
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Atysmas is here! In all haste, the Lutrykins have placed the last gifts at the base of a tree in the Atysmas Village in central Almati Wood (*).

(*) [OOC] These Old Lands woods are accessible by teleportation from the temples at each capital city and from the snowman teleporter at the marauder camp. [/OOC]
Meanwhile, the leader of Lutrykins makes a final assessment with Lutrykin Miep:

" Sint's sleigh?"
 ... It is like new!
- Ronny? 
 ... *Small voice* ... All ok. He ate very well ...
- Gift production?
 ... Finished! The Atysmas Fairy and her assistants have already distributed some of them to young homins!
- Gift packaging? 
... Finished! We even found the missing Lutrykin, he was in a gift...
- Display of the festivities calendar? 
 ... Oops... ehm ... !!! I forgot to put it up ... I'd better run!

Shortly afterwards, a sign listing the festivities was displayed in every capital and in the Atymas Village.
From now until 6 January inclusive:

* Look for the very big gift in the capitals or in Marauder Camp and open it! This Advent Calendar should have nice presents for you.

* If you like surprises, look on the ground all over Atys. The Sint sometimes drops gifts from his sleigh. You should also look for the chests that Lutrykins sometimes set under an Atysmas Tree!

* [Event] Watch out for huntable snowmen all over Atys. What is behind this strange phenomenon? Find out during the whole of Atysmas!

* [Hunt] You don't like Atysmas? You would like the Atysmas trees to go away? Well it looks like the Atysmas tree hunting season is finally open!

* Of course, other surprises could happen throughout all of Atysmas!

From 24 December to 6 January inclusive: [Event] Catch up with Ronny

The Lutrykins Miep and Beggy goofed up and now they need your help to save Atysmas!
Meet Miep in front of Yrkanis to get more informations. But be careful! Don't let the Sint catch you!

[OOC] "Catch up with Ronny" is a mounted race around the whole of Atys. The 10 homins with the best times will win a surprise, and all the other participants will get a consolation gift. [/OOC]

From 26 December to 6 January inclusive: [Event] Pet Rudolf!

If you find a Yubo called Rudolf, try to pet it, maybe he will enjoy it and be grateful!

Merry Atysmas to all!

P.S. You can find the tales told during Atysmas story telling in [color=#999999]this book[/color], that will be completed and translated little by little[i][i].

Edited 11 times | Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
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#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
To know more about killable Atysmas Trees:

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
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Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 03:20:44 UTC

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