
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Français | Español
Nights get darker!
Days are getting shorter, nights last longer, are darker, seem both louder and more quiet. 

        Hush! ... Did you hear that? The night whispers!
       There! .......... Did you see that? It was blacker than the darkest night!
       Ahhhh!  ..... Did you feel that? It was so cold, colder than winter!

Something's coming!

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Français | Español
Time for stories

Have you heard the tale of little Dartie already? She's a beautiful little girl, such a cute child! She loves it when nights last longer, because then her Grandmother has a cozy fire burning in the good old parlor and if Dartie asks especially nice, then her Grandfather tells stories. Dartie can listen for hours to fairy tales about heroic Trykers, about pretty Matisian Ladies, about cute Yubos. Dartie likes Yubos especially much. She says they are so cute and cuddly. She even has a pet Yubo. She feeds it every morning and afternoon and even cuddles with it in the night. Because of that she loves her Grandfather's stories about Yubos so much. All except the legend of the Ghost Yubo. She shouldnt have been listening to it, because she is still too young for it. Her Grandfather was telling it to her older brothers last year. Dartie thinks that it is at Angi wins. Or was that Anlo winns? No matter. At any rate after Dartie has eavesdroped, she has an evil dream.
Dartie cuddles in her bed with her Yubo in her arms and sucks, satisfied, on her thumb. The fire sputters in the fireplace and burns down slowly. Shadows gather on the bed of the little girl. But what is that? in the darkest corner of the room it is suddenly darker than a shadow ever could be. This blackness is expanding, floating to all corners and up all the walls. Underneath Dartie's bed, it is crawling up on the bedpost. The fire dies. A last spark lightens the sleeping face of the girl. Her breath shines as a white cloud. It's cold.
Alas! It is so sad. They are saying that little Dartie breathed out her Seed peacefully in her sleep. She was ill, they are saying, but it is odd that her Yubo has been missing since then.

Have you heard the tale of little Dartie? She was such a beautiful girl, such a cute child!

Soon there will be a campfire evening with the opportunity for story telling by players. Those who cannot attend may like to give their story to a friend or in advance to the event team via mail to Your story then will be told by a storyteller.

Oh: Don't forget to buy Marshmallows!

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
[OOC] Official announcement [/OOC]

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Chronicles Of Atys (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Tale by Naton Lydos

Sprite's gift

Caura Aepan and Anidi Antoni traveled together to answer to one of their mutual clients needs. They pretty often worked together, he was making jewels in a mixed Matis-Tryker style, and she was making clothes in a pure Matis style.

As they lived in Matisagoo tribe, they went to Heretic's Hovel, but lost their way.

Roving and terrorised in the Maze of Sprite, they were surprised by night. Running breathlessly to escape from predators, scared by all the noises around them, they heard suddenly some beautiful music with a lively rythm, with a smooth and melodious song accompanying it. They decide together to head towards this music and arrive in the middle of a grove, near a small pond, where they saw some cutes dancing and singing in circle. In the middle of this circle, a hunched figure remained motionless.

Driven by curiosity, Caura comes nearer, so he can better look at the view, and Antoni follows her soon after. What they thought were cutes wasn't really. Finer, and more gracious, they wore colored clothes with audacious cuts but still very beautiful. The clothes were enhanced by jewels that could turn the best master crafter jealous.

Amazed by the clothes of these small beings, Antoni comes nearer and is seen. The shape in the center of the circle is a very old homi who seems ageless, with a blazing white beard falling on his chest.

He beckons to them to come nearer, and the circle opens to let them enter.

The two artisans walk shyly into the circle that closes after their passing through. Without understanding a word of what is said, they start to dance with the others, moved by a desire against that is impossible to fight.

Suddenly the music, dancing and singing stops. The two friends are exhausted and collapse on the ground. The old homin came to them, pulling a knive out of his belt. He walks to Antoni with a determined face and shaves her head. Antoni doesn't dare to protest. The old homin did the same to Caura, and thanks both with a litttle pat on their shoulders, and the dancing starts again.

When the time to go arrives, the old homin shows them a heap of rotten leaves and they understand seeing his signs that they have to take some. They do so without hesitation, to not offend their host.

Having found a quiet place to get some sleep, they rested. In the morning, they find their pockets heavy and see the leaves turnes into dappers during night. They're rich homins now! In addition, they remembered the techniques to design the wonderful things they had seen. They'll become very good crafters, known overall Atys!

Antoni saw all of her dreams suddenly become possible. She will answer favorably to the young merchant who had started to woo her, without risk of appearing too ambitious; and she will become one of the best crafters in Yrkanis, maybe a crafter for the court.

Caura will be able to pay off his debts and live with the mother of his children, who asked this as a pre-requisite, and will ensure them a nice life! However, he wanted more. But Antoni managed to convince him that Sprite's prank could be dangerous, and that shouldn't try their luck, having gained from it once.

Caura was a little musician and remembered quite well the melodies. He told me this story, and taught me one of the Sprite's tunes, listen.

/em takes a flute and plays : ♪♫♫♫♪♫♪♫

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Chronicles Of Atys (9 years ago)

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Tale by Kaliss

This is a true story, I swear it!

One day, a band of friends decide to organize a group of powerful fighters : "La Lune Eternelle" (the eternal moon).

Afterwards, as there were lots of new people in the group, they decided to take a trip to Almati Wood the day of Anlor Winn. After a long walk, they found an encampment with a sign. On it was written "Ghost Village". Although hesitating a bit before doing so, they entered. After some minutes, they found a stable, and decided to spend the night there. After a meal of bodoc meat, they had an urge to tell themselves horror stories. After 2 or 3 tales, a Marauder armor without a head apeared sudenly from the ground, bearing a Tekorn axe. The members of "La lune éternelle" all stood up to defend themselves.

Fighting as quickly as if he had a dagger, the headless marauder rushed at Dipsie who performed a super-homin dodge. Artran cast a stun spell on the Marauder followed by Xylog who cast a shockwave that made the marauder fall over. Dipsie approached him with her autolauncher and shot 3 times at him. Even then, the Marauder still managed to stand up. At this moment, the stable door opened and a shape appeared.

It was difficult to see because of the darkness. The mysterious character moved forward three steps, then "La Lune Eternelle" were happy that this person had come in. NIZYROS!!! Leader of "La Lune Eternelle" ! He moved forward slowly, head high, and said : "You should have never have attacked my friends". He stepped back two meters and all of a sudden shouted so loud that Tenwo ran back to Ranger camp. Quickly Nyziros took out a vedice spear and rammed it into the headless Marauder's chest. He fell in one shot, and we could see a veil fly away and disapear in the ceiling of the stable.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Chronicles Of Atys (9 years ago)

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Tale by Anesia

Once upon a time there was a planet where four peoples with different builds, temperaments and traditions were living. More precisely they weren’t living on the mineral part of the planet but on its vegetable part so much the 
flora was important there, forming continents. The four peoples could be made out physically through the presence of small ones, tanned ones, pale ones and big blue ones. You’ll have understood at this point of the story
 that it’s indeed about us and our beautiful Bark. These four peoples never stopped making war. Incessantly, always conflicts, always mayhem between peoples, between believes, and between them of same people and same 
belief. Every pretext was good to bring weapons out and try to demonstrate who would be “the strongest”… And for this, all of them were trying to gear up, to arm themselves with always more weapons, more armors. This 
frantic and irrational quest for power and pointless domination drove them to slowly but surely drain all the resources of the planet. All those efforts to tear each other apart to the detriment of the planet instead of helping each 
other, of acting hand in hand to make everyone progress… The four peoples divided by so many battles finally came to the only thing which united them:
A final battle which would define once for all who would dominate the other ones.
All were gathered in a same and unique battlefield. And fighting which followed on this gloomy night of Anlor Winn saw in incredible sap flood flow. So many life taken, brought back by the powers to succumb again… On the whole day never was there rest for all the ones so hungry for power. The Bark wasn’t covered with sawdust anymore but with gear, sap and limbs torn to the shreds, crushed by all this fierceness. It’s on the evening that they all stopped suddenly, taken by terror: the Bark had just shivered with a monstrous roar! Burning pikes rose all around the battlefield, trapping the whole of the peoples, taking away and isolating the powers from them places of prayer to life. Some tried to escape but there was no way out. The pikes were far too high to climb on them and the fire spreading quickly in addition to the poisonous fumes which were spreading quickly in the sky, covering the stars and their lights. The Bark had been so wounded by its peoples who were consuming it while consuming themselves… All of them were asphyxiated at best, burned alive at worst. The fire purification was over after moons of disparate fires. All of them went back to dust amidst the burned sawdust. The Bark had offered them life and it had had to retake it from them because of the misuse they were doing of it. It had been their home. It became their grave…
Simple story or macabre premonition? To be meditated upon in any case… in front of a good fire of course.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Chronicles Of Atys (9 years ago)

#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Tale by Krill

Krill looks up at the sky.
Krill makes a strange face and lowers her head.
Krill opens a beer bottle and takes a mouthful before starting.
Krill says: “It was along time ago. A very long time ago. Long before the First Swarm.
It took place in the old Fyros Empire.
Well, more or less in the old Empire. At least, it was in an arid place.
Apart from that, knowing who claimed to reign on this part… The dunes probably didn’t care more than the last rain.”
Krill thinks
Krill says: “Mmmh…Maybe that’s not the best expression …
No matter…”
Krill takes a drink and resumes
Krill says: “So it was along time ago, in a most arid place of the Old Lands
There was a good Fyros, brave, if not the sharpest knife in the drawer…
But truly kind at any rate.
He didn’t deal much with the other Fyros, but he went from time to time to the oasis closest to his home to buy some trifles.
Apart from that, he spent his time between the dunes, alone, listening to the sound of the wind , or perhaps counting the particles of the Dust 
I don’t know really. I doesn’t matter much for the story”
Krill takes a fresh mouthful
Krill says: “What does matter is that he hadn’t much interest in what other homins were saying
So when he left the oasis,that one time, he didn’t paid attention to the ones who were telling him not to stay outside
Wind? What wind? He was accustomed to the wind”
Krill looks up again, briefly, to the sky
Krill says: “On that night, indeed, there was quite a lot of wind in the desert
But that Fyros had survived worse before. He took shelter in his coat, settled himself in a dune’s hollow, and waited for the end of it.
In the morning, the wind was still there, but it had lessened, and the Fyros noticed a nearby yubo.
It didn’t look very robust, this yubo.
You could even say it was in a damned bad way.
When the Fyros approached  him, it hardly moved an ear.
Everything else in his body, front legs, rear legs… All of it, looked shrivelled up.
The Fyros gave a bit of water for the yubo to drink while speaking gently to it.
Oh, yes, Fyros can be gentle  -- sometimes.
Well, it is said they can be…
If there isn't anyone around to see them, probably…”
Krill finishes her beer bottle and puts it back in her bag.
Krill says: “The yubo drank all of the water, and the Fyros decided to take care of it
He found it a sheltered place, something to drink, to eat…
You know, it’s a lot of work finding something to drink and to eat for a sick yubo in the middle of the desert
But the Fyros knew the surroundings well,
And little by little, the yubo started to recover.
Ok, it still had the hindquarters shrivelled up, but it managed to move about  with its forelegs.
And the Fyros was so happy seeing that, that he didn’t pay attention to his stiffness and the pain in his shoulders”
Krill shoots the sky a dirty look and takes a new beer bottle  from her bag.
Krill says: “By dint of wandering everywhere, getting water from shookis… and water from other things, right… Well, exerting himself for his small yubo, the Fyros started to feel really tired
But he carried on, because every day the yubo seemed to get better
It was less and less shrivelled up
And more and more affectionate
If its rear legs had allowed it, it would probably have jumped to the kind Fyros face to cover it with loving licks
But for now it couldn’t
So it settled for stumbling and trying to nibble his boots
And it made the Fyros laugh, he who wasn’t used to someone going round him that way”
Krill sighs and takes a large drink, without looking at the sky this time
Krill says: “The Fyros laughed, and with that he forgot he was aching anywhere
But it was more and more difficult for him to move, to find drink and food for his small comrade
Not to mention himself
But now, the more he laughed the more it made him cough. A deep and hollow, dry, cough
On one evening, he came back to where he had left his yubo but couldn’t find it
He was exhausted, but he couldn’t let his comrade be alone in the desert
He went looking for it, under the moon and the stars
He walked, walked, walked…
He felt weak
He felt empty
He felt…
The wind started to blow, as it had not been blowing for days
And the Fyros fell to the ground, too weak to move...
Curled up...
Shriveled up.
Then the yubo leapt upon his face, and tore out his eyes
Then it tore him apart with such violence that his head was thrown far, far away, up  into  in the sky
And from that time to this , when the Anlor Winn is blowing, sometimes, the eyeless shrivelled head of the Fyros can be seen, up there, among the stars…”
Krill finishes her beer in one gulp
Krill grumbles: “I don’tlike Fyros stories, I prefer Tryker ones…”
Krill puts her empty bottle in her pack and goes back to her seat.
Krill suddenly realises there are lots of headless homins about tonight, and wonders...

Last edited by Chronicles Of Atys (9 years ago)

#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français] | Deutsch | Español
Conte par Drakfot

La Peinture Grotesque

Chaque année, sur Atys, vient le temps d’Anlor Winn. C’est la période où les terres sont frappées d’une étrange agitation, à la fois par la joie, les sourires et les rires, mais aussi une sorte de peur latente. Il y a même des rumeurs selon lesquelles les Kitins éviteraient certains endroits par, faute de meilleur mot, peur. Mais ce ne sont que des rumeurs, du moins autant qu’on le sache, car le problème des rumeurs, c’est qu’elles peuvent toujours avoir une part de vérité.

Ce que je vais vous raconter est une histoire que j’ai trouvée dans un vieux livre pendant l’un de mes voyages dans les Sommets Verdoyants. Le livre lui-même était assez ancien, mais bien malin qui saurait dire l’âge du conte lui-même. Et quant à savoir si c’est une rumeur ou la vérité, je vous laisse en juger par vous-même.

Chers homins, avez-vous entendu l’histoire de la Peinture grotesque ?

Tout a commencé le jour avant Anlor Winn, au moment où les homins étaient au milieu des préparatifs pour la fête à venir. Tout le monde avait hâte de créer l’environnement le plus effrayant autour de sa maison, et certains travaillaient sur des armures ressemblant à divers kitins dans l’espoir de terroriser leurs proches. Tout était une bonne occasion pour la joie d’une bonne plaisanterie, et pour faire travailler leur imagination.

Antionni Valini marchait dans une rue animée, remplie de marchands, les habituels et des nouveaux qui espéraient bien vendre leurs marchandises d’Anlor Winn. Il avait avec lui ses deux enfants, Nonne et Nirni — sa fille et son fils — ainsi que Valena, son épouse bien-aimée. Ils partageaient tous ensemble l’esprit d’Anlor Winn, sachant que c’était un temps à la fois de joie et de commémoration. Ils étaient tous sortis acheter les différents objets dont ils avaient besoin pour la fête.
Ils marchaient entre les différents marchands, regardant tous les objets disponibles, achetant quelques bricoles ici et là.

Mais comme ils s’apprêtaient à quitter le marché, ils furent approchés par un homin quelque peu étrange, qui prétendait être peintre et voulait leur vendre une peinture très spéciale. Au début, ils se regardèrent tous les uns les autres avec scepticisme, mais il leur assura bien vite que ce serait une acquisition magnifique pour leur salle de séjour et, une fois qu’il la leur eut montrée, ils furent presque instantanément convaincus.
La peinture elle-même représentait un charmant paysage qui ne semblait pas très loin des Chutes de Virginie. Elle avait l’air si apaisante et relaxante qu’ils tombèrent tous d’accord qu’elle irait parfaitement au-dessus du poêle dans la salle de séjour.

Aussi, l’achetèrent-ils et la ramenèrent-ils à la maison. Et comme le leur avait dit le marchand, elle semblait faite exprès pour prendre place au-dessus du poêle tant elle sembla pratiquement rendre la pièce tout entière plus reposante. Tout le monde se sentait calme en entrant dans la salle de séjour. Puis chacun retourna à la préparation des festivités. Il y avait le pain de stinga à cuire, un terrifiant cuttler à peindre sur le côté de la maison, etc.. Il y avait tant de choses à faire que la journée passa vite et qu’ils se retrouvèrent bientôt assis dans la salle de séjour, chacun avec une tasse de thé de stinga, à admirer la peinture. Mais il fut bientôt l’heure de prendre un peu de repos, aussi chacun regagna sa chambre, satisfait du travail de la journée et impatient de s’attaquer aux derniers préparatifs du matin.

Quelques heures plus tard, Antionni fut réveillé par sa femme qui lui disait qu’elle avait entendu un drôle de bruit dans la salle de séjour en bas, et qui lui demandait d’aller voir au cas où une décoration se serait renversée. Les yeux pleins de sommeil, il descendit l’escalier et jeta un rapide coup d’œil dans la salle de séjour, puis se retourna pour remonter l’escalier. Il lui assura que tout était en ordre, et ils se rendormirent donc rapidement.
Si seulement il avait mieux regardé derrière lui à ce moment-là, les choses auraient peut-être tourné différemment.

Le matin vint et ils se réveillèrent tous un peu plus tard que d’habitude, mais ce n’était pas complètement inattendu tant ils avaient travaillé dur la veille.
Comme ils se rassemblaient autour de la table de la cuisine, Nirni ne répondit pas à l’appel, et quand ils regardèrent dans sa chambre, ils la trouvèrent vide, le lit fait – ce qui était inhabituel. Peut-être s’était-il levé tôt et avait-il couru voir ses amis, une chose pas si rare de sa part pour un week-end, aussi personne n’y prêta plus attention. Tout juste lui mit-on de côté quelques tranches de pain pour quand il reviendrait à la maison plus tard. Comme c’était le jour d’Anlor Winn, il y avait encore des préparatifs à faire pour l’après-midi, et ils se mirent donc tous au travail, et le temps passa ainsi jusqu’à ce que le soir tombe sur eux. Et il n’y avait toujours pas de nouvelles de Nirni, ce qui était rare, et ils commencèrent donc à s’inquiéter de savoir où il était.

Soudain, Antionni et Valena entendirent leur fille hurler dans la salle de séjour, où ils se ruèrent tous les deux pour la voir pointer la peinture du doigt.

« Il… il… il est là… » dit-elle d’une voix effrayée, toujours le doigt tendu.

« Que veux-tu dire, dans le poêle ? » demanda Antionni un peu perdu.

« Non ! Pas dans le poêle, dans la peinture. » dit Nonne d’une voix tremblante.

Antionni passa à côté d’elle et regarda la peinture, et il ne put croire ce qu’il voyait. La peinture s’était transformée, d’une image apaisante des Chutes de Virginia en… leur salle de séjour ! Et Nirni était assis sur le canapé !

« Que… » fut le seul mot qu’il put trouver tandis qu’il regardait la peinture transformée.

Soudain, ils entendirent une porte claquer au deuxième étage et ils se précipitèrent tous en haut, mais la seule porte fermée était celle de la chambre de Nirni. Quand ils l’ouvrirent, tout leur parut comme avant, sauf que le lit était maintenant en bataille.

« Qu’est-ce qui se passe ici ? » demanda Valena à Antionni. « Je ne sais pas, peut-être que c’est une mauvaise plaisanterie de notre fils ? » répondit-il. « Si c’est le cas, je dois dire qu’elle est de très mauvais goût. » déclara Valena.

« Maman, j’ai peur » dit Nonne et Valena essaya de la réconforter. « Allons dehors et voyons si nous pouvons trouver ton frère et régler tout ça. » dit-elle d’une voix aussi calme que possible.

« Vous deux, regardez dehors, et mettez quelques lampes sous le porche tant que vous y êtes. Je vais chercher ce chenapan à l’intérieur. » dit Antionni et il commença à passer entre les pièces du deuxième étage, tandis qu’elles sortaient de la maison. Il ne fallut pas longtemps avant qu’il n’entende sa femme hurler et il se précipita en bas des escaliers pour la trouver à la porte, couverte de tâches de sang.

« Il… il… IL L’A PRISE, IL A PRIS NOTRE FILLE ! » hurla t’elle en l’attrapant par la main et en le trainant dehors. « Qui ? Qui a pris notre fille, que veux-tu dire ? » lui demanda-t-il.

« LUI » dit-elle et elle montra le cuttler qu’ils avaient peint sur leur maison un peu plus tôt. Une seconde, Antionni pensa que toute sa famille était de mèche, mais en regardant le cuttler de plus près, il vit qu’il y avait aussi des taches de sang dessus. Et entre ses dents pendait un vrai morceau de tissu coincé entre les planches, et c’était le même tissu dont était faite la robe de Nonne.

« Au nom de Jena, qu’est-ce que c’est que ça » murmura Antionni pour lui-même avant que le hurlement suivant ne l’atteigne. C’était à nouveau sa femme, cette fois depuis l’intérieur de la maison. Il n’avait pas remarqué qu’elle avait disparu, et il se rua à nouveau à l’intérieur, juste à temps pour la voir griffer la peinture tandis qu’elle disparaissait. Il cria et essaya de l’attraper, mais ses mains la traversèrent comme si elle avait été faite d’air. Et juste comme ça, elle ne fut plus là, nulle part dans la pièce.

«  Est-ce que je deviens fou ? Qu’est-ce qui se passe ? » se dit Antionni en regardant la peinture. Valena avait réussi à en arracher un petit bout, mais elle semblait encore à peu près intacte. Ce n’est que lorsque Antionni souleva un morceau du canevas de la peinture près de l’endroit où se tenait Nirni qu’il vit pourquoi sa femme avait crié, Nonne était maintenant assise près de Nirni.

« Mais comment… pourquoi ? Qui ? Que ?” Les questions se bousculèrent dans sa tête. Est-ce que c’était toujours une farce ? Ou est-ce que c’était vrai ? Puis il se souvint du marchand qui leur avait vendu la peinture et il se dit qu’il pourrait peut-être lui donner quelques réponses sur ce qu’il se passait. Avec un peu de chance, il serait encore quelque part près du marché.

Antionni voulut ouvrir la porte, mais celle-ci refusa de céder, peu importe la force qu’il y mit, elle ne bougea pas d’un pouce. Même un bon coup de pied ne put la convaincre de s’ouvrir. Même le verre des fenêtres résista à ses coups de poing et de pied. C’était comme si la maison ne voulait soudain plus le laisser partir. Finalement, la fatigue submergea son esprit et il revint dans la salle de séjour, pour y constater que la peinture était à nouveau entière !
Et debout derrière ses enfants, il y avait Valena ! Avaient-ils tous disparu dans la peinture ?
Était-ce une mauvaise blague ? Il ne le savait pas. Ses pensées tourbillonnaient dans sa tête et il s’assit sur le canapé en regardant la peinture. Puis tout devint noir.

Quelques jours plus tard, des amis de la famille vinrent frapper à leur porte, car ils s’inquiétaient pour eux. Personne ne les avait vus à Anlor Winn ni les jours suivants. Alors ils avaient décidé de voir comment ils allaient.
Au troisième coup, la porte s’ouvrit et ils purent voir à l’intérieur. Ils crièrent leurs noms, mais personne ne répondit, aussi entrèrent-ils pour voir. Tout était en ordre, rien n’avait été touché. C’était comme s’il n’y avait eu personne dans la maison depuis plusieurs jours. Ils se demandèrent où ils avaient bien pu aller, peut-être avaient-ils rendu visite à des amis au loin et oublié de prévenir ?

Ce qu’ils ne remarquèrent pas, c’est qu’il manquait une chose dans la maison, la peinture au-dessus du poêle dans la salle de séjour.

Ainsi s’achève le conte de la Peinture grotesque.
Last visit Monday, 17 February 10:23:06 UTC

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