
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
While the marauders are still complaining what is all missing for them, and the rangers are looking forward hopefully that their faction will hopefully be completed eventually this year (or the next one) if no malicious matis, zorai, and possibly their ET cronies interfere once more, the trytonists still remain in a limbo.

Their return and eventual establishment has been announced already during and short after the second great swarming. Trytonist NPC appeared during assemblies for some time, then everything subsided. Granted, trytonist pursuit and pogroms like in the old times, especially in the kingdom and the jungle, have not been renewed, trytonist thought may be expressed more openly, nowadays. Not much less than what can be desired as a minimum, taking in account that Elias and Elyssa were helping a lot in saving hominity during the second great swarming.

Yet the formation of a trytonist faction, as promised since long time , still remains foggy and dubious. Will there be anybody in the event team (yes I am aware of their workload, but anyway) to pick up the job to secure the development of trytonists? I want to stress that the formation of a trytonist faction will not abduct any player from their recent activity (other than marauder players who are lost to not only cults, but also nations), there is no damage to fear from, no big installation to do for, except teleporters in 250 regions and PR. Experienced homins may assist in planning (I and Diwu would volunteer, though we are not and will not be Trytonists).

So I think we should boldly go on with the creation of the trytonist faction. It will enrich the game with no danger of damage.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#2 [en] 

Well "danger" could mean many things... I see one possible problem with making the other playable factions- Players have role played these factions so far and if what they are provided by the devs does not match the rp they are used to then they could feel alienated/losing control of their own faction.

I'm not sure how large the true trytonist numbers are and what their in-game goals are. I know that some currently play as secular karavan "followers" using Kara tech as a tp system but they hold the belief that the tech originated with Elias Tryton. Possibly they could qualify as Rangers also, depending exactly on how they manage their religion fame. Or have a treaty with the Rangers that allows the use of the pathways, since I really dont think Atys needs 5 different transport systems :P

Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

#3 [en] 

Do I have to put (OOC) around everything since this is in RP forum??

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
What will be the cost of a trytonist faction? They will have negative (-50 or so) cult allegiance denying them K/K teleporters. They should have a capital teleporter outside the city as well as in every other region, in fact, there must be a rainbow gate in all regions. This has to be planned, as the rainbow gate, like every tp, will be a secure zone (other than ranger pathways). Littering the regions with secure spots is an issue and has to be devised carefully. Ok, the devs and csr had less that 3 yrs to do so, but we should act wisely and with much consideration, now.

Otherwise, I fail to see any obstacle to create the trytonist faction immediately. They are bound to be pro nation but not citizens of a single nation, and anti cult. There is nothing, besides teleports and their own lore which is missing to create them soon.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#5 [de] 

[OOC]The cost will be further weakening of the existing fractions. It will most likels suck people from the religion-bound nations as well as probably splitting the Marauders. It will cost the neutrals or rangers far less, of course, as the Trytonists do have the potential and will to fight other Homins. The question is: can the Zorai and Matis and Marauders afford the blood-letting? Creating more and more fractions also makes the whole original concept of Ryzom obsolete, which had the Kami and Karavan as powers the Homins are bound and devoted to - but instead by now they are shrinked in the attention of players to funny figures standing around in various places like liftboys dressed up in Halloween costumes, whlie everybody becomes more and more secular, turning from the religious to the cultish, to the cult of Tryton or the somewhat Freemasonic rangers. I honestly see no gain in that.[/OOC]


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#6 [en] 

[OOC]After doing a bit of reading, it appears that Tryonism is still largely outlawed. At this time if a Trytonist were to publicly announce their beliefs they would be in grave danger. So for now it is probably better that they disguise themselves as K/K or even Rangers.[OOC]

#7 [en] 

[OOC]After doing a bit of reading, it appears that Tryonism is still largely outlawed. At this time if a Trytonist were to publicly announce their beliefs they would be in grave danger. So for now it is probably better that they disguise themselves as K/K or even Rangers.[OOC]

[OOC]The Rangers and the Trytonists also had business in the past, so it won't be that outlandish to be a Trytonist and a Ranger at the same time. Only problem might be that Trytonists don't shy away to fight other Homins for their goal. [/OOC]


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#8 [en] 

[EN][OOC] (Sorry to have planted this discussion in roleplay forum, maybe it can be moved to ideas or elsewhere)

I don't think that the official creation of the trytonist faction will have a big impact for the game, especially Kami and Karavan. A couple of players will try out the new faction, the guilds and individuals roleplaying trytonists will surely join them, most probably staying in their alliances as before for OP wars.

There have always been but few active practitioners of the religions, most seem to have considered them and still do consider as a source of convenient transport and a focus for OP war alliances. This may be depressing for active cult roleplayers, but I fail to see that it was ever much different.

We should not consider the player base static and unable to grow. When the access from steam/valve is established, we may (or may not) experience new players' influx. More variety and new opportunities are not an unattractive feature, in my eyes.

While I do not see much danger looming from the creation of the Trytonist faction, I as well must admit that there will not be really much big benefit. Prosecution and oppression of trytonism, at least in an openly visible way, is a thing of a distant past, I never saw anything of that. A trytonist faction will largely be what trytonist players make out of it. Same goes, btw., for Kami and Karavan as well, and all the rest.


Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago) | Reason: Edit to fix language button.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 [en] 

[OOC] As a Trytonist guild we believe that Elias created Atyss - he was the engineer working for Megacorp - he had affair with Jena (who was CEO of Megacorp) and fell out with her over what the Karavan (Megacorp) were doing with us homins. There were rumours they had a child - I have a heap of stuff which I researched and put on our guild forums - but I do not think (personally) that time should be spent on this faction when there are other things that could be done

Possibly they are more friends of marauder in some respects than Karavan supporters (homins who follow mindlessly their oppressors) or Kami (Ma'Duk being an insane AI), at least marauder are against both of these and more about liberating homins from their shackles

But ...

Lore on some servers sees certain key elements in a completely different light

There is one other guild I know of who are Trytonist - and have been since the game began - I think both our guilds use kami teleports in the main - though I think the followers of Tryton would use any teleports - in terms of being kami I have switched off kami chat and we left kami officially when we "came out" as Trytonist

Yes - should be moved to ideas for Ryzom

Last edited by Binarabi (9 years ago) | Reason: OOC bit


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#10 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Topic moved.

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#11 [de] 

While I think that the Trytonist "faction" is a very interesting Lore concept and in many ways much more fundamental to the core Ryzom history than marauders and rangers (the whole basic plot of Ryzom revolves around Jena, Ma-Duk and Elias Tryton), I also do not think that any time and development should be spent on this faction at this point.

As Salazar pointed out, it'll just split the player base even more. The rainbow portal teleport system would need to be coded like the mara teleport system was and that'd probably be a huge undertaking for the dev side. I believe it's much better to finish current projects like ironing out the mara faction and completing the ranger faction (plus kitin lair, occupations, NPC bosses, and stuff that can be enjoyed by the entire player base) than to add yet another faction to the game. At least at this point. Maybe in the future.

Plus, in terms of PVP, to be entirely honest nowadays it doesn't even seem to make much of a difference which faction you belong to. There's the guilds that don't PVP at all, then there's the kami faction, and on the other side all other factions grouped together against kami. So I doubt a trytonist faction would really make much of a difference in terms of PVP dynamics, balance, etc.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#12 [en] 

[OOC] As a Trytonist guild we believe that Elias created Atyss - he was the engineer working for Megacorp - he had affair with Jena (who was CEO of Megacorp) and fell out with her over what the Karavan (Megacorp) were doing with us homins. [/OOC]

[OOC]I'm slightly puzzled. Does your guild IG know about Megacorp?

Regarding the Marauders and the Trytonists - in a strange way it's a pleasent thought that the Marauders (at least their leading powers) want to kill all the Trytonists as well. The Trytonists may believe in their Prophet rather than in Jena and Ma-Duk, but share the believe with Kamists and Karavaneer in order on the whole, while the leaders of the Marauders postulate anarchy. ;)[/OOC]


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#13 [en] 

(OOC not necessary anymore ;) thx Tam)

I agree to Salazar that we homins of Atys have no knowledge about Megacorp and Elias being an engineer etc. We should not mix stuff from leaked documents of questionable and certainly in many aspects outdated informational value with the current situation and status of knowledge of the peoples of Atys.

There is some Tryker storytelling (notably, Trykers are prolific and creative storytellers) describing Elias as the husband or lover of Jena. One may believe that or just take as a Tryker fantasy under influence of beer and stinga rum (and possibly sexual arousal, in addition), in fact, we do not know.

The main message Elias (and Elyssa as the leader of the Guild of Elias and mouthpiece of Elias Tryton) is that the preachings of the cults are delusionary and aiming to split and exploit the homins for their selfish ends. Therefore homins are asked to shun the religions, and rely on their own judgement. In particular, they must not help one religion to destroy the other, because that would mean the end of Atys. Under that respect, Tryton not only advocates opposition against the cults, but also preservation of equilibrium.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#14 [en] 

[OOC] As a Trytonist guild we believe that Elias created Atyss - he was the engineer working for Megacorp - he had affair with Jena (who was CEO of Megacorp) and fell out with her over what the Karavan (Megacorp) were doing with us homins. [/OOC]

[OOC]I'm slightly puzzled. Does your guild IG know about Megacorp?[/OOC]

[do not think we need OOC on this forum]
According to the stuff I researched Megacorp was the name of the company which terraformed Atyss - created for mining stuff iirc without looking it up - is that what you mean - made me panic when it turned up in game - my 1st thought was how the heck would Aniro cope with it - being as masses and masses of their role play would conflict with it - fortunately it was erm ... adjusted?

Regarding the Marauders and the Trytonists - in a strange way it's a pleasant thought that the Marauders (at least their leading powers) want to kill all the Trytonists as well. The Trytonists may believe in their Prophet rather than in Jena and Ma-Duk, but share the believe with Kamists and Karavaneer in order on the whole, while the leaders of the Marauders postulate anarchy. ;)[/OOC]

In my guild we do not see him as a Prophet - he is a scientist and in my guild we do not see ourselves at odds with marauder - as Daomei says, you are entitled to your role play but we are entitled to ours (as little as it is) - so as far as we are concerned we do not see marauders as murdering psychotics either, but more like freedom fighters who refuse to bow down to Jena (who is the CEO and not a goddess) and Ma'Duk (who is an insane artificial intelligence) - why would we want to "share" karavan/kami beliefs?

We do think homins in general are okay - but in our guild we do think Matis are a bit suspect - being as they had the gift of Nexus from Jena - so must have done something real good in her eyes and probably real bad in the eyes of the poor exploited homins on Atyss. Alas the merge deleted their supremes, but it was a good idea


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#15 [fr] 

Excusez moi.. j'ai un trou de mémoire.. les trytonnistes, ce sont bien les gens qui se cachent pour ne pas être persécutés? une sorte d'ordre qui navigue dans l'ombre et le secret? Influençant secrêtement le pouvoir des factions K/K pour les garder en équilibre ?
C'est pas un peu contradictoire de les mettre en pleine lumière dans ce cas là?
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