
#16 [en] 

Very nice description, I have only seen it now and it is pretty accurate.

Regarding the 'subdeposits', their locations are fixed (won't change with time) but completely random in size and location inside the deposit. They can be just a rly small spot, or a few meters wide.

The prospection skill will verify if a certain number of random spots in the prospection area has what you want, so, if the area covered is too large, you will have trouble finding what you want (the random spot would have to fall exactly where the mat is. larger area = lower probability). I usually switch between a high range, low angle action (ray prospection) and a low range, 360 degrees one. The high range allows me to sweep the area I think the mat is. Once I find a node, the lower range action allows me to map the subdeposit around it.

I hope this helps a bit more.

#17 [en] 

Way back many, many years ago ... while Ryzom was in the beta stage, basically no one dug. It was all about melee / magic and all our gear was made of "Wundahmat" purchased at merchants.

When I tried harvesting, I went looking for wood under trees here one might logically find wood, tho they were few and far between in desert. The started toying w/ tracking. Back then various items were being tested and players were sometimes asked to perform / investigate certain activities. From this activity we went from staffs to "magic gloves, we got white dashed lines on map between regions and red X's on work out equipment.,

After toying with harvesting / tracking and asking smart / dumb questions like "why no wood found by trees ? ", had a discussion with one of the NA CSRs at Themis and he described it this way:

Think of Atys like a land subdivision map laid out in a grid of individual properties.... if that's obscure, think of a checkerboard. The mat you are looking for can be found on one of those squares. Where on that square is still to be determined. So if that deposit is in the upper right hand corner of the square and you approach from there, the mat might be found within 15m or so..... if you approach from the lower right and corner, it still could be some distance away.

I'd note that we had a few extra stanzas to use in our action building such as terrain (i.e sloping) but these were later dropped.


#18 [en] 

very nice graphics, indeed ;)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#19 [en] 

Nice post Carmy,
Ok so I've noticed that deposit tracking or prospecting does not allow me to track and harvest a specific mat..

Is this because we are doing noob tracking/prospecting and we will be able to go out looking for specific things down the line, or are we never able because whats in the deposit is RNG on point of harvesting?

Thanks in advance.

#20 [en] 

Hi Danira,

I haven't seen Carmy on in a while. Kind of miss her. She may be watching this post.

As you get more advanced you will be able to be very specific with your harvesting.

For Ex:

Material Specialization>Amber>Pha Amber

It takes a long time to get enough points for everything you can do.

Hope this helps. Have fun!



The Clan

#21 [en] 


Harvesting can be hartd to explain in text ... and once ya find a spot it get much easier cuz you can "mark it" on ya map and easily go back to it.

If ya like send me a PM in game when ya get to mainland and i'll pop over and demo find ya a few spots and work with ya a bit. After 10 minutes of help from sum1, you shud be good to go.


#22 [en] 

Boy I was happy to find this fine explanation of tracking. Its perfect. Once you know how the game is set up with these areas, its pretty ease to figure out.
Something I did learn while checking an area out is that if you are in a prospecting area that the material you are trying to track is and you use your tracking again it will say.

"A deposit has been detected less than 1m. A deposit is very close, raw materials are in the area."

This does not mean you are on top of the mats you want, just means you are in the right area. The one area I checked to see roughly how big it was by moving and tracking till I found the other side was 207m across where I check by just going in a straight line, so it could be bigger going in a different direction. The area I checked was in Oflovak's Oasis and it ran from the road near Northlake Trading Post all the way just past Clopper hill.

I thought I would post this so new players will have an idea of how big an area can be.

#23 [en] 

I don't think I have run into a 207m "tracking error" as yet but I have run into 100m. If you go to the archoved frorums, you should be able to find more in depth posts on the "checkerboard". Back then it was used much more frequenty as there was no resource maps to check.

When Selene created Silenda, it was a godsend as users could not onlty"plant a flag" on their own map, they could post it on the Silenda web site. Then the folks at BM undertook the task and we had another and with Pete J's obsession, we even had exe only maps to use.

One disappointment since merge was that, as players returned, they all went to the 250 areas and those were mapped pretty well in Silenda but the lower regions were ignored. It would be a reall benefit to the non-master if those maps would be annotated accordingly.


#24 [en] 

Very nice guide, just discovered it. :)

One little picture I saw just once, changed my view on dig areas incredibly and forever.

Last edited by Yubina (8 years ago)

#25 [en] 

I think you miss understood my post Fryosfreddy, there was no error, the tracking worked exactly as this guide illustrates. I went and found the other side of the deposit area and it was 207m from the marker I put on the first side tracking took me to. I went in a straight line towards Clopper hill checking with tracking as I went and it would say "A deposit has been detected less than 1m. A deposit is very close, raw materials are in the area."
until I was off the deposit area on the other side. Then I got a distance back towards the way I came from. Meaning I was at the other edge of the deposit area.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Dacurly (8 years ago)

#26 [en] 

Right at the west entrance of Zora is one of my favorite dig areas, it goes like a snake in south direction, around 400m in diameter, maybe more. :)

#27 [en] 

I think you miss understood my post Fryosfreddy, there was no error, the tracking worked exactly as this guide illustrates..

Thats exactly what the tracking guide here and all the ones before it defined and illustrated. The number you see on screen **is**, an error. If you see a message that says "1m away", and it is not 1m away, then by definition, that is an error.

By way of example, when GPS systems first became available, they intentionally moved the position by 150m in one direction (x y and / or z planes). The purpose of this was so that one could not use GPS to "target" an individual. This was officially defined in the manuals as the "GPS error". The system was working exactky as intended and described but it was putting you 150m away from where you actually were on purpose. I once drove over a bridge and the GPS said I was 45m below sea level.

When the phenomenon was originally described by CSRs, the difference between where tracking said it was, and the spot it could be found, was describes as the "tracking error". Just because there is a logical explanation, doesn't make the "error" definition erroneous. When I was driving over the bridge that day, and the GPS said 45m below seal level, the fact that the 5 of us weren't wet and gasping for air, makes the number an error. The fact that we no why doesnt chnage anything. Since the game's release, the difference between what tracking says and where it is has been referred to as the "tracking error".


#28 [en] 

Yes I see what you mean. I guess the wording is part of the issue. It does say

"A deposit has been detected less than 1m. A deposit is very close, raw materials are in the area."

which is true, its that the Choice Sap I was trying to find is not 1m away. The "deposit" that has Choice Sap is 1m away. The size of the deposit could be very large to try and find the material you are looking for.

So Ryzom tracking is like a GPS that guides you to the town but you will have to look all over the place for the Town Hall.
Which in some towns could take a long time to do.

About all tracking does is get you in the area, checking BM maps is much better to get you close to what you are looking for.

#29 [en] 

The number you see on screen **is**, an error. If you see a message that says "1m away", and it is not 1m away, then by definition, that is an error.
Its not an error. Tracking does not track nodes (green blob), but deposits (wide area). If it says 1m away, then you are in the area where there may be nodes that match the tracking.



#30 [en] 

Yes, we all agree on how it works, but that has nothing to do what I was referring to which is player perception.  There's one perspective from a programming standpoint ... "Its doing exactly what it was programmed to do and therfore there is no error".   You are exactly correct and we are all in agreement there.

But, again, that's not the  subject at hand.  When ya take off the programmer's hat and put on the player hat, the perspective chages.  The player expects a function to work as described by the provided in game explanations .  And that the issue I'm addressing.   It doesn't do "what it says does".   There is "what it says its doing" versus the reality "what it is doing" and since the two don't jive, from the player's **perception** there is an error.   The player is unaware of the programmer's intent, only what he / she reads in the function descriptions the game provides.

If we right clicked and the tracking description said:

"search for wide areas that the material may be found in", then there is no disconnect / error between what the player reads and what he / she finds.  But it doesn't say that .... 

Select "Amber Tracking" .... right clicking says "Search for specific materials" and the "specific materials" are the green blobs.   But the number on the screen is not the distance to the "specific materials", but the "wide area where the specific materials may be found".   If it isn't going to do what it says it's going to do, then something is "in error".

The example I gave to "create context" came direct from the Ryzom Support Team in 2005 and was quoted in a Bunnynet post at the time.   Was a time when our GPSs would **say** it was going to take you to 154 Main Street in Happytown USA, but instead it left you at the corner of Main  Street and Busy Boulevard ... 150 feet away from the address it **said** it was taking you.

To the folks who designed the GPS system there was "no error" cause it was doing excatly what they programmed it to do.... take you someplace close to your destination but not so close that you could use it for targeting with weapons of war.  The vendors that sold the system as you might expect didn't mention that in the advertising, when you called Tech Support  the difference was described as the "GPS Error".

In 2005, when we asked the support team what was going on, and how far we could expect the "blobs" to be from the "edge of the area", the number range given was then described as the "tracking error".   Again, not my term but I always found the term (and the GPS example) to be a useful and easily understood analogy.

Here we are 12 years later and folks are still posting / asking "it **said** it was taking me to the "specific material" so why doesn't 1m - 1m ? ".  And that is understandable because they are relying what they read in the function description and that does not reflect how the function works.   It's not a programming error, it's a perceived error because the provided description incorrectly describes the function.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


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