
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 16th of november 2015, 20:30 UTC

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge 

1 Dev group
1.1 Ryzom on Steam (dev part)

2 Ark group

3 Level Design Group
3.1 Ryzom Forge missions

4 Graphic group

5 Music group
5.1 Sound datasheets



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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1 Dev Group

1.1 Ryzom on Steam (dev part)
Kervala: I've found a fix for NVidia graphic cards with Optimus, so people using these cards shouldn't have any trouble anymore. Basically, those are the laptops with an NVidia card and Intel: it uses the Intel card by default and NVidia only for the declared games. In Ryzom case, it uses the Intel card which has a lot of graphic bugs. That's why I've changed something in the client so that the driver gives priority to NVidia card.

- Feedback from a tester: the Optimus card under Linux is better managed on Steam. It's very important for all the players with this type of configuration, because they can finally see the water on Ryzom.
- Kaetemi has fixed a bug with the XAudio2 audio driver (Windows default one).
- Kervala has fixed the problem with decimals for numbers in UI for almost all clients (the OS X client is being recompiled right now).
- Kervala updates on a daily basis the client files with the fixes and the missing translations provided by the Translation Team. The whole of it is integrated in Steam data.

Small call by the way, even if it relates to the translation/correction team: The proofreaders are trying to fix the whole of the client (interface text and system info) along with all the NPC texts before Ryzom is released on Steam, which means they have about 2500 pages to proofread in each language in about one month. Some files only have one or two pages, some others have a few tens, and others a few hundreds.So I'm calling to all good proofreaders (DE, EN, EF, FR, FU) to lend them a hand. If you're interested, please contact either Gaueko ( or Tamarea (

Q: Why "one month" to fix everything?
A: In order to finish at the same time as the other groups which are working on Steam (Dev and Communication) and so not to delay the release of Ryzom on Steam. But if needed, i'll ask for some extra time. For me it's better to wait a little more and provide an IG text cleaned of its mistakes.

1.2 Graphic tools
YannK: Two small things regarding the arrival of the graphic tools: 
Q: Which news can you give regarding the availability of the export tool from NeL for the static objects?
A: The tool is under writing, first step is done, second step is ongoing. Kaetemi could tell more about it.

YannK: I'm asking because, and it's my second point, I've temporary given up the study and documentation for the datasheets of .sbricks datasheets and for the.creature because they are the ones which will be the more needed to add objects in game. My goal is to document everything as I did for the .sitem, so that we can add easily everything we want once the tool is ready. But since the .sitem were the simplest ones, with only a hundred of parameters to study, it may be a bit longer this time.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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3 Level Design Group

PtitBill: The missions being currently coded progress quietly, we've had a big part of the fyros project changed because of an anomaly regarding the Lore.As for the Tryker part, there are lots of projects, Zendae's one is taking its course... and during demonstrations it seemed to be liked by everyone.Lots of proposal by Bastien as much for the Trykers as for the other countries with a simple adjustment... but it's a bit early to talk about it.Rikutatis has joined us with Zoraï project, we're waiting for his texts.Some surprises for all countries. The players will have surprises which will change their habits.Deed is working on his Matis occupation but if other "matis" volunteers have ideas and feel like being authors, they can contact us.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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4 Graphic Group

4.1 Steam (Graphic part)
Aileya is working to create Ryzom capsules for Steam (background picture with Ryzom logo visible, in different sizes from the big one to the sticker).

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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5 Music Group

5.1 Sounds datasheets
Tamarea: The sounds datasheets have been found back! But for now they aren't released, I'm waiting to know the licence. But the ones who looked at them in the the team have applauded, it seems that there is everything which was missing us. We can apparently specify sounds variations for one species of mob, so that for example the males have a lower voice which can be heard from further. To be seen if we can use it!

Q:  Additions will be possible, I think?
A: Yes, that's what we're aiming at!

PtitBill: I need a lot of sound effects.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 21:36:01 UTC

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