Web Apps



How can i paste my banner ? doesn't work :/



comment on met la bamiere ca marche pas ety dsl mais je parle pas english
(no speak english)

Translation from Anarkia : How to put the banner, it doesn't work and sorry, i don't speak english.


Maitre canonnier


For the banner (or image) you must use;
[ img]http://atys.ryzom.com/api/banner.php?ckey=xxxxx[ /img]


Jerem • Matis - KaravanierAniro
Bijoutier • Forgeron d'armes de mêlée deux mains


Thanks Jerem, but it doesn't work :)
There are spaces that fit and prevent it works (traduction google pour "Il y a des espaces qui s'insèrent et qui empêchent que cela fonctionne")
The cross below is the result :/



Have you try to copy / paste code contained in the last box of http://atys.ryzom.com/api/banner.php ?


Jerem • Matis - KaravanierAniro
Bijoutier • Forgeron d'armes de mêlée deux mains


Rvor (Aniro)
Thanks Jerem, but it doesn't work :)
There are spaces that fit and prevent it works
copy-past [ img] tag banner gives you here, not what you currently have.

it should also be noted that ingame browser does not refresh cache (yet anyway), so banner would never change. better to stick few lines of text or small static image

... and because banner gives 500x70 image that is resized to 512x64 space it's not that pretty.

bm.bmsite.net has 512x32 template that could be used if really needed (or anyone could create their own version)




Ok it finally works ;)



Kann ma bitte mir eine sagen wo man das Banner erzeugt . ich finde die seite leider nicht mehr




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