
#59 [en] 

Okay so looking at it from your RP stance: There is no decoy about it. When someone has -100 fame they are known by everyone who represents that fame to be a marauder, at -45 then yes- you can get away with it. At -100 we are notorius for a reason and tricking a member of the Kami temple just doesn't happen.

If what you say is true then we should be allowed to buy Kami and Kara teleporter pacts through the same trickery. We should be able to trade with everyone in cities through the same trickery.. Daomei what you say just doesn't add up and is extremely superficial.

Also it is a big difference between you and I that you have chosen to ignore- the religious temples actually like rangers- after all you can have 50 fame with them. With us we have -45 and most marauders have -100. It is a completely different situation so your comparison is quite useless.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#60 [en] 

Argueing with the own fame misses the point because the fame determines the acts of the NPC, not yours. Assume a marauder merchant I could reach unattacked who would trade with me for any reason. Why should I refuse as long as the business is favorable? I would just consider it her or his business to decide with whom to trade.

It would be the job of the teleporter priest to refuse to service those they hold in bad reputation. Would they do that, an emergency would indeed exist for the marauders, but they do not. So obviously a marauder is able to deceive them, or they turn a blind eye on reputation of their clients (which they do).

So it may be somewhat uncomfortable, but a marauder can still have a good laugh about the silly priest who really seems to believe that a marauder would go to Almati to fight for Ma Duk or Jena. As told, for me, bound to the pillar of truth, it is not so funny.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#61 [en] 

Um.. reread what you just wrote. It is rather difficult to understand your point. I will simply lay out the facts for you:

Marauders cannot 'decieve' any civ or religious person. We can't use hawkers, traders, tp merchants, normal merchants.. you name it.. we can't use it.. except- almati woods teleporters. This simply does not add up or make sense.

You are seriously delerious if you think you can create such a weak tenuous "RP reason" to validate this fact. Especially something like deception. Especially concerning marauders with -100 fame. The whole point of -100 is that everyone knows and hates you.

At times when you decide to create a debate just for the sake of creating one you lose the plot.. a lot.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#62 [en] 

For God's sake, just create a Marauder teleport to Almati finally, have it checked for functionality and put it under a quickly made up roleplay-reasoning in line with gameplay into the game and be done with it.
  • Find roleplay-agreement between Marauders and Rangers to set up a Zinuakeen in Almati
  • Add teleporter to the crystal

See, that's it. But people like to argue for the sake of arguing or for whatever intention that strikes their fancy that moment. And of course because the development-department of Ryzom severely lacks determination to get things done.
And that's why we can't have nice things.

Jesus Christ, you people.

Last edited by Neira (9 years ago)

#63 Multilingual 

Daomei, I fail to see how you need to lie; indeed, it sounds like sophistry.  Alamati tps would appear to be effectively neutral.  Therefore, unless one is aligned to Mara, any homin should be allowed to use them without having to lie.  We cannot use the tps given by an occs npc but we can by going to the temple. This is rather silly and inconsistent with your entire argument.  However, you as a Ranger can travel by ticket or by Temple.  This suggests that neutrals are NOT required to swear allegiance to any stuffed animal or to the drunk pole dancer.  The idea that neutrals needs to swear allegiance to the degenerate powers to use Almati, or any of the neutrak tp, is a logical fallacy. Only aligned tps can be said to require this, and no one that is not aligned can use an aligned tp.  To keep consistanccy with game mechanic and Lore, this suggest that the Kara and Kami can tell 100% who sworn them allegiance.  Marauders cannot use any neutral tp, so why then can we use Temples?  Are you suggesting that the representatives at the Temples are so much more gullible than those looking after the other non-aligned tps?


#64 [en] 

Sadly Lacuna she is suggesting that. Clutching at straws doesn't even begin to describe it..



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#65 [en] 


We both know Ryzom doesn't move quickly. What I do know is that an OOC teleport won't take long. That is why I want one added.. then waiting for an IC one isn't such a big deal.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#66 [en] 

Make up a reason for the teleport to happen, find one or two ET's to overwatch a small-scale event to set this up, play it out ingame, do a forum post about it inRP and have after that the teleporter patched in the game.
Preparation, execution and implementation - matter of a week maximum.

Last edited by Neira (9 years ago)

#67 [en] 

Currently the entire marauder lore is being written/re-written. It is not a small task and the marauder responsive doesn't want anything being added until all the lore is done.

Therefore all I want is an OOC teleport. I don't mind waiting for the lore to be done- but I do want a temporary fix for almati teleporting.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#68 [en] 

Even the temples can't agree- FH is impervious to all attempts at deception and refuses point-blank to teleport anyone without the required fame (not just marauder), yet it's counterpart in Yrk is happy to comply ;p


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