
#46 [en] 

chapter 45 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
we know that our last report said that we would wait until there was something worthy of dispatch before we sent an update home and while this is not the most major thing, it did seam very worthy of report. as we have said before that we have contact between the teams that's allowed us to keep each other up to date regularly. due to these communications each teams as noted that the trail seams to be on an up-hill trek. we all agree that there seams to be an incline of an upward slope. as all teams have noticed this seemingly at the same time in very different locations, it gives us a strange since that our journeys are very alike though through very different places. for the last few days we in this team have made camp at the top of one of those rises to await replies to our most recent contact with the other teams. today we received the last of those, each bearing interesting new.
while we camped awaiting reply from our messages telling of our current camp location and what we saw far into the distance, our counterparts were pressing onward with great speed to attempt to reach something similar to us. after two days wait we received our first message back. that reply contained news that they too after pushing on as hard as they could also reached a point where they too could see something much like us at edge of the horizon. a further days wait brought us a similar message from yet another team, and the following day we received the final teams reply.
all teams reply that they can all see a similar view on the horizon from our current locations. that view is what appears to be one of the upper branches that from what we can see comes down all the way to the horizon line, leading us to believe that it may perhaps come in contact with the surface. it's now our goal to head towards what we can see on the horizon, and with luck the campsites we've been following will also lead in the same direction.
while we continue on our journey we hope that you will all be waiting at home for our next dispatch. as always we will press onward with our single goal in mind, to find the lost cities and forgotten lands. for the better of all homins on atys we will not stop.


Remickla (atys)
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#47 [en] 

chapter 46 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
as we had hoped in our last message home the camp sites do indeed seam to follow the same routes we've all chosen to follow. while the goal has not changed, we do think more then ever that those branches from above are where we'll find the long, dangerous, and steep climb up a narrow path. as the days have passed we've continued to find sites like those we've been following for some time now. the homins with no nations in each team agree that the sites are still long abandoned and growing older as we move closer to what could be the next major step in our journeys.
there have been no new clues discovered at these sites as of this message, but still we're looking and moving forward. the trail is still a dangerous one from the wildlife on the path we're taking. nothing has changed of our desire to see this grand adventure to it's end. in the hopes of something better for all homins on atys we are going to continue to press forward as we have been and find the answers to these unknown questions.


Remickla (atys)
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#48 [en] 

chapter 47 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
due to the long amount of time that has passed since our last report we felt that it would be best to take the time to inform everyone at home that we're still alive and well on our journey. in the seasons that have passed little has changed other then the progress of the teams travels. each team is still moving forward to the location where it seams that an upper branch comes down to the surface. all teams report that while it's still far off in the distance it is also clear that we're all getting closer to them. the progress is somewhat slow due to the through inspections we're giving each of the abandoned campsites. those too seams to lead in the direction of the expected meeting point of the upper branch and the surface. as we have previously said we feel there is a connection between the two. it's the strong belief that the long, steep, and dangerous climb spoken of in the discovered scrolls of the abandon campsites is very likely going to be found where the upper branches meet the surface. while it's only a theory we have right now, it does seam to be well supported by the things we've found this far, yet only time will tell us for sure. until our next report we shall continue to move forward keeping our goal firmly in our hearts and minds as we do. for all of atys we do this, and with thanks for all the support we thank all of you as well.


Remickla (atys)
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#49 [en] 

chapter 48 (those against the great explorers)

they've been claiming that they see what looks like, to quote them, "an upper branch" coming down towards the surface. but they don't seam to be there yet. how far can they be traveling? how dangerous is the route they're taking? what will their next part of this wild and crazy story try to convince us of next? how long will they go on before they learn that they're not seeing things correctly in the distance?
we in power feel that they are simply on a wild izam chase, and one that did in fact start long ago with the so called lost scrolls. what point in all of this is there, if there was anything to find out there, where ever out there might be, what good will it be to anyone here in the civilized lands?
once again we ask homins to go on about their lives and not to pay mind to the crazy tales that are the supposed correspondence of these great explorers. there is just no proof.


Remickla (atys)
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#50 [en] 

chapter 49 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
time has passed so much on our long journey to this point we now find ourselves at that it's not worthy of mention. for the last few days this team has been camped awaiting the other teams to also reach similar sites. we received the final teams message that they too have reached our most recent goal on our long travels. something we've been pursuing since first reaching the upper point of the long gentle rise we all traveled on.
we are now at the point where the upper branch does indeed reach down to the surface. here we have all, in each teams reports, found a large camp site. these sites suggests a much longer stay then any of the previous sites we've found based on the trained sites of the teams members. it was agreed that we would all investigate the sites to the most of our abilities for any possible clues that might be left behind. we have found tools, grave sites, and semipermanent structures, there is also the remnants of a wall like structure around the site it's self. our efforts then turned to looking inside this wall like structure for any clues we may find.
after long observations at everything above the surface at these sites we have come to conclude that we must look where all the other clues the teams have found thus far and that has been below the surface buried in chests. after several correspondents between the teams it was the matis members in the teams that suggested the method to make a complete search of the sites. their plan is to use a system of grids marking the area, then to dig down a meter or so one grid at a time. while our previous investigations did not employ this through method we now plan to use, they did luckily yield some results in our favor (who says that randomly attacking the ground doesn't work, after all, that's basically how the three previously found chests were discovered).
there are no doubts in any of the teams that this work will take some time. but with the placement of these campsites and the more permanent nature of them we feel it best to take the time to give these sites the most in-depth search we've made to date.
while that work is now only begging as we send this message home it's our collective thinking that this effort may yield something of value to our greater mission at hand. until there is more for us to report we shall continue our work here while keeping the single overall goal first in our minds.


Remickla (atys)
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#51 [en] 

chapter 50 (those against the great explorers)

if you believe the self proclaimed great explorers they've reached the point where the so called upper branches come in contact with the surface. now they intend to conduct a major inspection of the area for any clues there because they claim that these sites look like they were semi permanent in their construction. such wild tales these homins want us to believe in, why would anyone want to? more over, to what end does all of this lead to?
we've little more to say on our thoughts at this time, but as always once more we ask homins to go on about their lives and not pay mind to the crazy tales that are the supposed correspondence of these great explorers. don't waste time with foolishness.


Remickla (atys)
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#52 [en] 

chapter 51 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
this report will be short due to lack of new information at this time. the first of the teams has completed the investigation of their campsite at the base of the upper branch. the lakes team now plan to begin scouting the route up the upper branch. they do not intend to travel as a whole but a small group of the whole will attempt to climb the path to determine how difficult the climb will be. all teams have been informed of this plan and we all agree that it would be the best course of action for all teams as each team completes it's efforts to inspect the sites. the other teams will continue their work and we will send home another short report as soon as there are some results to report.


Remickla (atys)
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#53 [en] 

chapter 52 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
first off the forest team has now completed it's inspection of the camp site at the base of their upper branch. to our dismay no clues were discovered at this site either. they now plan to begin sending their small team on the path of their upper branch to investigate it's difficulty to traverse.
the lakes team has reported that the climb is very difficult and dangers but not impassable. the team they sent out has not attempted to reach the top yet, they've been trying to find the safest route with the least difficulty. they report that there are many routes around obstacles to contend with.
with two team now exploring the routes up the efforts of the remaining two teams have now become hastened in their efforts to finish the inspection of the sites and start to explore their own paths up. we will report home again as soon as there is news of any kind.


Remickla (atys)
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#54 [en] 

chapter 53 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
the desert team has now completed the inspection of their site and like the previous two teams we are sad to report there are no results at this site either. they too are going to start sending a small group up the upper branch for travel assessments and route mapping.
much like the lakes team the forest team is reporting similar terrain on the upper branch path. the lakes team reports that they have about half the branch mapped out for their travel up. it's been agreed between the teams that until the final team has completed the inspection of their site all other teams will wait to start moving up the branches.
the progress of the final teams inspection is nearly complete, our next report will come once that work is finished. we will also include the efforts of the other three teams work mapping the best routes up the branch at their respective locations.


Remickla (atys)
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#55 [en] 

chapter 54 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
the jungle team was nearing completion of their inspection of the camp at the base of the upper branch when their efforts finally paid off. a large chest was discovered in one of the few remaining grid squares. this new discovery was something to be marveled over, like the other chests found by other teams at various sites this chest also had scrolls and items in it.
the scrolls in this chest were a brief history of the lands the homins that created this site had recorded about recent events in their land above. the tale tells of serious dangers from not only creatures but also bandits. they go on to tell of their escape to the surface.
the items that were found in this check are incredible and hard to describe beyond saying they are most unique compared to anything in the known homin lands. the items are as follows: a set of light armor, magical amplifiers, jewels, and a dagger and axe set. the one thing that stands out more then anything else in all these amazing items is it's clear that the dagger and the axe are meant to be used together, a concept unheard of in our known lands.
we now intend to send messages to the other teams to begin the climb to the top of the upper branches. it's unknown weather or not the trained izams we use to carry messages back and forth will be able to find their way up and down the branches. if they can not it will be some time before another message is received between the teams or to you at home. in the even that this happens the teams have made plans to explore what is above and then return in a set time to send a message to each other and then back to you at home.
regardless of what may come, our efforts will continue to go on as they have all along, still with a single goal in mind.


Remickla (atys)
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#56 [en] 

chapter 55 (those against the great explorers)

isn't that a twist, now the fourth team finds something, and almost at the end of their searching. it seam too perfect and too planned out for those of us in power to believe any of the crazy stories they've sent home, but this is by far the most perfectly timed of them yet. they have no idea if they will be able to provide any contact with those of us here once they "climb up", as they like to say. how lucky for them that they might not be able to send more messages home, seams like an easy way to lead people to believe something is really going out far out in a collection of unknown locations. how lucky that each of these teams seamed to find the same things in very different ecosystems. more scrolls that didn't get sent home, more items no one is likely to ever see. this is now the perfect chance to lead homins on by saying nothing.
what foolishness this all is, how weak anyone must be to believe these lies they're trying to tell you as facts. please homins of atys waste not one more day of your time thinking about this outlandish tale. don't believe in the hoax they're trying to feed you. once more we ask homins to go on about their lives and not pay mind to the crazy tales that are the supposed correspondence of these great explorers.


Remickla (atys)
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#57 [en] 

chapter 56 (the great explorers)

it has been two full years have passed since the last message was sent home from the great explorers. in their last message they stated that they were not sure if they would be able to send messages home after they made the upward climb. after so long we can only assume that their worry about sending messages home was correct. in the end only time will tell...


Remickla (atys)
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#58 [en] 

chapter 57 (the great explorers)

homins of atys:
we realize that it's been over three years now since you had any messages from us. we know this because after a week in the lands above we sent a message to the other teams about an update so that we could put together a message home, the day after we released the izam it had returned with the same message we sent out. that made it clear to us that as long as we were in the lands above no messages could be sent out. thanks to planning ahead between the teams prior to going up the branches it was agreed that if this happened we would spend no longer then 3 years searching the lands above, and would return to the base of the upper branch to make contact with our findings and compile a message home with our various results. this is that message.
all four teams took the full three years time to explore the upper lands. what each team found is exactly like the rumors said as far as being other lands, complete with cities. there is things to note about the lands above that everyone should know now.
first the cities are indeed there, and it would seam that they are full of bandits. each team sent in various homins from different backgrounds to try to make contact, each homin was attacked and chased for a short while. this would lead us to our conclusion that they are bandits because they would not allow anyone to enter the cities. as a result of these attacks we have little information on the cities themselves.
the creatures in the lands above are much stronger then those on the surface, there are breeds that normally don't grow so strong on the surface that can be found here. some seam to roam in strange patterns thought out the lands above, and every season seams to favor movement of different creatures. there is much to learn about these stronger creatures, the one's that we encountered that were stronger then their surface counterparts are as follows: clopper, cray, goari, igara, izam, javing, yber, ragus, bawaab, bodoc, capryni, frippo, gnoof, lumper, messab, raspal, and rendor. you can also find all of the other creatures found on the surface in the most dangerous regions of the homin lands. it's our belief that because of so many dangerous creatures these are forced to grow stronger in order to survive. perhaps these are closely related to those on the surface, but of a more robust line of breeding then the surface creatures.
we're all on our way home from the base of the upper branches following the sending of this message, when we reach home we intend to share the recovered scrolls found on our journeys for all to see and read themselves. we also intend to meet with those of us at home that first started the great quest's work of the scrolls, and to decide how to proceed on finding a way to share with others a chance to see the lands above.


Remickla (atys)
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#59 [en] 

chapter 58 (those against the great explorers)

after so long gone it was thought that the creators of these wild tales had moved on to real and tangible things. it's clear that they have not, we in power have decided these fallowing things if you show us proof of these wild tales you have claimed to be sending home and promise these things if you have a next phase to your efforts:
we'll allow the great explorers complete controll over these newly found lands.
we'll provide any homin with payments for services rendered to the great explorers efforts. in the spirit of treating everyone equal:
we'll offer dapper's to anyone on a fixed scale up to the limits of homins that have no allegiance to any nation, even homins of no nation.
we'll offer civilization credits on a fixed scale again up to the limits of homins that have no allegiance to any nation.
we'll provide the great explorer's with dapper's to buy items they need from homins in order to complete their efforts and promote economic stimulation by offering homins another way to sell their items.

we in power will do all of this if they can only provide solid proof that the stories they have told everyone is true. this is our final word on all of this.

Last edited by Talkirc (9 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
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#60 [en] 

chapter 59 (great explorers return story)

recovered scrolls found by great explorers team 1 (forest team)

"we have traveled a great distance from our homes already. we have fought our way past vicious and dangerous beasts after coming down a steep and dangerous climb. now here at this camp we write these messages for any who may risk the travels as we have, or perhaps for future generations to find as they travel back to where we came from.
the master crafter's with us have created a set of jewels, armor, and daggers to leave with these writings. these items have been made with the very best materials we have. the master crafter's used the most secret crafting skills known to our people to make these items. we hope that whoever may find these will put them to good use and respect the effort and dedication it took to make them."

the items were shown to those in power as proof after being displayed to the homins of the forest lands. solid proof of their tales because there's nothing like these items that has been ever seen before.


Remickla (atys)
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