
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English
Bonjour ;)

Je suis française, mais j'ai aussi des potes anglophones (par ex un suédois).
Or, il nous arrive parfois d'avoir du mal à nous comprendre, car :
1. les noms des lieux sont différents,
2. mais surtout on utilise beaucoup d'abréviations/acronymes dans le chat...
d'autant que pas mal de français utilisent des acronymes d'origine anglaise :)

D'où l'idée de créer une petite liste d'acronymes, ainsi que des lieux, en bilingue...
Pour gagner en lisibilité, la version Francaise est en Cyan (color=#00ffff).

Merci de compléter, et d'y ajouter vos suggestions :)

acronymes / abréviations


Fr: PNJ (personnage non joueur, cad personnage du jeu, il n'y a pas de vrai joueur derrière) - V En: NPC (non-player character)
OOC = out of contend  or  Out Of Character = HRP

Fr: gh = Hall de la guilde, coffre commun de la guilde (cf Manuel de l'utilisateur) - V en: GH = Guild Hall
HO = High Officier - Officier supérieur (d'une guilde)

dp = pénalité de mort - V en: dp = death penalty
tp = télétransportation (à acheter, on le trouve dans son sac)
nh = New Horizons, le personnage "transporteur" (un dans chaque ville), qui peux vous transporter dans une autre ville de la meme région
hp = hit points ou encore pv = points de vie

1h = 1-handed weapon - arme à une main
2h = 2-handed weapon - arme à deux mains
amp = amplificateurs magiques
Lourde = armure lourde = 3* = HA (Heavy Armour)

ryry = Ryzom ; fofo = forum
cat, catz = catalyseur d'expérience
(utile pour ceux qui ont un compte gratuit, pour doubler leur éxpérience lorsqu'ils s'entrainent)
np = no problem - pas de soucis !
xp = expérience, gain en compétence

Fr: Je ne connais pas d'acronyme en FR, mais ca veux dire : je suis en chemin (ou sur la route), j'arrive ! En: OMW (on my way), inc (incoming)
Fr: je ne suis pas disponible - V en: afk (away from keyboard), bbl (be back later)
bientôt de retour (devant l'ordinateur) - brb = be right back

CC (spécifique à Ryzom) : combat rapproché (quand on dépasse en compétence de combat 50, ces compétences de combat se séparent en 3 : combat "armes à une main", "2 mains" et "combat rapproché"). - V En: CC = Close Combat

op = outpost = avant-poste

Fr : être sur l'écorce - V en: IG (In Game)
IRL (IRéel) = In real life (hors IG donc)

aggro = mob agréssif (et qui attaque à vue)
plod ou ploplo = ploderos

pex = training = pex ou pexer = gagner en compétence par l'entraînement

V fr: merci de ne pas jurer - v En: ffs = for fuck's sake
np = no problem - pas de soucis !
nvm = never mind - pas grave !
wtf = what the fuck - maiiiis ! c'est quoi ce merdier ?
wth = "what the hell ?"
=  que se passe-t-il ?

plz = please
= svp
iirc =  if I remember correct = si ma mémoire est bonne
imo, imho = in my (humble) opinion = à mon avis
iou = I owe you = je te dois
lfg = looking for a group = je cherche une équipe
lol = laughing out loud = mdr
rofl = rolling on the floor laughing = se rouler par terre de rire
m8 = "mate" = mon pote

ta, ty, thx, tnx, thnx ="thanks" or "thank you" = merci :)
wtb = "want to buy" = je voudrais acheter (le moment de se faire des drappers ?)

rez = resurrect = résurection, ressuciter

stam = stamina = endurance, endu
sap = sève
off = Offensive magic = magie élémentaire

CSR (le support technique - des bénévoles) - V en: Customer Services Representative
GM = Game Master (support) ou Maitre de jeu (CSR gradé)

v Fr: mp = Matières Premières = mats   - v En: mats

VP = Veuillez patienter (ton coloc télécharge un film, il faut rebooter ta box, ton FAI a un soucis...) - V En: PW = Please Wait

PR = Prime Racine




ML = Main Land  - En fr: ML = conti =  continent (surtout utilisé sur Silan)

v Fr: Vents du songe  - Ver En: WoM (Wind of Muse)

v Fr: Vide  - v En: Voide
v Fr: Bosquet de l'Ombre  - v En: Grove of Umbra

v Fr: FH =  (Ryzom specific) Fair Haven, thats the capital city in Tryker

v Fr: Jardins Majestueux (zone 50 Matis, foret)- V En: FG = Fleeting Garden, an area in Matis lands = MG = Magestic Garden
KoD = Knoll of Dissent, an area in Matis lands = Tertre de la Disssidence (au Nord du Jardin majestueux)

NM = Nexus Mineur

apt = appartement (et non "flat") - V en: apartment

OO = Oasis d'Oflovak (désert fyros)

Dans les Primes Racine (ou PR) :

  • EF = Forêt Insaisissable - EF = Elusive Forest (PR)
  • GoO = Gate of Obscurity => Porte de l'Obscurité
  • AoI = Gouffre d'Ichor (PR) - V en: AoI = Abyss of Ichor (in Prime Racine)
  • LoC = Land of Contunuity = Terre de la Continuité
  • LoU = Lands of Umbra = Route des Ombres
  • ToT = Trench of Trials (PR) = La Fosse aux Épreuves
  • US = Underspring (PR) = Sources Interdites ou SI
  • WL = Wastelands (PR) = Terres Abandonnées

A compléter


V Fr: mp provenant de la chasse - v En: Quartered Mats

stun =  étourdir
loot = butin

Bouclier = Shield

F2P = Free To Play = compte gratos


Divers liens utiles


Edited 48 times | Last edited by Craftjenn (8 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#2 [en] 



It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#3 [fr] 

Autre lien utile (merci Meagon et Siela) après le Deuxième Grand Essaim :
du fil Forums » Général » English » Frequently Asked Questions.


#4 [en] 

Very nice job Craftjen, thanks :).

Any chance this post will be expanded to include the names of bosses, for example, is Vorkoo also Vorkoo in French? Or how is it spelled?

Is 'Timari' also 'Timari' in French and so on?

#5 [en] 


Thanks :)
I think the boss names are the same. And mobs and NPC names too.

See you ;)

Last edited by Craftjenn (8 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#6 [en] 

Ha! I knew there different names for these regions!


I didn't see soins on here or heal.

I might have just missed it ;)


The Clan

#7 [en] 

I didn't see soins on here or heal.
I might have just missed it ;)

No, you didn't :)
They are not in my list, because I know these words (heal, helmet...) in English (and in French too LOL as French is my native language) ;)

I think that a lot of words (such armor, heal, helmet...) can be found using any dictionary, or even Goo-trad * ; but not the acronyms - and we use lot of acronyms - or the Atys place's names :)

* Goo-trad is quite bad I think, but it's my opinion... and my opinion is what it is :)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#8 [en] 

oh oh yeah acronyms ooops my bad :)


The Clan

#9 [en] 

Good job Craftjenn. Please note that KoD in English is referring to two regions:
- KoD (forest) = Tertre de la Dissidence
- KoD (jungle) = Noeud de la Demence
They are usually distinguished by the forest/jungle suffix if necessary

conversational acronyms:
nvm (never mind) = pas de quoi, pas de soucis
yw (you are welcome) = de rien
bb (bye bye) = au revoir

Last edited by Daomei (8 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#10 [en] 

Well... I guess I won't write in English anymore on the forum...
I just received an Izam, and it makes me very sad...

I pasted here part of my answer to that Izam, who makes me very sad (and angry too) :

English is NOT my native language... and very often, I have to resume or "deform" what I think cause of my vocabulary lack !
If I have to consult 3 dictionaries (EN+Matei+Tyll) for 4 shorts sentences in English... well... I won't write in english anymore !!!!

Your remark would mean that if we are not fluent with EN+Matei+Tyll, the young can't talk neither on chat, neither on forum ??? Your remarks make me feel that way :(
I feel like each time I try to say something, someone "claps me on the fingers" :(
I can understand that elders are shocked by newbies and young as me...
Quite often I have issue in the French chat, with some French elders... Some French elders are so finical - some are really nasty, much more than in the English Uni - and very hard with youngs like me... that I can understand now why a lot of young don't stay in Ryzom !
If you don't give us the time to learn RP, languagues/patois... saying we should read the Lore... how can we learn ?

... I feel like I won't come anymore on Ryzom :(

Last edited by Craftjenn (8 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#11 [en] 

Hello Craftjenn,

First I want to express my compassion and solidarity with you. As to your acronym project I feel it is relevant and well done and ought to be continued.

I never found anything to complain about your English. There have been and are native English speakers with worse orthography, grammar, and style. That does not matter at all as we are not in an English language classroom with marks but we are communicating in an international community where english is a means of communication.

What you are telling about that izam mail upsets me. I wont tell what I feel about the author as Tixi or Tam would remove it anyway.

Btw. I am listening to the French chat. Some there are bit strange, some roleplaying (which should not or at least very limitedly done in chats other than around), but at least it is not as dead as most of the other chats most times. Some may be strange and some are bit crazy, but they are mostly ok, even Mithian *giggle*. Don't take them too serious.

Most telling you you should read the Lore are braggards who never read more than the Lore of their language community if any. Again, do not take it serious and do not believe a word without hard proof. It is clearly worth while to learn about the RP languages of the four peoples and the marauders, but, honestly, exploring the world, developing your levels, learning to kill everything likely to harrass you is at least as important, or more important if you choose so.

Please do not leave us and do not stop enjoying our wonderful world.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#12 [en] 

I feel like each time I try to say something, someone "claps me on the fingers" :(


... I feel like I won't come anymore on Ryzom :(

You have our support. Thank you for this thread, and thank you for your attempts to write in English. Your English is not perfect, but very undestandable.

It is truly sad that someone would berate you for trying to help people..


#13 [en] 

Awww don't feel that way Craftjenn! You did a good job and I think Daomei was mostly supportive of your hard work and me too!
Keep up the good work :)

#14 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch
You already know this item list too?

Selum i akep

Last edited by Nuzanshi (8 years ago)

#15 [en] 

Craftjen I applaud your efforts.

Thank you for the list. :)

I hope you stay. I always like you.

Tell me about this Izam... You want me to kill him for you?


The Clan

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