
#1 Multilingual 

Bonjour, Okaryna a eu une idée intéressante pour motiver les gens à diversifier leurs compétences sur le jeu.
Je ne fais que la mettre ici sur le forum et la traduire car elle est trop occupée pour venir sur le jeu en ce moment.

Okaryna a remarqué qu'il y avait beaucoup de points de compétences restant et inutilisables lorsqu'on finit toutes les branches d'un domaine.
Elle propose donc que ces points puissent être utilisés dans le domaine complémentaire pour obtenir plus d'actions et ainsi pouvoir monter plus vite et avoir plus d'options.
Cette utilisation des points excédentaires ne fonctionnerait que lorsqu'un domaine est totalement terminé et uniquement pour le domaine complémentaire.
A savoir combat/magie et forage/craft.

Pour donner un exemple :

Si un foreur a fini les 5 branches de forage, ses points de forage restant pourraient être utilisés pour acheter des actions dans les branches de craft selon ses niveaux dans les crafts.
Pour pouvoir acheter les plans de toutes les races à un niveau donné, les bonus à mettre sur l'objet crafté, etc.
Car en montant qu'une branche de craft, on a trop peu de points pour acheter les plans de toutes les races. Et là un crafteur pourrait faire tout de suite plus d'objets différents.

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Hello, Okaryna found an idea to motivate players to diversify skills on game.
I only present it here and translate because she's too busy to come.

Okaryna noticed there are many remaining and unusable skill points when you finish all branches of 1 skill tree.
She offers these points can be used in the complementary skill tree to get more actions and so be able to up levels faster and get more options.
This use of excess points only work if 1 skill tree is totaly finish and only to the complementary skill tree.
Complementary skill trees : Combat/Magic and Digging/Craft

For example :

If a digger finish all 5 digging skill trees , his remaining digging points could be used to buy actions in craft skill tree depending on his craft levels.
To buy all race scheme craft depending on his craft levels, bonuses on equipments.
Because, when you up 1 craft branch, you haven't enough points to buy all races. And thanks to this idea, could craft more different items.


#2 [en] 

interesting idea, but here's something to think about:
what if there is a expansion of the skill tree one day, taking the master level from 250 to something higher, those extra points could then be used in it's intended skill. (i believe nervax once intended to do exactly this, making the top skill level 275 or 300, though it never happened)

just something to think about that could make this a bad idea IF that expansion ever happened, because suddenly those extra points you spent on another skill now prevent you from ever reaching the new max levels.



Remickla (atys)
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#3 [en] 

To add to that, I fail to see the problem.  I have completed all crafts (except ranged weapons and ammo) and I have LOTS of Skill points, just as I have in harvest, magic and combat.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 [fr] 

It's disappointing having some 30,000 skill points to spend and not having the opportunity to "go shopping" for something new every now and then. I'd like to see some expansion of skill points that resulted in just minor tweaks. Promoting mainly the idea of having something to spend points on when you complete a tree ... not so much the specific examples below when you complete say:

A tree being defined as:

Crafting Armor
Crafting Jools
Crafting Melee
Crafting Ranged

Some of these have been suggested before just not in relation to tree completion.


A. Finish all Harvest and get another Focus credit. It tops out at 270 and IIRC correctly 276 would allow Gentle Rate and Gentle Speed.

B. Finish all Harvest and get Knowledge 4. It would display the number of mats in a node allowing us to skip the short nodes and target the ones w/ more mats.


A. Armor - Upon finishing a full tree (MA. LA, HA, Shields / Bucklers), all the addition of a sigil to the Vest / Shield. These could be "sold " like tatoos or hairdos with one option being the guild symbol.

B. Armor and Jools - Complete all trees and gain the opportunity to make a "set" whereby when ya drag from bag to room, packer whatever, you drag one and the whole set goes with it ... or most importantly, to take the whole set outta GH.

C. Weapons Sockets - Again, the intent here is not to unbalance combat but to provide something new. One frustrating aspect is when "pulling" a mob or better said "just one mob" is inching up, hitting taunt, inch up a lil more ... rinse and repeat. The game know when you are in taunt range or a mob is in aggro range. Why not have the weapon (or our picks) start to glow when in taunt range or when a mob has "locked on" to us. The sockets could be made only on new unused weaps. and as a

D. Jools - Completing the Jools tree would allow the creation of crystals for socketed items.

** For sockets and crystals, cupla notes:

a) Not suggesting being able to see the socket or the crystal ... no more than we see jools or enchant crystals.

b) Since this would only allow access for folks with "masters", a "buy option at an NPC could provide similar functionality at lower levels.

Magic / Melee:
Magic and Melee are a bit different in that adjustments here can cause unintended consequences and create imbalances which, in battles, would favor those who have just been here longer.

Don't really have and fleshed out ideas a syet but like we have "mat spec" for harvesting a set of bricks that added say xx% damage to or eliminate yy% weapon damage from each mob type would be a great way to spend 610 / 1220 points (Arana, Arma, Bawaab ... etc).


#5 [fr] 

For example :

If a digger finish all 5 digging skill trees , his remaining digging points could be used to buy actions in craft skill tree depending on his craft levels.
To buy all race scheme craft depending on his craft levels, bonuses on equipments.
Because, when you up 1 craft branch, you haven't enough points to buy all races. And thanks to this idea, could craft more different items.

Alternately, how about that XP gained after mastering be converted to "points".  We have PvP Points, Faction Points, Racial Points and make the, appropriately scaled of course, useable for purchasing items (i.e. Wudahmat, Cats, Crystals, picks, special gear) that can be currently bought with all of the other points ?

The gear items should have different appearance and not be the "same" as those from faction and PvP sourves, but of no less value.  Ryzom since day 1 has takjen a separate but equal approach and this should remain consistent.   No race is superior to any other, no crafted race weapon is superior to any other, belonging to either kami / kara faction offers no advantage compared to the other.  

I don't want to discourage pursuing the custimary routes to get these things so they should be "less effiicent" from a T&E perspective to say Occupations / New Horizons to get Racial Points.   But say if an hour of Occs / NH nets one 1000 points, an hour of digging / using your axe / healing / whatever nets you 500 or 300 points.  Of course no "double dipping" so yu could not for example gain both PvP points and XP points for using yur 250 launcher at an OP battle.

So while it make take x hours of Occs / MH effforts or PvP efforts to earn yaself say 500 recharge crystals, it should take 2x or 3x of exceess XP gathering time to earn 500 crystals.   If it takes 50 hours of T & E in PvP / racial activities to gain the pretty LA set of awesome looking shield, it should take 100 or 150 hours of extra XP gathering to get same.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


#6 [fr] 

And one resurrected idea:

This might be a substantial effort or not since the mechanism is all in place.   In Beta we had staffs not amps; back then I had suggested an alternative:

a)  "Magic Gloves" - Well no explanation necessary ... it wound up in game as "Magic Amplifiers":

b)  "Greaves of Steele" - Greaves is technically armor but pick any corrolary (i.e. crystals on socketed weapons) that suits.  These work the same as amps but for melee skills allowing one to alter weapons in a way that boosts the various weapon characteristics in a manner the crafter chooses.

I must remind that at one time, all weapons were equal in speed / damage etc.   A patch was made tweaking each weapon which for example, increased axe damage by 10% while reducing axe speed by 10%.  IIRC, sword was reduced by 10% and speed increased 10%.  Pike had reach extended to better "hold" multiple mobs.  Overall the intent was to keep the overall impact but to allow the player / crafter to invest more thought into how each weapon could be used in specific situations.

Again, as with the afrementioned patch, the overall goal is NOT to make any weapon significantly more powerful overall or any stronger in relation to magic **overall**.  The intent is to allow minor tweaks where one could say increase damage at the cost of speed .... increase parry at the cost of something else.  Yes we can do this with our mat selection but intent here is to provide some variability and intoduce a bit more felxibility and forethought just like amps do for magic .... i.e. do I want that all 97 amp for convenince of do I want that extra 3% and go all ele or all heal ?

For example:

1.  Decrease all melee damage by 10% (10% just a strawman, pick any number deemed idea)
2.  Introduce reasonably attainable standard greaves that add that same 10% (end result nothing chnages).
3. By using various mat combinations allow the range of individual effects to vary from 5 -15%.   So if I get aim for 15% on Piercing Damage + Pierce  Arnmor, I could expect to get nerfed on Slashing Damage and Bleed.


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