Hilfe Zu GNU/Linux


#1 [en] 

My Ryzom client updated itself to version FV I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit. Now when I try to run Ryzom I get the initial loading screen and then it just closes with no errors or anything. What should I do? Where do I begin?

I also tried http://ryzom.kervala.net/clients/ryzom_clients_linux_2.1.0.6475.z ip, but it just writes
instead of showing a GUI.

Zuletzt geändert von Rubiksmomo (vor 8 Jahren) | Grund: Tried


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#2 [en] 

Launch it through a terminal. Launch the terminal, then :

cd ryzom

When it crashes it will give you error messages on the terminal.


Wu She-Peng

#3 [en] 

Where does Ryzom install by default when installed from Ubuntu software center? There's no 'ryzom' directory in my home dir.
Launch it through a terminal. Launch the terminal, then :

cd ryzom

When it crashes it will give you error messages on the terminal.


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#4 [en] 

I don't know that. May be you can edit your launch button to know how it does. You need to launch the ryzom_client program inside the directory where your client.cfg and client_default.cfg are.

You can also try 'whereis ryzom_client' and 'locate client_default.cfg'


Wu She-Peng

#5 [en] 

Ah, it's a hidden directory in home dir. ~/.ryzom. Still not sure how to launch the client from the terminal. But here's my log.log: http://pastebin.com/LCVuvnkw

Zuletzt geändert von Rubiksmomo (vor 8 Jahren)


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#6 [en] 

Do you have a nel_report_xxxx.log ?


Wu She-Peng

#7 [en] 

I have the same problem and still not found solution :/

#8 [en] 

2015/12/06 12:42:15 INF 3241686912 <Unknown> common.cpp 617 Exception : Exception will be launched: Path not found for ryzom.ttf

Try this :

cp /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf .ryzom/data/fonts/ryzom.ttf

Zuletzt geändert von Shepeng (vor 8 Jahren)


Wu She-Peng

#9 [en] 

Please did you launch the client from the "icon" in Unity or in applications menu ?

If you prefer to launch via the console, you should type : /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh

In all cases, /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh script should download/update data :)


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#10 [en] 

Thanks for the replies. Can't find any nel_report_xxxx.log file. Copying the font didn't help.

rubiksmomo@echo:~$ /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh
Found 228 BNP files in /home/rubiksmomo/.ryzom/data
Updating /home/rubiksmomo/.ryzom/client.cfg...
Patching Ryzom data...
Launching Ryzom...
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempt to index a nil value)

rubiksmomo@echo:~/ryzom_clients_linux_2.1.0.6475$ ~/ryzom_clients_linux_2.1.0.6475/ryzom_client_amd64
Path not found for ryzom.ttf

Zuletzt geändert von Rubiksmomo (vor 8 Jahren) | Grund: Added the error for the client I downloaded manually


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#11 [en] 

Where does Ryzom install by default when installed from Ubuntu software center? There's no 'ryzom' directory in my home dir.
You can look in your home, there is a .ryzom dir (ctrl+h for unhide)

ryzom_client is in /opt/ryzom/

Zuletzt geändert von Dukenono (vor 8 Jahren)


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#12 [en] 

Hum it seems like gamedev.bnp is not uptodate and I have no idea why it happens :(

gamedev.bnp that contains lua scripts is updated to support both Lua 5.1 and 5.2. Clients from Ubuntu 14.04 are using Lua 5.2.

That you can test is replacing gamedev.bnp by one on :


And for other clients to download on this page, they provide not all data. If you use them, you should copy your data from another installation.


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#13 [en] 

Thanks. There were some errors when I installed the updates, /boot was out of space and stuff. I tried downloading http://ryzom.kervala.net/clients/ryzom_data_2.1.0.6505.zip and copying gamedev.bnp file to ~/.ryzom/data/ . When I started the client from the icon it showed the "patching" dialog for a brief moment then then closed as before. It had overwritten gamedev.bnp with the original one. I copied the file again and run /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh. It is now "Downloading Ryzom data files" (takes 15min). Maybe this will fix it.

rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ cp ~/Downloads/ryzom_data_2.1.0.6505/gamedev.bnp ~/.ryzom/data/
rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ ls -l | grep gamedev
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95590756 joulu 6 17:04 gamedev.bnp
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95417948 loka 18 2013 gamedev.bnp.20151206
rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh
find: paths must precede expression: bagne_maps.bnp
Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]
Found 0 BNP files in /home/rubiksmomo/.ryzom/data
Checking for free disk space...
/opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh: 50: [: Illegal number:
Downloading ryzom_client.7z from sourceforge...

Zuletzt geändert von Rubiksmomo (vor 8 Jahren) | Grund: Text from terminal


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#14 [en] 

No luck, it keeps downloading the old gamedev.bnp...

rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ cp ~/Downloads/ryzom_data_2.1.0.6505/gamedev.bnp ~/.ryzom/data/
rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ ls -l | grep gamedev
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95590756 joulu 6 17:04 gamedev.bnp
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95417948 loka 18 2013 gamedev.bnp.20151206
rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh
find: paths must precede expression: bagne_maps.bnp
Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]
Found 0 BNP files in /home/rubiksmomo/.ryzom/data
Checking for free disk space...
/opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh: 50: [: Illegal number:
Downloading ryzom_client.7z from sourceforge...
Extracting data from ryzom_client.7z...
mv: cannot move ‘tmp/ryzom/data/fonts’ to ‘./fonts’: Directory not empty
Updating /home/rubiksmomo/.ryzom/client.cfg...
Patching Ryzom data...
Launching Ryzom...
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempt to index a nil value)
rubiksmomo@echo:~/.ryzom/data$ ls -l | grep gamedev
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95417948 loka 18 2013 gamedev.bnp
-rw-r--r-- 1 rubiksmomo rubiksmomo 95417948 loka 18 2013 gamedev.bnp.20151206


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#15 [en] 

when you have replaced gamedev.bnp or ryzom_client file with newer version, then you cannot run /opt/ryzom/ryzom.sh anymore.

You need to be in ~/.ryzom directory and run ryzom from there.

Taking new client name is 'ryzom_client', then you might need to make it executable first by running 'chmod +x ./ryzom_client' after which you can run it by ./ryzom_client

The dot-slash before ryzom_client is important and tells to use client from current directory.


Last visit Sonntag 2 Juni 11:25:13 UTC

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