
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 14th of december 2015, 20:30 UTC

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge 

1 Dev group

1.1 Security improvements
1.2 Ryzom on Steam
1.3 A launcher for Ryzom
1.4 Fix of pipeline to create a new zone
1.5 Addition ingame of the tryker cities banners

2 Ark group
2.1 Matis rite 50

3 Level Design Group
3.1 Creation of missions and occupations

4 Graphic group

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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1 Dev group

1.1 Security improvements
Now thanks to vl, doesn't accept SSLv3 and TLSv1.0 anymore, it got a A+ grade on mp;hideResults=on

Ulukyn updated SSL certificate on RSYNC so Linux players are again able to create accounts.

Forums notifications shouldn't go in Spam folder anymore since VL fixed SPF records for

1.2 Ryzom on Steam
Since there still remains lot of work to do on every aspect to improve the game before it goes on Steam, Tamarea has asked for a delay in the date of addition on Steam, and it has been accepted. New deadline is so end of March 2016, and not end of December 2016 anymore.

Kervala: For Steam, I'm currently adding a link "Game setup", which starts the totally new "configurator" (?) for all platforms. It's a RyzomCore member who did it. It works with Windows, OSX and Linux.

For now, I'm working on the patch system. I succeeded in generated the .packed_sheets and have the patch system work under Linux. I still have to test it. For now, there are only Windows 32 bits executables, but we plan to create a specific BNP file for the clients of each platform (win32, win64, linux32, linux64 and OSX).

Here is what I've done from the old TODO list:
- Compiling the Windows clients under Linux (automation process);
- Ending Ryzom Configuration/Set-tup (MFC and Qt5 versions);
- Regenerating .packed_sheets.

The patch system can't be used with the AppStore client because Apple forbids changes in the applications without their validation. There will be, instead, an OS X package to download to install the client without going through the AppStore and this one will have the patch system activated.

1.3 A launcher for Ryzom
Kervala: I thought about different patch problems under OS X, Linux and Windows, and I wonder if we shouldn't need a small launcher with buttons to launch Ryzom, launch Ryzom Configuration, etc... It could also setup alternative Ryzom clients like Yubo or if you want to launch several clients.

It will fix current problems that are :

- Ryzom must be run as an Admin under Windows, that's not a good thing for security. Applications like Chrome don't need that and they are patching themselves. They choose to install files in AppData so they don't need Admin permissions. The launcher will be installed in C:\Program Files and run as a normal user, it'll be able to download needed data and copy them in a writable directory.

- Under OS X, that's the same problem. Ryzom couldn't patch data if installed in /Applications because it needs root permissions. So the "launcher" could put data somewhere in "Application Support".

- Under Linux, again the same case. Packages are installed with root user and we can't overwrite these data. With a launcher, client will be able to update itself using IG patch system. RSYNC could be abandonned since all clients (excepted AppStore one) will be using IG patch system.

- Under Ubuntu, we'll only have to update Debian packages if the launcher must be updated and since it'll be compiled in static, it'll be the same under all Ubuntu versions.

Launcher will be able to create links in Start menus or on Desktop for all clients. You'll still be able to start Ryzom directly without launching the launcher. Launcher will be mainly used to download initial data at the first launch.

There will be a small package (less than 50 MB) for each launcher to download on SF (or other sites). The related executables will be bundled in the package, but all data will be downloaded from a common file.

To summarize, launcher goal is to :

- download initial data (several GB)
- install the right executables (client + configuration)
- create links to executables
- copy all files in a writable location- make copies of client with different configurations (different server, different account, etc...)
- launch configurator
- it'll used for Windows, Linux and OS X, but won't be used for Steam (Steam manages itself patching and is acting like a launcher) or AppStore (Apple doesn't authorize to patch files)

For the case where critical data are corrupted, we'll use the ryzom_client_patcher utility that is a command-line tool very similar to the old ryzom_recover but that uses the same files as IG patch. It doesn't require any external files unlike client.

1.4 Fix of pipeline to create a new zone
Kervala: I have a good news: Kaetemi just told me that it'll be easy to create new 3D zones (lands) or modify existing ones. He fixed all build pipeline. The huge problem was we couldn't change existing files/create new ones. Everything has been tested now and is working fine. At least Kaetemi tested them.

Q: It's in the context of the tools made by Kaetemi? Or it's just some preliminary change? We still need 3DSMax for now?
A: You'll have to ask Kaetemi when he comes back.

1.5 Addition ingame of the tryker cities banners
Cities banners are ready to be added ingame but we have to wait until we can patch big files. This will be possible soon, when we will have the new client (the one that will be used for Steam, also available without using Steam) and patch progress. 

1.6 Documentation on datasheets
YannK:  I'd just want to say that I've put the sbricks study on stand-by to concentrate on the .creature, since it will probably be used earlier with the tools which Kaetemi is creating. But there is an awful amount of options (as you can guess from the complexity of Ryzom AI). So if ever you need a specific creature type, don't hesitate to let me know for me to concentrate on these points.

Same, I'm considering creating datasheets types, without legacy, but which have all the needed elements for a .creature kind, but only when I've documented everything. So if you have needs before that, once again, don't hesitate to ask.

A precision, for the ones who don't know much about the engine, the .creature concern all the elements which are displayed and managed dynamically by the server, be them a pole, a decorative banner, a mob or a NPC, it's managed with a datasheet of .creature type (even some buildings sometime).

Well, for the ones who'd like to have a general view of the system, I've written this text on our site: At the end, there's a link towards the datasheets area, but there are only .sitem for now. I'm publishing in blocks, when I've made a coherent whole from my notes. Next one will be about .creature.

Q: But there's no one who found Nevrax documentation on this?
A: Doesn't seem to.

Q: Where's the page about .sitem?A:[/i]

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Beesjy (8 years ago) | Reason: Fixing multilanguage button


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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2 Ark group

2.1 Matis rite 50
It's still being scripted in Ark, and the Dev group is adding the missing modules for this rite according to the needs.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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3 Level Design Group

3.1 Creation of missions and occupations
PtitBill: Not much for me, i'm working on the "simplified" version of the original workflow as requested by the Ark group.

What to say more, except that I'm still looking for writers and spelunkers to rummage through the depths of the forums to get out from them the ideas proposed by the players and which would be good to install.

I give you again the link to writhe the ideas from the forums:


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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4 Graphic group

The caps/logos for Ryzom on Steam are ready and validated by Winch Gate. A big thanks to Aileya for creating them!


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit Saturday, 8 June 03:06:50 UTC

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