
#1 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty sits in Liffan's bar and takes an occasional drink from his mug of Lakes beer. His hair is still wet from a cooling swim after the last trek through the desert, and he is careful not to wet the paper as he writes.

Harvestor 10, 3AC, 2586
Unto Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, Ranger Instructor, greetings from Mac'Od Bittty, Ranger Aspirant.


Recently I heard a rumor of increased kitin activity in the Forest, specifically near Tunnel of Woe and the Kitin Observation Camp in Grove of Confusion. In company with Ranger Aspirant Meggy we surveyed the surroundings of the Tunnel and saw nothing but the usual concentrations of Kirostas, Kinchers, a few Kinrey, and the "Prince" Kizarak sunning itself in the entrance to the maze of tunnels.

Traveling to the Grove via the Path from Yrkanis, we saw evidence that recent activity (*) had temporarily increased the number of some of the kitins, including the Kipuckers, as well as the numbers of the herd of Aranas that normally lives near the Camp. On a second visit a week (**) later the numbers had returned to normal except for the Kipuckers, which circumstance I took care to rectify.

Operating on the theory that rumors in Atys often start by a sense of hominity of disturbances in the fields of the bark, I also checked areas known in the past to have had aggressive Kitin activity: the area south of Thesos where the last Mound was destroyed, Loria Ponds and the area around, Underspring near Tupile Trading Post and the KOC, the area east of Crystabel. All showed either no or only the usual amounts of Kitin activity.

I have placed the guild Phaedrea's Tears on medium alert, and will copy this letter to public boards to invite other homins to keep an eye out.

In service to Atys,
-- Bittty

[OOC](*) "Recent activities" = Server reset.
(**) The next day IRL. [/OOC]

Bittty makes a copy of the letter to give to the scribes for duplication, then rents one of Ba'Naer Liffan's izams to take the original to Wuaoi. It is evening now, and he orders a stinga rum to close out his day.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#2 [fr] 

Mac'Od Bittty est assis dans le bar de Liffan pour boire un verre de bierre. Ses cheveux sont encore mouillés, suite à une nage rafraîchissante, après un trk dans le désert, et fait attention de ne pas mouiller le papier sur lequel il écrit.

Harvestor 10, 3AC, 2586
Unto Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, instructeur Ranger, salut de Mac'Od Bittty, Aspirant Ranger.


J'ai entendu parlé récemment une rumeur, à propos de l'augmentation des activités kitins en Foret, surtout près du Tunnel des Malheurs, et vers le camp d'Observation Kitin du Bosquet de la Confusion. Avec l'aspirant Ranger Meggy, nous avons inspecté les alentours du Tunnel et n'avons rien vu de notable (à part les habituels Kirostas, Kinchers, quelques Kinrey, et le "Prince" Kizarak à l'entrée du dédale des tunnels.

En voyageant dans le Bosquet (venant d'Yrkanis) nous avons vu qu'une activité temporaire de kitins a eu lieu (*), Kipuckers inclus, et de même pour les troupeaux d'Aranas qui sont habituellement près du camp. Une semaine plus tard (**), nous y sommes revenu, la population était revenue à la normale, sauf pour les Kipuckers, et au vu de la situation, j'ai rectifié.

Selon la théorie que les rumeurs sur Atys commencent souvent par des perturbations humaines dans les domaines de l'écorce, j'ai aussi vérifié des endroits connus pour avoir des activités kitins agressives dans le passé : au sud de Thesos là où a été détruit la dernière barricade, l'étang de Loria et ses alentours, Underspring près du Poste d'Echange de Tupile (Plage d'Abondance) et le KOC ( * qui sait traduire ca ? *), à l'est de Crystabel. Rien d'anormal dans ces zones.

J'ai demandé à la guilde Phaedrea's Tears d’être en alerte moyenne, et j'afficherai une copie de cette lettre sur les panneaux publics, de facon à proposer aux autres homins d'y etre attentif.

Au service d'Atys,

(*) activité récente = reboot du serveur
(**) le jour suivant IRL

Last edited by Craftjenn (9 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#3 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty hunches over his notebook, inscribing a message.

Medis 30, 4th AC, 2586

Unto Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, Ranger Instructor, greetings from Mac'Od Bittty, Ranger Aspirant.


Once again I put pen to parchment to report on a strange occurrence relating to the kitins. In Paramount Stock, near the entrance tunnel to that stock there are usually only Kizoars and Kiban. It is easy for homins to enter the stock and harvest the excellent quality zun amber within. (Well, I suppose that "easy" is only true if the weather cooperates.)

Last Winter, I came to that area intent on killing a few kizoar to build my skills, and found instead of kizoar, a spawn of Killer Kinchers and Great Kinchers. With some difficulty I engaged some of them and observed that they seemed to react as they do normally, not with any of the abnormal behaviors that indicate Goo contamination or the preliminaries to previous kitin incursions from the depths.

I thought at first that this was a seasonal abnormality such as occasionally happens, where a group of beasts moves from its usual location to another in search of food. However, the season has now turned to Spring and then again to Summer, and the kinchers are still there. If this is a seasonal abnormality it seems not to depend upon the season.

I report this to you to inform you of this matter. I will post copies of this letter in the usual places to inform my fellow Rangers Aspirant.

In service,

Mac'Od Bittty
Ranger Aspirant

Bittty summons one of Liffan's Izam flock, ties the message to its foot, imposes an image of Wuaoi on its primitive brain and lets it fly.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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