
#20 [en] 

chapter 19 (fragments of the lost scrolls)

a full year has passed now since we last had decoded scrolls to share, for the last season we've had all but 3 decoded. based on the challenge these final 3 scrolls have been we've decided to share the ten we have done with you now, and will continue to work on the final 3. the new ten were the smallest of the scrolls we had, and they were in the worst condition. they all seam to be only one word each. it seams that those that wrote these wanted to make reading them a real difficult task for any that might be willing to try as we have. here are the newest ten scrolls we've decoded: "...a..." "" "'s..." "...the..." "...the..." "...and..." "...of..." "...the..." "'s..." "" now our effort's are almost complete on the decoding of the scrolls. soon we'll turn our full efforts to trying to learn the order they go in so we can finally show all of atys this mystery of these long forgotten, overlooked, and neglected scrolls. back to work for all of us to try to find the answers we're now all seeking.


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#21 [en] 

chapter 20 (those against the scrolls)

this group of homins that claim to be working on the so called lost scrolls likes to try to insight that we are against them with every "report" that they offer the homins of atys. they make grand claims to our statements about the uselessness of what they are doing. they attempt to rally homins to refuse our wisdom on this matter. the long amounts of time that they seam to require to decode these "fragments" change with each of their own reports. why, we ask, is it that they don't have a more efficient and constraint timeline for this supposed work they are doing. over and over they are very clear that they have no idea what order these various blocks of alleged text are to go in. what point is there to all the effort they've put into everything they claim to have done if that key point has not been discovered and has not been the main focus of their works.
honestly after a full year of work they could only "decode" ten out of thirteen of these scrolls. out of that year of work they openly share that they have spent a full season of effort on just three of the scrolls. now at this point they are claiming that their full efforts will work on these final three scrolls before they even attempt to find the order that the fragments go in. did they not spend a full seasons worth of time already working on those three scrolls what more can they do or find? why also would whoever supposedly wrote these put only single words on a scroll, and in a code as this group claims? how long will they draw this out, and how much more of every homins time will they waste with their claims and stories? what excuses will they give for the time they take to "work" on the remaining three scrolls? will they use claims of the condition of the scrolls as they have already, or will it be the massive complexity of the code they're wrote in?
we in power feel that all we're going to find in the end from this group is more reasons why things are not working in their intrust. once more we ask the homins of atys to avoid giving any merit to anything that the group of homins offer the homins of atys. it's still our view that this is simply an effort to distract the homins of atys from something far more important, what however that could be we are not sure, but with every minute we are forced to deal with this subject another is being neglected.


Remickla (atys)
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#22 [en] 

chapter 21 (fragments of the lost scrolls)

so much effort has went into the decoding of these last three scrolls, we have worked tirelessly on them for some time. to our frustrations nothing we had tried had offered us any hope of decoding the final three scrolls. as we have been unwilling to give up on our efforts to decode these scrolls we continued to take every effort to do our work. as the frustrations we all were feeling built up we became more and more desperate in our desire to finish these works we have dedicated ourselves to for all this time. it was becoming a belief that perhaps we lacked the skills to decode these last three scrolls.
several members of the group decided that they would go back to the scrolls we had already decoded in an attempt to try to find clues we might use to decode these final three. at first there was seemingly no help found in this method being pursued by the group. as each of the old scrolls was looked at they were compared to each of the final three, and there was only a tiny fraction of each scroll that related to the final three. as more of the previously decoded scrolls were compared to the final three there were more tiny parts that corresponded to them.
for a time there was no real hope that these tiny parts would offer any help to our effort to decode the final three. after all seventy-nine scrolls were compared to the final three scrolls none had shown anything more then a tiny part of the decoded scrolls matching a tiny portion of the final three. unwilling to give up our effort to decode the final three we in the group decided to have an open discussion about why there could be tiny fragments that matched. an idea was offered that we had all failed to consider until that very moment... perhaps the final three scrolls were the key to the order of the other seventy-nine scrolls.
while we have no idea if this might be true or not, we are going to put the theory to the test. we're going to take each of the final three scrolls and find the matching symbols on the decoded scrolls. then match the order of the decoded scrolls to the order of the symbols on the three final scrolls. it's our hope that we will find the order of the scrolls this way. we feel that if the fragments do indeed start to make sense with this method we will soon after find the correct order that all seventy-nine scrolls go in.
this work should not take much time at all to do and we intend to post another update as soon as the comparisons and matching's are done. we will offer the first of the final three scrolls results as soon as they are compared to the other seventy-nine.

Last edited by Talkirc (9 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
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#23 [en] 

chapter 22 (fragments of the lost scrolls)

we have successfully found twenty-seven scrolls that matched the first of the final three. they do indeed seem to offer the correct order that the scrolls go in. here is the completed work we have done at this time:
"...abandon these lands that we have come to settle. the creatures in the lands we leave behind were getting far too dangerous for us to live and be safe in. our foolish idea to limit the skills of a single homin in our home land was our undoing and one we will not repeat. ..."
it's clear that this is only a section of the whole, and it would appear that it is preceded by at least one of the other two scrolls. we're already hard at work putting together the next of the final three scrolls, as soon as we have that scroll put together we'll post that as promptly as we posted these results. once more we're back to work to complete our work.


Remickla (atys)
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#24 [en] 

chapter 23 (those against the scrolls)

all this wasted time and effort and now the group had been stuck on three scrolls, then suddenly there is an idea someone has that they could be the key to the order the scrolls go in. then shortly after they have that idea they have the order of twenty-seven scrolls out of the total eighty-two. how amazing that they would find that three of the scrolls were the key to the order of the other seventy-nine. then they offer up a middle chunk of these scrolls because of one of these three scrolls says this is the order. how strange that after so much time and effort they just suddenly have the answers to everything? it's still our belief that these so called scrolls are nothing more then what they appear to be, scribbling's and pointless drawings. we're still in the belief that this is all an elaborate hoax, or well planned distraction from something else. what point there is in this none of us can fathom. once more we ask the homins of atys to ignore anything this group offers, they are nothing more then a total waste of time.


Remickla (atys)
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#25 [en] 

chapter 24 (fragments of the lost scrolls)

with this second of the final three scrolls we have found the order of twenty-five of the remaining fifty-two scrolls, this will leave another twenty-seven scrolls to match order of with the final scroll, but we're getting ahead of ourselves, here are the twenty-five scrolls we have put in order this time:
"... the one thing we will ensure is that all homins can pursue all skills they want. it's our hope that in these new lands we have found we will grow and learn from our mistakes. perhaps when there are enough homins in these new lands we can return to our old lands. ..."
as your reading this now the work is being done already for the final scroll. as soon as that work is complete you will again be reading our report post. soon the secrets of the scrolls will be revealed to us all, let's hope that we can understand what they tell us.


Remickla (atys)
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#26 [en] 

chapter 25 (fragments of the lost scrolls)

now here is the order of the remaining twenty-seven scrolls without delay:
"... we have traveled a long distance from the lands above. what we are seeking is freedom and safety for all to enjoy. with these new beginnings we hope we have found a land to prosper and grow. it's our hope that we can live without need of fear and worry. now that we are here we will never ..."
we intend to play with these three blocks for a short time and once we find the most logical order for them we'll post that as soon as we have it.


Remickla (atys)
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#27 [en] 

chapter 26 (fragments of the lost scrolls)(final chapter of this story)

this is the following order we found most logical for the scrolls:
"we have traveled a long distance from the lands above. what we are seeking is freedom and safety for all to enjoy. with these new beginnings we hope we have found a land to prosper and grow. it's our hope that we can live without need of fear and worry. now that we are here we will never abandon these lands that we have come to settle. the creatures in the lands we leave behind were getting far too dangerous for us to live and be safe in. our foolish idea to limit the skills of a single homin in our home land was our undoing and one we will not repeat. the one thing we will ensure is that all homins can pursue all skills they want. it's our hope that in these new lands we have found we will grow and learn from our mistakes. perhaps when there are enough homins in these new lands we can return to our old lands."
this would seam to be a history of some kind.
why have the powers that be been so afraid of us learning this amazing historical text? is there something about these that they didn't want us to know? is there more of this history that they know but don't want us to know? were there more scrolls at one time that have not been found? their reactions throughout our work would suggest that any of these questions could be very true.
our group does intend to learn more in the future about what these scrolls tell us. we hope that all our work will inspire more homins to search for things like the scrolls we've already decoded. it's our hope that perhaps more scrolls will turn up, or other stories that have long be considered wild tales will be shared now in light of what we have found.
it's our plan to continue working on finding more answers in the future based on what we have now found with this work complete. as always any homins that desire to join our group and it's effort are welcome to. we want to let all homins on atys know that all are welcome in the group as long as they hold true to one single idea: that we are working for the better of all homin life on atys, and not any one single group. please leave politics, religion, or the lack of either outside, our group is about equal progress.
thank you all for the support thus far, and we hope to find your continued support in our future endeavors. those endeavors may come sooner then most would think. the group is already talking about what actions should be taken based on what we've learned. you can be assured that no matter what choices are made we'll keep you up to date atys.


Remickla (atys)
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#28 [en] 

chapter 27 (those against the scrolls)(final chapter of this story)

what a wild and unsound story this group has seamed to come up with. finding the order so suddenly by mear chance at the very end only after all the fragments were decoded. pouring out the final order of the scrolls in three days time after that magical discovery of those final three scrolls secrets. taking another day to, in their words, play with the order of the three blocks of text. then they offer us the "most logical order" further making wild claims that it would be a sort of secret history. then they would go on to claim that we know more then these scrolls tell; that there might be more scrolls that we are keeping from the homins of atys. they give a list of questions as though they truely knew more then they claim to know now. even going so far as to claim that there might be more truth out there, some of that perhaps found in old folk stories some people might know of. they call to the homins of atys to continue to search for anything that might support or go along with this wild story they have made.
we now call to the homins of atys to stop wasting time with this foolish group, and to put no faith into the crazy story they've come up with and called a history. there's no proof in anything they have done beyond the scrolls alone and those have long been considered worthless.
these homins in this group and all those that support them are simply wasting time and effort on something that does not deserve the attention and effort it's getting. everyone that is involved with this has wasted so much for what in the end proves nothing and provides nothing.
this is our call to everyone to move on from this foolishness and return their efforts to more productive endeavors.


Remickla (atys)
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#29 [en] 

chapter 28 (the upper branches - "interlude one" story)

much time has passed since the completed works of the group were shared with the rest of atys. the response of the government powers and so called wisemen that followed the groups final posting of information did not work as they has intended. there were still many homins not directly involved with the group that decoded the scrolls that offered support to their efforts and they also still are seeking more truth.
as time had went on some homins did indeed move on to other things and loose intrest in the message the scrolls shared. there were however even more that learned of them took intrest in the message. this was something that the powers that be did not find good at all, it was their hope that with time it would be forgotten by the common homin. this continued support and search for answers was exactly what the powers that be had feared. many homins have wondered what the powers that be had to fear of the scrolls.
what the common homins didn't know is that for the powers that be the scrolls were not as they had claimed them to be, worthless. unknown to all but the fewest homins in power or places of high respect and knowladge the story of the scrolls is the only remaining part of a secret history long though by the powers to be totally destroied long ago.
those in the high places of respect and power can only hope that nothing more will follow from the work done by the group of homins that decoded the scrolls. only time will tell if that will be true or not, and the powerful will simply have to wait and hope that intrest of the scrolls story will slowly fade.


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#30 [en] 

chapter 29 (the great explorers)

the great explorers announcement

attention all homins of all nations and those homins with no nation:

as a group of like minded homins, some from each nation, and some with no nation, have come together with a common goal once again. many of us are the same homins that you have come to support while working on the fragments of the lost scrolls. the goal we speak of is to strike out and find the rumored lands that the forgotten scrolls speak of. these are rumors of lands long forgotten to us all. we have the desire to find these lands no matter how far we must travel, no matter what the cost. no dangers will stop our efforts. our goal is to find the way to these lands, and to return to provide passage to all homins who desire to travel to and from. we know not how long this great exploration will take us, or what the costs shall be to both our purse and our health. the fragments speak as though there is at least 1 distant land, perhaps there may be as many as four, after all there are 4 distinct races of homins and as much like the lands we now know there could be similar lands that each of the races may have came from. there is little known of these lands beyond what the scrolls speak of, and what is known is only a rumor if you believe the powers that be. but we have faith that there must be some truth to the scrolls. there are many of us that plan to strike out on this journey. we have planned to go in four separate teams of explorers, one from each of the 4 nations. our departure and this report post will be the same day, and we only ask that all homins keep us in their thoughts as we attempt to seek the lands the scrolls speak of. we will stay in contact with the rest of atys via trained izams with updates of each teams progress. it's our goal to prove that the scrolls are not a foolish story as those in power would have everyone believe.


Remickla (atys)
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#31 [en] 

chapter 30 (those against the great explorers)

we in power had thought this matter long forgotten. now it seams these foolish homins are trying to rally everyone to believe in the tales of those worthless scrolls. there's still no proof that those scrolls are anything other then garbage. now they want to try to find the lands they think those scrolls are talking about. how could their be any lands that we don't already know about? wouldn't someone have already found them if there was?
yet again we would like homins to find better things to invest time and effort into. it's our hope that this will be the true end of the foolishness.


Remickla (atys)
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#32 [en] 

chapter 31 (the great explorers)

messages home, sent on by the wings of izams

homins of the lake lands:
our journey has taken us through great trials, we have fought our way through unexplored beaches and wilderness for many days now, but still we've not reached anything that resembles the lands the rumors speak of. we seek the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands. we will continue to fight onward into the unknown seeking those lost cities of the lakes.

homins of the jungle lands:
our journey has taken us through the darkest parts of the jungle days of travel beyond the known borders. yet still we've not reached the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands of the jungle. we have had many encounters along the way with creatures both peaceful and dangerous. our will is still strong and we are still determined to press onward into the unknown.

homins of the desert lands:
our grand adventure through the forgotten sands of the forbidden desert wastes has put us through great challenges. at the time of dispatching this letter home we have still not found the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands of the desert. with our honor intact we intend to press on deeper into the wastes confident that we will find what we set out to find.

homins of the forest lands:
our journey through the forgotten mazes beyond the known borders of the forest has taken us through many perils. it saddens us to report that at this time we've yet to discover the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands of the forest. while our efforts thus far have yet to provide us with the fruits of our dreams, we will continue to press ever onward until we do.

homins without nations (upon each of the 4 messages to the homin lands is their secret code):
to our masses at home in the lands of the homin nations:
unknown to the citizens with which we travel we're in regular contact with each party, our trained izams have carried messages back and forth between the four groups since we first set out. as always we have no trust for the homins of the nations. it's difficult to be around these citizens of the nations when they speak of their homelands as we feel as outcasts. however our goal at this time is a common one, so we shall endure the challenge of being with them. most of the time it is of little notice that they follow the ways of what they call civilized society. while they are not likely to admit it, there is no doubt that they are glad to have us with them, as our skills of living off the land are far more honed then theirs are. we have had many encounters which have proven to them that our skills are a needed part of this adventure into the unknown. these lands may offer a home without government rule, cities that we can freely enter as we please. for far too long we've been living as outcasts of the homin governments and the religions, perhaps we'll find the rumored lost cities in the forgotten lands and a place to be free and proud. until that time we'll press on with our undying hope to be free of the oppression of the governments and religions of the known lands.


Remickla (atys)
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#33 [en] 

chapter 32 (the great explorers)

2nd set of messages home, sent again on the wings of izams

homins of the lake lands:
little has changed in the days since our last message was sent home. we have found signs of homin life here and there along our path, little more then camp sites. these sites have been long abandoned and long forgotten. we hope that these sites are a sign that we are indeed on the right path. we shall continue to fight onward.

homins of the jungle lands:
through the days that have passed since our last message home little has changed other then were we now find ourselves. still in an unknown place we have found what seam to be signs of homin life long forgotten. our best idea is that it's abandon hunting camps. it is the hope of our group that we're on the right path to the lost cities of rumor. these abandon camps have given us further strength to press even deeper into the unknown.

homins of the desert lands:
our adventures have taken us even deeper into the wastes of the unknown. we are sending home a message of our newest discoveries, what appear to us all as long abandon and forgotten camp sites. there is little we can learn from these sites we've passed, but they give us hope that we're on the right path. we feel that these signs of life, however old they are, are proof that we are not foolish in our quest to find the lost cities of rumor. our honor is strong as ever and we press on deeper still into the unknown wastes in seek of our goal.

homins of the forest lands:
our journey has provided us with the first fruits of success. we have found what look to be long abandon and forgotten camp sites. what purpose these sites served are unknown to us, but we feel that these are a sure sign that the path we're taking is the right one. our dream to find the long lost and forgotten cities has only be brightened by our newest discoveries. we shall continue to press ever onward with the unyielding desire to make the dream a reality.

homins without nations (again upon the messages to the homin lands is a message in secret code):
to the nation-less masses:
with our secret contact between the 4 groups we have learned that each of the groups has found long abandon camp sites. to our sharpened eyes and well shared descriptions we have found that the sites each group have found resemble each other. though not exactly the same, we believe that they are all alike enough to call these sites hunting camps. perhaps there are other homins here in the unknown wilderness. while we've yet to see any sign that they are still around now, we feel that it's a sign that we are not the first to set foot in these unexplored places. we all in the teams agree that these are signs that we are indeed on the right route to find the rumored lost cities in the forgotten lands. it's our strong belief that we will perhaps find them and find a place to call home without the oppression of the homin nations and religions that oppress us now, a place that all homins are treated equally.


Remickla (atys)
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#34 [en] 

chapter 33 (those against the great explorers)

now these homins claim to find various sites on their journeys into some unknown lands that no one's been in before. how are we to believe this? if there are other lands beyond the borders of the known lands why hasn't anyone else ever found them? why aren't homins getting lost in these lands that they speak of?
it seams to us in power that they are once again doing as those that worked on the so called forgotten scrolls did, make it up as they go. what proof can they offer us to show that it's all true, and even if they did how would we be sure it's really proof?
please don't follow the wild and crazy stories of the so called great explorers, there are far better things to do with your time.


Remickla (atys)
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