#1 Added by Lapiaz 9 years ago
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Lapiaz (9 years ago)
#2 Added by Shepeng 9 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nokkuya (9 years ago)
#3 Added by Lapiaz 9 years ago
Edited 6 times | Last edited by Lapiaz (9 years ago)
#4 Added by Shepeng 9 years ago
#5 Added by Shepeng 9 years ago
// HTML support in CGroupHTML<LUA>luascript</LUA> // execute the enclosed lua script immediately. NB : this is NOT like javascript, you can't affect the page content or detect button event.<FONT color="#a0b1c2"> // Change the current font color for normal text<A> // Anchor, works with text and images href = "http://www.nevrax.com" // Absolute URI. Can run one or more action handlers use this syntax: "ah:action1¶ms11=value11¶ms12=value12&&a mp;action2¶ms21=value21¶ms22=value22" z_action_shortcut = "action" // Insert a description of the keyboard shortcut used by the action handler passed in parameter z_action_params = "parameter" // Action handler parameters z_action_category = "" // Category of the action ("", "debug", "edit" etc.. see actions.xml)<BODY> bgcolor = "#003366" // Page background color, if not specified, use the default CGroupHTML background color <FORM> action = "http://www.nevrax.com/form.php" // Absolute or relative URI. Action to perform to post the FORM (always post method). <INPUT> name = "value0" // The name of the form input type = "text" // Type of form input. Can be button, text, image, hidden or checkbox. src = "button.gif" // If type==image, The image filename, see <IMG>for restrictions size = "100" // If type==text, The edit box width in pixels checked = "anything" // If type==checkbox, the checkbox will be checked value = "value" // Use for hidden alt = "uiGo" // Tooltip text (not localized, CI18N string id) used for buttons (type == image or type == checkbox) global_color // global color flag. If set, the button bitmap will be modulated by the interface global color. z_btn_tmpl="template_name" // (deprecated, use z_input_tmpl instead) if type==button, used to specify the ryzom interface template to use for the button, this allow to customize each button (NB : the template must exist in the client xml files) z_input_tmpl="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the ryzom interface template to use for the widget, this allow to customize each widget (NB : the template must exist in the client xml files) z_input_width="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the minimal witdh of the widget (cool to line up widget) <TEXTAREA> name = "value0" // The name of the form input cols = "10" // Number of text columns z_input_tmpl="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the ryzom interface template to use for the widget, this allow to customize each widget (NB : the template must exist in the client xml files) z_input_width="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the minimal witdh of the widget (cool to line up widget) <SELECT name="selectName"> // a combo box that return selected value in 'selecteName' var <OPTION value = "valueName" [selected="selected"]>content</OPTION> // one or more option element with optionnaly one haveing the 'selected' attribute </SELECT> <H1> ~ <H6> // Heading, size and color are specified in the CGroupHTML<IMG> // Image, image must in the client data in tga / dds format. src = "button.gif" // The image name can have any file extensions. It will be remplaced in the client by "TGA". alt = "uiGo" // Tooltip text (not localized, CI18N string id) used for button (image into an anchor) global_color // global color flag. If set, the bitmap will be modulated by the interface global color.<P> // Paragraph<UL> // Unsorted list <LI> // Unsorted list separator<PRE> // Preformated text<TABLE> // Table width = "100" // Fixed width width = "50%" // Variable width height = "15" // Fixed height border = "1" // Border width (can't be colored, always transparent) cellspacing = "1" // Cell spacing width (can't be colored, always transparent) cellpadding = "1" // Cell padding width (can't be colored, always transparent) bgcolor = "#RRGGBB[AA]" // Cell background color and optional alpha align = "left" // Cell horizontal alignment (left, center or right) valign = "top" // Cell vertical alignment (top, middle or bottom) nowrap // Don't wrap he text <TR> bgcolor = "#RRGGBB[AA]" // Cell background color and optional alpha align = "left" // Cell horizontal alignment (left, center or right) valign = "top" // Cell vertical alignment (top, middle or bottom) nowrap // Don't wrap he text <TD> width = "100" // Fixed width width = "50%" // Variable width height = "15" // Fixed height bgcolor = "#RRGGBB[AA]" // Cell background color and optional alpha align = "left" // Cell horizontal alignment (left, center or right) valign = "top" // Cell vertical alignment (top, middle or bottom) nowrap // Don't wrap he text<TITLE> // Page title// For quick help ONLY<P> quick_help_events="event1 event2" // Event that trig to the next step quick_help_condition="always" // Condition that skip the step and jump to the next one quick_help_link="ah:browse&url=http://www.w3.org" // Browse this URL when paragraph is highlighted. See <A href>You can use the action handler "run_quick_help" to run a quick_help. The parameter is the name of the radio button of the selected quick help.
#6 Added by Karu 9 years ago
#7 Added by Lapiaz 9 years ago
Last edited by Lapiaz (9 years ago)
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