
#31 [en] 

Daomei sits down writing a letter to the Akenak of the Fyros and the council of the Taliary of the Federation of New Trykoth. She adds a third copy to the headquarters of the Atys Rangers

Oren Fyrai, Lordoy!

Please note that I am not writing in my duty as a diplomatic aide of the Atys Rangers in the sharük of the Burning Desert, but as a loyal inhabitant of my chosen homeland, the Burning Desert, and a born Tryker.

I recognized the blackmail letter by the homina Marae, allegedly in the name of her guild called Amazons Mysticia, to be inspected here:
They demanded a ransom of a million dappers from Taliar Chenli and Fyros Patriot Azazor as "compensation" for an alleged attack against a Karavan party in Nexus Minor, three and a half Atys years ago, otherwise they would atttack the convoys of the water and beer roads attempting to destroy their goods.

The justification of the alleged "piracy" years ago ((12th of October, 2015)) is dubious. If, as claimed, the Karavan followers' party was escorting young homins to new places, such an attack, if performed knowingliy an willingly, would be frowned upon by most homins. Escorting young homins is a just and honorable endeavour, hindering it is not in compliance with the pillars of justice and honour, and as every homin is entitled to freedom of movement, all homins should equally enjoy the wonders of the living planet, which should be shared by all newly arriving refugees, all three Tryker principles are violated as well. Therefore, it is not to be criticized that such behaviour, if done on purpose and with evil intent, is lamented and complained upon. Yet strangely, this alleged event was never mentioned for three and a half Atys years.

And none of the nations is a nursery supervising and overhearing each step of their nationals, every homin bears individual responsibility for her actions. Moreover, the regions of Nexus Minor, as well as the Lands of Umbra, are outside the influence and legislation of the civilizations, and even the protection of the powers against deliberate attacks of fellow homins unless displaying the symbol of combat readiness ((PvP Flag)) is not in effect, there. Every homin going there chooses to face attacks, so that a complaint about seems inappropriate except against the moral standards of the attacking individuals.

Therefore it is an utterly irresponsible and criminal conduct by the homina Marae, and possibly her guild, to menace a worthy binational enterprise such as the road of water and beer. And doing that for greed of Dappers is particularly abominable and ludicrous.

To my utter disappointment, Taliar Chenli seems to have bowed to the blackmail and paid the ransom. This is a shame for the Federation and all Trykers.

I hereby appeal to the Akenak of the Fyros and the council of Taliari of the Federation
1. To declare the act of menacing the road of water and beer an act of banditry
2. To forbid the criminals of the Guild called Amazons Mysticia to approach the convoys of the road of water and beer anytime closer than 250m, otherwise they will be attacked like every other bandit or wild animal (which latter has more honour and decency than they have). Members of the aforementioned guild not in complicity with the offenders must not approach the convos, too, for obvious reasons.
3. To appeal to the Imperial Senate and the Board of governors of the Federation to declare every attacker of the convoys an enemy of the state and lower their reputation so that they be unable to participate in trade and will be attacked by the guards.

I want to add that I intend to escort the convoys as a guard and protector. While my vows and ethics forbid me to mingle into arguments between nations, organizations, and creeds, I feel entitled to fend off criminals, bandits, and wild animals. The offenders named above are nothing else.

Akash i orak, talen i rechten!
Tryka, Sella, Meer!
For all of Atys!

Daomei Lin Carthan

Ranger Aspirant
Inhabitant of Pyr

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#32 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français
Peat'Pom se souvient que Nair'Zendae l'Amazone Mystique est maitre d'arme du Royaume Matis...
La trykette ne peut s'empêcher de se demander s'il ne s'agit pas là d'une manœuvre dilatoire et sournoise du royaume pour gêner l'organisation de la route de l'eau. Ainsi, la parole de leur karan ne serai pas bafouée....
du moins officiellement.

#33 [en] 

Placio sends a letter to Daomei, due to the sensitive nature of the information it is encoded so only the intended recipient can make sense of the words. (( others don't respond directly to this ))
Lordoy Nair Daomei!

Thank you for making public the facts behind the ridiculous extortion against the federation and empire. In addition to the facts you mentioned, I was surprised to hear that in this incident the Amazons were under contract to protect the travelers. So the Amazons should have been prepared to enter a dangerous and lawless place like Nexus. And just legally, they were literally already paid for any fighting by that contract.

However, I was contacted by an official of the kingdom that argued on behalf of the Amazons. I asked what they would do to prevent this deliberate attack and it was made clear that the kingdom would take no action. So faced with a choice between slaughtering greedy residents of the forest or paying a few dappers, I believe Deputy Taliar Chenli made the best decision possible. I wish she would have settled for a lower price, just to show that there was a negotiation, but one million dappers are not as valuable as the project or international relations.

Tor Lochi!
Placio the Frippo

Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

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