
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 7th of march 2016

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge

1 Communication & Marketing Group

2 Lore Group

3 Event Group

4 Translation Group

5 Support Group

6 Dev Group

7 Ark Group

8 Level Design Group

9 Graphics Group

10 Music Group


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
1 Communication & Marketing Group

Q: Siela, how are the translations for the User Manual going?
A: Nilstilar: Translation is done. It has now to be checked and loaded in the wiki. It also need to gather images of the French interface.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
2 Groupe Lore

Zendae : D'abord, à propos du Wiki Lore, je me souviens qu'à l'époque ça a été dur de m'enregistrer moi aussi. Ce serait bien si par exemple on pouvait juste donner son pseudo, recevoir un izam de confirmation avec lien à cliquer, et hop, enregistrement fini. En partant du fait que tout joueur peut être volontaire.Ensuite je peux préciser le besoin pour la mise à jour de la liste des PNJ et PJ ? Avec Vaiatua nous avons d'abord planché sur la mise à jour des PNJ (je parle toujours du Wiki Lore); on a glané les infos auprès d'autres joueurs, c'est pas forcément juste. Le plus simple serait en effet d'avoir une liste officielle.

Ensuite pour les PJ, je pensais que le mieux serait d'impliquer les joueurs, particulièrement ceux qui participent aux assemblées de leur pays. Néanmoins il n'est pas évident de les faire venir sur le wiki, où comme on le dit c'est déjà dur de s'enregistrer. Peut être qu'on peut mettre quelque chose en place avec le forum en relais, où les joueurs annonceraient les nouvelles nominations, remplacements, départs... à réfléchir.

Gaueko : Au sujet de qui est qui dans la politique des différentes factions, je peux demander à l'Event Team et ensuite, créer une tâche pour que l'Équipe Lore travaille à une liste pour rendre ces noms officiels. Le plus important, bien sûr, c'est que l'Équipe Lore mette régulièrement à jour ces changements.

Q : Sinon, une annonce HRP au début des Assemblées ? Ou en envoyant un mail IG à ceux qui participent souvent, en leur demandant de faire passer ?
R : J'ai fais cela chez les fyros, mais ils sont en ce moment en pleine restructuration et n'ont pu répondre. Ils n'ont pas été contre l'initiative cependant.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
3 Event Group

3.1 La Firme
Gaueko: I have been talking with Dev/Ark Teams and they are very busy with the Steam release tasks. They apologize about not answering to your e-mails. I have asked the one in charge of this task to contact you to explain this situation better. And I understand you all are angry and waiting for long.Zakkk: I'm not angry, I'm... no, we're disappointed. It seems we've worked for nothing. These animations were to celebrate the 1000 days for La Firme, and we're coming close to 1300 days and still nothing, while we had given you everything long before the 1000 days.

Riasan: About Zakkks Event we have a lot of work with Patch System/Steam Client and ARC. If this is all done we can work very faster and make lot of better stuff...but we need to finish all and this take a lot of time...

Q: Maybe a firm commitment should be taken for La Firme event for after Steam, at least?
A: I am sure that after Steam we will go back to normal, and we would be able to focus on many stuff we can´t know.

Q: The "Dev" is Ulukyn? Or someone else? Because even after Steam, someone like Ulukyn has so many things to do that it can still lag be very slow.
A: No. Dev, all the Dev Team, not just Ulukyn.

3.2 Recruitment
The Event Team is strongly understaffed and in big need of new animators to help to provide regular events. If you enjoy playing role or writing stories, join us! Help of everyone will be very useful and appreciated. To know more about it: 2.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français
4 Translation Group

4.1 Recruitment
Translation team is recruiting!

We're looking for translators / proofreaders to English (3 FR => EN), to German (2), to Spanish (2), to Russian (2) and to French (2).
If you're interested, send a mail to: mentionning you're applying for the Translation Team.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
8 Level Design Group

Ptitbill: Zendae, Bastien, Deed and Depyraken are working hard on their project. Of course Steam is slowing down the whole of it. Zendae is starting the dialogs of her project. Bastien is working o several projects at the same time so that he doesn't lose time. Deed is the most penalised of all since he's missing lots of elements to finish his one. He's waiting, as many, that Steam is over. I've got a project to submit for validation, by Talkirc.

Depyraken: Depyraken: Regarding the fishing... I've started moving it into Ark. But I'm a bit stuck. I need for some files to be installed on the test server. And that the changes that I made on my client are approved and can be integrated.

Q: A question to Depyraken: is fishing intended to become an occupation or a hobby available in all the cities of the Bark?
A: Both aren't conflicting... but it's just my opinion.

Nilstilar: So the real question is: will there be some additional ponds in all the countries?
Ptitbill : No. But fishiing isn't necessarily related to fishes. You can fish other things. Frogs for example. Jungle, Desert and Forest have their watering holes, the ponds.
Depyraken: There are already enough watering holes on Atys. 


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#7 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
9 Graphics Group

Gaueko: Does someone something to ask or add about this?
Ptitbill: Yes, I've got lots of items requests for them. On hold... for Deed, Zendae and Bastien projects.
Gaueko: Have you contacted with Aileya about this?
Ptitbill: Yes of course.
Gaueko: I suggest you to talk with her again, but she is busy with Steam too…


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#8 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
10 Music Group

Gaueko: Does someone something to ask or add about this?
Ptitbill: I need some noise for projects.
Gaueko: The Music Team and Group are by now not working until we create the storageing "problem". But maybe I can try to speed up this and we can create those sounds.

Q: You know how to add new sounds? We've had some troubles, on our side, with the tools...
A: About your question Zatalyz, talk with Riasan. When I created the Music Team he made some experiments by his own to add music and sounds. Maybe he can guide you better.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit Wednesday, 15 January 11:57:42 UTC

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