
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Français | Español
You notice it by the whispered tales that are told at the campfires of the city guards. You notice it in the wondering faces of the children running around. You notice it by the eager Yubos that collect supplies for the winter. You notice it by many tiny things. Atysmas is coming!

Come to Almati Wood's Atysmas Village on Sunday, 20 December 2015 20:00:00 UTC (9 years ago) for the Atysmas Story Telling! Come tell us a tale, or just come to listen the amazing stories of the homins. Enjoy a beautiful Atysmas with a mixture of funny, contemplative and tragic atmosphere. Let all inhabitants of Atys be part of your fantasy and share an atysian story.
We are looking forward to a delightful evening with you and by you with your favourite stories.

[OOC] We would like to ask you to send the story you would like to tell to before Tuesday, 15 December 2015 00:00:00 UTC (9 years ago). [/OOC]

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | Français | Deutsch | [Español]
La primera Atysvidad en las Nuevas Tierras

Vi la luna alzarse sobre la cresta al Oeste. Parecía llenar todo el cielo. Muy grande. Muy diferente a como era en las Antiguas Tierras. Allí parecía como si la luna fuera pequeña, un orbe distante e inaccesible en el cielo. ¿Aquí? Bueno... Me recosté mirando a la luna que parecía casi inclinarse sobre mi. El sonido de la cascada en la ensenada aliviaba mi cansancio.

Era la primera vez que teníamos que parar durante un buen rato. Habíamos estado viajando desde que dejáramos las Antiguas Tierras. A cada lugar al que íbamos teníamos que lidiar con los Kitins. Nuestra supervivencia
en costante duda. Echo de menos a los que se han ido. ¡La Que Da la Vida! Me siento culpable por todos y cada uno de los que han partido. Me forcé a alejarme de esos pensamientos. Ya pensaré en eso luego. Quizá no pase mucho tiempo hasta que pueda afrontar a mis fantasmas. Tal vez con un poco más de tiempo no dolerá tanto que mi familia se fuera…

Mientras tanto tuve que pensar qué hacer por los otros en el clan. Somos lo único que tenemos. Somos los únicos. Lo que queda de los homins.

Pensé en todas esas viejas tradiciones. La Atyvidad estaba cerca.

Cuando era niña planeábamos durante semanas las sorpresas para cada uno. !Qué hermoso sentimiento hacer algo para alguien más!

Volví la vista hacia Windermeer donde el clan descansaba. Me pregunté qué nos aguardaba nuestro futuro.

Entonces escuché un gran chapoteo detrás de mi en el lado oscuro de la playa. El agua salpicó sobre mi cabeza. De pronto, me ví rodeada de voces ruidosas, luces brillantes, gente aplaudiendo a mis espaldas. Pensé que era algo amistoso.

Mientras mis ojos se acostumbraban a la luz me di cuenta de que estaba rodeada de un grupo de Disidentes Karavan que nos habíamos encontrado la noche anterior. No pude evitar sentirme nerviosa, ¿Estaban realmente de nuestro lado? ¿Ivan a decidir matarnos? Un momento perfecto para un ataque. Justo después del ocaso en la primera noche que teníamos que descansar. Simplemente no estábamos preparados.

“¡Pensamos en vosotros en esta Atyvidad! Pensamos en vuestros hijos! ¡Hemos traido regalos! Sabemos que es algo pronto pero en Atysvidad tenemos que estar en casa con nuestros hijos! ¡Esperamos que no os moleste que traigamos regalos!

“¿¡Regalos!?” Repliqué pálida.

“¡Sí, ven! ¿Dónde están los demás? ¡Traemos regalos para todos!”

Traté de contener las lágrimas que quemaban mis ojos. Creo que con éxito.

Esta simple gesto amable después de todo lo que habíamos pasado era más de lo que esperaba. Había por supuesto regalos y comidas para todos. Finalmente tuve esperanza de que habíamos encontrado un hogar.

Por Nehrie

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago) | Reason: Correction de typos FR


The Clan


[OOC] Topic moved [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Song by Meggy: (Tune: Itsy Bitsy Spider)
The Itsy Bitsy Yubo climed up the Atysmas Tree...
Down came the snow, and the yubo began to freeze...
Out came the sun and it warmed the yubo's fur...
and the Itsy Bitsy Yubo climbed to the top and began to purr.

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago) | Reason: Adding missing translations.

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
The First Atysmas -- As told by the Storyteller Lutrykin

It was many many years ago, even as Lutrykins count time.
There was no Atysmas yet...
It happened once that it was wintertime and the weather was very cold that year.
A small tribe of homins of all races gathered around a fire and wondered how they were going to survive.
They had very little fuel, and less food.  The hunting was bad due to the cold and the Dust was too hard to dig.
A little Tryker baby began to cry because she was soooo hungry.
One of the Fyros children gave the baby his last bit of dried honey so her cries wouldn't attract the wild beasts.
A Zorai child started singing a silly song about dancing Yubos, and the baby smiled.
A Matis child put a sack on his head and danced around, claiming he had a brand new hat.
The baby laughed out loud and reached for the sack.  "Hat!!" she said.  
Then the adults all laughed and joined the Zorai child singing silly songs.  
They forgot their hunger for the moment and relaxed.
Then they noticed that there was movement outside the camp and everyone was worried.
But it wasn't savage beasts, but a circle of dancing yubos!
Where the yubos danced the Dust was softened and good food came to the surface.
And in one spot a tall tree sprouted, so fast that shells stuck to the branches and glittered in the moonlight.
And after that the homins gathered together once in a while to sing and give gifts and to praise the yubos.
And they would decorate a tree.
Because Atys had rescued them that night, they named the day after Atys.

And that is all I remember.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago) | Reason: Correction de typos FR

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Rykal: Atysmas

We are all waiting, this new day.
All gathered together, to keep ourselves warm.
We look at the sky strewn with stars.
After having succeeded in driving away evil.

We pushed that back.
A few past months ago.
Now, we have gathered on this day.
To give and receive gifts alternately

We seek to be warmed by the fire.
Here, where warmth becomes the welcome.

For all that, not forgetting,
Our dear friends who could not come to greet us.
But with whom we shared such good times.
I thank them for every instant.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago) | Reason: Correction de typos FR

#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Poem by Cliffarson    

Jolly Old Saint Nekothus
Put your claw away
please don't kill a single soul
while I run away

Atysmas is here right now
The burning desert's cold
if you don't chase me too far
I think I may grow old.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago)

#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Poem by Nicholo: 12 Days of Atysmas Last Verse

On the twelfth day of Atysmas
my true love sent to me:
12 Silly Gubani 
11 Torbak Purring
10 Zerx  Leaping
9 Varinx Chasing
8 Shaggy Shalah 
7 Bandits a Slaying
6 Rangus a howling
5 Golden Ocyx
4 Flapping Igara 
3 Horrid Cuties
2 Flying Yuboand
A Kincher on a killing spree

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago) | Reason: Adding missing translations.

#9 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
AN ODE TO BODOKIN -- by Salazar

His eyes, his crown like amber;
The skin like a piece of the nights, sprinkled with stars;
A growl as deep as the caverns of the big root, 
Yet soft and caring,
As if he sings a love song for our splendoured greens,
A lullaby. 
We are safe, he sings, 
For Jena watches day and night over us, 
And while he sings
The bark trembles under his strong feet.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago) | Reason: Correction de typos FR

#10 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Tale by Mousse

I'm feeling good tonight near this fire. It makes me want to share the beginnings of Mousse on Atys.
I was a young Tryker warrior in the Lakes, I've always been attracted by Fairhaven.
I had as companion a young beautiful Tryker homine.
Her father, a public figure of Fairhaven, viewed me with suspicion !
He wanted to provoke me into a duel, but I refused. He rushed at me and instinctively my sword ran through him.
The public figures of Fairhaven put their heads together and decided to exile me from the Lakes : I was driven out of the Lakes
I found myself naked, only wearing, as a good warrior should, my sword.
I went wandering from one bar to another.
I finally reached the Fyros country.
In the buff, my morale at the lowest, I had there an encounter that would make me change my faith, a guild who accepted me without any question : LA FUREUR D'ATYS (The Fury of Atys).
That's how I became Kami, and proud of my first guild, a very long time ago.
I have become a warrior among the strongests thanks to my master Anibios, who I thank tonight. Thanks for listening to me...

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago) | Reason: Translation fix.

#11 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Song by Krill:

(Tune: Jolly Old Saint Nicholas)

It is the beer of Atysmas,
Which have all homins singing,
From Fairhaven to Avendale,
From crepuscule untill morning.
And when a barrel is empty,
This song can be heard in the night…

My Santa Ba’Naer,
We really need more beer.
You know, we are real Trykers,
Not yubos, we don’t drink water.

True, it is tasting good,
And it is drunk quite well,
The beer you serve for Atysmas,
You could say it’s exceptional.

But you’re pushing it a bit too much,
It is not worth such a price!
Ok, we’ll have a last round of it,
But you’ll have to stand the next one.

My Santa Ba’Naer,
We really need more beer.
You know, we are real Trykers,
Not yubos, we don’t drink water.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago) | Reason: Correction de typos FR

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