Would you like the ability to change the underwear appearance?
Yes. 32 (3)
No. 6 (2)
Other 2
Abstain 4
Poll is closed

#1 [en] 


Now that they have fixed the very important and apparently a bug of red underwear after logging in, I wonder if any homins would like to have the option to change their underwear color/styles. I personally never wear white undies and would like to change the color and style of my toon's underwear. These could be a prize from the wheel, an Atysmas gift, or reward from event.

#2 [en] 

I feel kindof silly voting on something about underwear, but, I did like the red undies :)

Sometimes Carmy likes to run around in her undies, for a little extra challenge when exploring, or maybe to go swimming. I liked the red ones more for that, they seemed less "naked"-seeming if I'm going to intentionally go in underwear for whatever reason.

#3 [en] 

I think that is planned, just be patient...


#4 [en] 

I miss one option in voting: color yes, race no.

I would love to be able to change the color of the underwear but please keep the possibility to change the undwear's style (Tryker, Matis etc.) to very rare, very special items.

Otherwise, nearly all men would wear Tryker shorts and that would take away a bit of the races' uniqueness.


#5 [en] 

I was thinking more completely new designs, not just crossing the racial barriers. But then again, we can wear armors that are not from our race and use weapons also regardless of race.

#6 [de] 

I'd never wear Tryker shorts. =P


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#7 [en] 



It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#8 [en] 

As a Matis, I am HUMILIATED by the Matis underwear!!


YES!! please allow me to have something other that the emasculating, embarrasing, Matis underwear.

... Just saying....


I don't have anything interesting to say anything here

Just move along....

#9 [en] 

It is a disgrace ! I demand our red underwear to be given back as fast as possible !

#10 [en] 

As a Matis, I would love Green underwear! :DD

And I don't mean moldy, just Green colored. Lol

Last edited by Naema (9 years ago)

#11 [en] 


In my opinion, the real manly men would prefer the male Fyros underwear.


I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#12 [en] 


In my opinion, the real manly men would prefer the male Fyros underwear.

You mean the one given by birth and then never washed until the grave?


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#13 [en] 


Every time we login we get a clean pair of underwear!


I need me a new tag line on my messages!

#14 [en] 

It was kinda funny lile thing the red unewear bug and while it brought a chuckle, I don't really care either way.

I do find it off that this rose to the top of the "we must fix this" list while bugs like "lose the mats you just dug if your bag is almost full and you happen to be in range of your packer" remain.


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