content is accesible, the common understanding is different:
In the late 2000s, many MMOs transitioned to the free-to-play model from subscriptions, including subscription-based games such as The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Dungeons & Dragons Online, and Champions Online.

A game with a subscription is not, and cannot be f2p. Especially so when the subscription is a paywall to accessing content. Pvp is simply unbalaced if a f2p were to attack a subscriber with much better levels. Same goes for a difference in levels for pve.
Greg Zeschuk, of BioWare believes there is a good possibility that free-to-play would become the dominant pricing plan for games, but that it was very unlikely that it would ever completely replace subscription-based games.

So - while both subscriptions and f2p deviate from the "traditional" model (i.e. the model where you pay an upfront cost), these two terms carry very different meanings.

This is not the first time people have complained about the misleading nature of Ryzom's advertising. There is this thing called "common person's understand", and no, Ryzom does not get an exemption just because its advertisers want to exploit the slight feature overlap with actual f2p games (e.g. unlimited playtime without any payment). The financial model is ultimately different.

Consider this: a person like the one above you comes in and sinks 20 hours of playtime, just doing the damn long tutorial and mucking about on Mainland. Then they find out they're actually drastically crippled, and the only way to go forward is to start paying monthly. They will understandably be unhappy with the dishonest advertising..

Last edited by Mjollren (9 years ago)


#14 Report | Quote[en] 

i'm still wondering how to cancel my recurring sub!!!!???
like I said I sub thur steam it saids on my billing account so what do I have to do?


#15 Report | Quote[en] 

The payments through Steam or the PayPal option for Ryzom regular billing system are not recurring subscriptions. There was an error in the text display and this is now fixed. The only automatic subsription (recurring) Ryzom offers is the WorldPay option via Ryzom regular billing system.


Senior Game Master
Ryzom Support Team

Last visit Tuesday, 11 March 07:05:28 UTC

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