
#1 [en] 

Hi There!

Inflatable Friends is a small Kami, Zoraï-aligned guild who live together in the peace of the Witherings. We're a mature group of people who like to dig, hunt, craft, etc and have a general good time doing whatever it is we're up to. We support any and all Kamists, and are friendly with anyone and everyone alike. We hope to assist in growing the population of Zora and the creation of a Zorai player government. Some of us like to PvP, while others don't and we're just fine with that. We also Roleplay occasionally, but are generally good, friendly, helpful, fun-loving people.
Our Leadership:
Guild Leader: Aeralin
High Officers: Rere
Officers: Zepth

Our Website:

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Aeralin (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

yey for the incredible inflatable's :o)

keep the zora noise down :P


mayhem - where no one is an island

#3 [en] 

Nice guild Logo! Wishing you all the best on Atys ;-)

Seeing some well known names in your list. Glad to see Zora living up.

PS: Spare some Kipees!

#4 [en] 

It's been a bit, so I think I should update. :P
If now holds 2 Outposts, are a dynastic guild, and are actively seeking a Zorai player government. We've had lots of great PvP fun lately and all of us are growing our crafting skills like crazy. :D

#5 [en] 

I must admit it sounds like a very fun guild :)

#6 [en] 

Dyv?! Is it really you?!? I was beginning to think you were just a figment of my imagination!

#7 [en] 

jep it is realy me ;)
Wow a figment of your imagination! <-- sounds like i have been an evil girl!

How's life on Atys?

#8 [en] 

Interesting to say the least :)
If is doing well tho :D

#9 [en] 

Wow i must say that's a very fast respond!
Good to hear you are doing well i am doing fine aswell.

#10 [en] 

Dyvin!!! We misses you!

#11 [en] 

Hehe! I'm online and I watch IF's thread. :P *huggles Dyvin*

#12 [en] 

Hehe! I'm online and I watch IF's thread. :P *huggles Dyvin*
We all know she is stalking you. LOL

#13 [en] 

Somehow i never used the title Master of Stalking even though i have it somewhere! :)

*Huggles Rere*

#14 [en] 

*huggles dyv* :D

#15 [en] 

Are you that shadow lurking in the corner!? Well that explains a lot.... :P
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