
#1 [en] 

as everyone knows i've had issues with the map marker limits (255 per map image {witherings, desert, lakes, forest, nexus, under spring, wastelands, lands of umbra, abyss of ichor, almati woods / dante's camp, and kitin lair [to list them all]} +5 for each if you do the rite for extra map markers)

this idea isn't about that directly, but would help to reduce the pains of the limit; this idea is about new markers that could be added to the map.

one for tribe camp locations: once you visit or come within 50m of a tribe (in the case of tribes with less the favorable fame) a static marker would be on the map or that tribe's location (simialr to the flag's for OP's, or even as the fancy icon from the BM mats for tribes)

one for bandit camp locations: same general idea as the tribe camp markers (again the fancy BM markers could be used for this as well) only for the bandit locations. (again you would have to come very close to the camp location to trigger the marker on the map)

these two additions would be nice because it would help to free up a few markers per map. as well as add some "eye candy" to the map it's self (but removing the limit of the map markers would change this thread some, instead asking a replacement of the icon's used for tribes and bandits to the fancy BM style ones over the current little flags, again making it eye candy.)



Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

I can dig it TalkIRC. +1

The only reason I haven't commented on your 'Increased flags' idea (or no limit to them), is because i kind of like the idea of not having that many flags on my map.

When I zoom in as much as i can and can't click on one flag because another is too close, i end up actually deleting flags so i can see whats going on and put two things or more on the same flag, like 'choice Moon resin, Anete fiber, & Koorin oil=spring/day (or whatever)" and more complicated groupings on my flag like that.

Also, when I change maps to see where my teamates are, i can't see them until I zoom in more, LOL.

(That might be why you aren't getting much response about this idea, or rather, the one about dropping the limit of flags, I don't know. Maybe others don't care about it one way or the other, which is ok too).

I'm happy with the way it is personally. But Static flags are a nice improvement i think. Never thought of that :)

And, you mentioned before you use the flags and like them, so that is fine too! :-)

#3 [en] 

many months or years ago there was a topic about the map zoom issue, and a fix was shared to allow a greater zoom level (which i applied quickly so that i could see all my flags that used to overlap) the map image get's a little grainy with the fix, but it allows a user to really zoom in. (i think mine is double the default max zoom, which allows a player to really pinpoint their flag selection.) the fix wasn't openly posted to the level of detail to make it easy to do, but enough was given to make it easy for those that really wanted it. i'll do for you as was done for me and help more with an ig mail explaining it better.


Remickla (atys)
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