Web Apps


#1 [fr] 


je suis en train de faire une webapp et j'aurais besoin d'y mettre un lien qui ouvre la map ballistic ingame directement sur une région

actuellement ce type d'url marche mais ouvre la carte ingame sur tout Atys
http://ballisticmystix.net/?p=map;keywords;(Seed Amber)

Ce que je remarque ingame, c'est la possibilité de choisir la région (grace à des cases à cocher)
donc j'en déduis que la soumission du formulaire poste ce(s) parametre(s)...

Quelqu'un aurait-il ce renseignement ?

Peut-etre existe-il aussi un parametre qui permetrait de voir ballisticmystix.net en mode ingame dans un navigateur outgame (chrome,firefox,...)

Si quelqu'un sait ?

Enfin ma dernière question :

le navigateur ingame est très, très limité dans son interpretation html (styles réduits, balises reconnues,...)
chercher à tatons prend énormement de temps....
Y a t-il une liste complete des balises, options, styles CSS,... que comprend le navigateur ingame de Ryzom ?

La aussi je suis en demande d'info

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Lapiaz (9 years ago)


#2 [fr] 

Tu as une bonne partie des balises supportées ici : http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/24138

Mais ça change régulièrement, bon courage !

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nokkuya (9 years ago)


Wu She-Peng

#3 [fr] 

Je l'avais trouvé malheureusement la plupart des options cités ne marche pas ! elle manque cruellement d'exemples qui fonctionnent, et la liste est de très loin pas complète...

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Lapiaz (9 years ago)


#4 [fr] 

Utilises-tu un des clients les plus récents ? Les vieux clients ne réagissent pas pareil, et normalement le client officiel va changer dans pas longtemps, mais il date pour l'instant d'il y a quelques années.


Wu She-Peng

#5 [fr] 

Sinon, j'ai retrouvé ça :
// HTML support in CGroupHTML

<LUA>luascript</LUA> // execute the enclosed lua script immediately. NB : this is NOT like javascript, you can't affect the page content or detect button event.

<FONT color="#a0b1c2"> // Change the current font color for normal text

<A> // Anchor, works with text and images
href = "http://www.nevrax.com" // Absolute URI. Can run one or more action handlers use this syntax:
"ah:action1&params11=value11&params12=value12&&a mp;action2&params21=value21&params22=value22"

z_action_shortcut = "action" // Insert a description of the keyboard shortcut used by the action handler passed in parameter
z_action_params = "parameter" // Action handler parameters
z_action_category = "" // Category of the action ("", "debug", "edit" etc.. see actions.xml)

bgcolor = "#003366" // Page background color, if not specified, use the default CGroupHTML background color

action = "http://www.nevrax.com/form.php" // Absolute or relative URI. Action to perform to post the FORM (always post method).
name = "value0" // The name of the form input
type = "text" // Type of form input. Can be button, text, image, hidden or checkbox.
src = "button.gif" // If type==image, The image filename, see <IMG>for restrictions
size = "100" // If type==text, The edit box width in pixels
checked = "anything" // If type==checkbox, the checkbox will be checked
value = "value" // Use for hidden
alt = "uiGo" // Tooltip text (not localized, CI18N string id) used for buttons (type == image or type == checkbox)
global_color // global color flag. If set, the button bitmap will be modulated by the interface global color.
z_btn_tmpl="template_name" // (deprecated, use z_input_tmpl instead) if type==button, used to specify the ryzom interface template to use for the button, this allow to customize each button (NB : the
template must exist in the client xml files)
z_input_tmpl="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the ryzom interface template to use for the widget, this allow to customize each widget (NB : the template must exist in the client
xml files)
z_input_width="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the minimal witdh of the widget (cool to line up widget)

name = "value0" // The name of the form input
cols = "10" // Number of text columns
z_input_tmpl="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the ryzom interface template to use for the widget, this allow to customize each widget (NB : the template must exist in the client xml files)
z_input_width="template_name" // if type==button|text|checkbox, used to specify the minimal witdh of the widget (cool to line up widget)

<SELECT name="selectName"> // a combo box that return selected value in 'selecteName' var
<OPTION value = "valueName" [selected="selected"]>content</OPTION> // one or more option element with optionnaly one haveing the 'selected' attribute

<H1> ~ <H6> // Heading, size and color are specified in the CGroupHTML

<IMG> // Image, image must in the client data in tga / dds format.
src = "button.gif" // The image name can have any file extensions. It will be remplaced in the client by "TGA".
alt = "uiGo" // Tooltip text (not localized, CI18N string id) used for button (image into an anchor)
global_color // global color flag. If set, the bitmap will be modulated by the interface global color.

<P> // Paragraph

<UL> // Unsorted list
<LI> // Unsorted list separator

<PRE> // Preformated text

<TABLE> // Table
width = "100" // Fixed width
width = "50%" // Variable width
height = "15" // Fixed height
border = "1" // Border width (can't be colored, always transparent)
cellspacing = "1" // Cell spacing width (can't be colored, always transparent)
cellpadding = "1" // Cell padding width (can't be colored, always transparent)
bgcolor = "#RRGGBB[AA]" // Cell background color and optional alpha
align = "left" // Cell horizontal alignment (left, center or right)
valign = "top" // Cell vertical alignment (top, middle or bottom)
nowrap // Don't wrap he text
bgcolor = "#RRGGBB[AA]" // Cell background color and optional alpha
align = "left" // Cell horizontal alignment (left, center or right)
valign = "top" // Cell vertical alignment (top, middle or bottom)
nowrap // Don't wrap he text
width = "100" // Fixed width
width = "50%" // Variable width
height = "15" // Fixed height
bgcolor = "#RRGGBB[AA]" // Cell background color and optional alpha
align = "left" // Cell horizontal alignment (left, center or right)
valign = "top" // Cell vertical alignment (top, middle or bottom)
nowrap // Don't wrap he text

<TITLE> // Page title

// For quick help ONLY

quick_help_events="event1 event2" // Event that trig to the next step
quick_help_condition="always" // Condition that skip the step and jump to the next one
quick_help_link="ah:browse&url=http://www.w3.org" // Browse this URL when paragraph is highlighted. See <A href>

You can use the action handler "run_quick_help" to run a quick_help. The parameter is the name of the radio button of the selected quick help.


Wu She-Peng

#6 [en] 

nexus (seed amber)
search term should be url encoded like ?p=map;keywords;nexus+%28seed+amber%29.

If you open bmsite.net map, then there is explanation how the search works.

ingame map will try to zoom in as much as possible, so that search term should display Nexus for example.



#7 [fr] 

Whoua !

Excellent Shepeng ! c'est exactement ce que je recherchais désespérément :)

Marvelous Karu, it works ingame ! i am happy :)

Merci tout plein à vous deux pour votre aide précieuse et votre réativité <3

Last edited by Lapiaz (9 years ago)


Last visit Monday, 17 February 08:36:03 UTC

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