Technical Support


#1 [en] 


Following the advice and link from this thread, I downloaded a new Windows client, the version. I have simply unzipped it and copied the contents over to one of my Ryzom folders.

However, when launching the new executable, it crashes. The only information I have is this:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: ryzom_client_r.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 56574809
Fault Module Name: StackHash_c245
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.19045
Fault Module Timestamp: 56259295
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: 00000000000bffc2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: c245
Additional Information 2: c245117c6302d5c8db710f314b50ec9c
Additional Information 3: e410
Additional Information 4: e410ba64aeaf7f295a3765abcca02975

If any further information is needed, please go ahead and ask. Thank you,

edit: As suggested in this other topic, I have also updated two files in the Data folder with the contents of Client is still crashing.

edit: Updated topic title to include client version.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Mjollren (9 years ago)


#2 [en] 

There's now a .6445 data folder too, not sure if that could be the problem
Ok your edits says you had correct data. Did same happen with .6433?

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

#3 [en] 

Last lines from log are

2015/11/26 21:50:25 ryzom_client_r.exe INF 218 client.cpp 564 : Pre-Login Init of Ryzom success
2015/11/26 21:50:25 ryzom_client_r.exe INF 218 client.cpp 567 : Login of Ryzom...
2015/11/26 21:50:30 ryzom_client_r.exe AST 218 fixed_size_allocator.cpp 82 : "node->Chunk != NULL"



#4 [en] 

Karu> Arg you're right :p

I just tried and it crashed also :)

I'll try to fix it today :)

Please could you use the previous version while I fix the bug ?


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#5 [en] 


Last edited by Yenno (9 years ago) | Reason: Wrong topic,

#6 [en] 

All clients have been recompiled and should work, thanks :)

The problem was related to some files not having detected changes in code :(


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#7 [en] 

Thanks for the recompile :)

Ok, after redownloading the latest version:

- First login attempt worked, however the client did hang up while loading. If this happens again I'll post a log.

- Second attempt loaded the game completely.

Now the next complaint would be about tiny hang-ups in movement. This happens both on foot and mounted - on foot it is highly visible while running, and while mounted it is visible when changing direction. Video proof:

Let me know if this second discussion would merit its own thread :)


#8 [en] 

I see what you mean.

Generally this happens when loading a lot of files, please did it occur in previous versions also ?

Else, it could be related to some optimizations turned off just for this release :)

I just wanted to check if this version was more stable than previous, to do it, I disabled some optimizations in textures allocation :)


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#9 [en] 

Hm, I believe I tried a client from bmsite some 1-2 months ago (no idea what version that was). And yes, I seem to remember it did occur then, too.


#10 [fr] 


j'ai une erreur "File 'client.cfg' not opened

dans l ordre.

je desinstalle

je supprime le rep ryzom

j installe a partir du dernier installeur

je copie/remplace le contenu du repertoire client steam 64

idem avec le contenu de data copié dans data

j execute et là "File 'client.cfg' not opened

Last edited by Zam (9 years ago)


#11 [fr] 

Zam> Alors plusieurs remarques :

1. L'installeur officiel est super vieux :s Il faut d'abord patcher les données avant d'utiliser les clients Steam (où le patch est désactivé).

2. Si tu n'as pas changé le répertoire d'installation, il t'a mis Ryzom dans C:\Program Files (x86)\Ryzom et il a besoin des droits Admin or lorsque Ryzom est installé par Steam, il n'a pas besoin d'avoir les droits Admin, du coup, le client ne demande pas d'être lancé en tant qu'Administrateur.

Mes conseils seraient de :

1. Patcher le jeu avec le client Windows officiel
2. Copier le nouveau client et les donnés modifiées dans le répertoire où tu as installé Ryzom
3. Soit déplacer le répertoire Ryzom autre part où tu n'as pas besoin des droits Admin (un autre répertoire ou disque comme D:\Jeux\Ryzom) soit exécuter Ryzom en tant qu'Admin (mais c'est plus risqué niveau sécurité)

Sinon ton message, tu l'as où ? Tu peux faire un screenshot stp ? J'ai jamais vu ça :s


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#12 [fr] 

oui precedement j avais fait ceci, copie des fichiers dans un dossier ryzom a jour

executer le launcher en admin

meme erreur

je refais a zero.


#13 [fr] 

Le launcher ? Tu veux dire "ryzom_client_r.exe" ?

Tu peux m'envoyer un fichier client.log ou log.log à stp ?

C'est pas normal ce qui t'arrive, j'ai l'impression que tu as quelque chose qui traine dans ton Virtual Store (C:\Users\Login\AppData\Local\VirtualStore).


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#14 [fr] 

oui bien vu il y a un dossier ryzom a cet emplacement dois je le supprimer?


#15 [fr] 

oui je parle de ce launcher

pas de log j ai supprimé les repertoires


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