
#1 [en] 

About a year ago I had a conversation about this.. I was told getting an OOC teleport to almati woods (which are present at every NH) would be a waste of time as it was the "number one priority" for the marauders.

1 year later marauders are still having to travel to religious temples or other cities to simply get access to almati woods. How anti-RP is this?? Let me give you the scenario: A marauder with -100 fame who can't do anything in a city has to run in and the NH guy teleports him?? [Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual.]

I have already made the dam thing in ARK- I did it ages ago.

[Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual, and be respectful with WinchGate staff.] You may ask- so why should we make one OC?? Because how anti-roleplay is it for marauders to go to cities with -100 fame and get teleported by them??

[Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual.]


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#2 [en] 

hmm, it never occurred to me Marauders were lacking a teleport to Almati, that's true. I suppose if maras are to be fully complete as a playable faction they'd need an Almati teleport and hopefully something similar to occupations or other dapper making missions like the others as well.

So I'll +1 an Almati teleport of some kind.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#3 [en] 

[Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual, and be respectuf with WinchGate staff.]

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#4 [en] 

Who would be crazy enough to supply the Marauders with teleporter technology? Why should any Mara even expect such a thing?

#5 [en] 

Maybe we can imagine a NPC, like NH, but only for marauder, who can "pilot proud mara by secret way" to Almati. He accept to teleport only people with mara fame, and maybe like NH he want material to work.

Like this, it's not ooc, but rp, and good gameplay too.

Maybe it is possible to script that with Ark ? And so, don't wait about dev, but offer a finalized alternative.

Just an idea.


Plus d'histoires ici.

#6 [en] 

I'm undecided about this idea, mainly because I'm beginning to view the marauder faction as a failed experiment. A lot of good players have tried being a Mara, found that it sucks, and now barely play at all. The entire concept of playing as a villain doesn't seem to work on Atys because our best feature is the community. And if we don't treat maras as the villains that they chose to be, then the whole thing is a joke, just go back to being Kara or kami or stateless!

So, while I do think that the players that are maras should have equal access to Atys, I'm not sure that investing in a faction that is costing Ryzom more players than it could ever possibly attract is worthwhile.

#7 [en] 

Well many view PvP in general a failed experiment on this game so while we're at it let's get rid of Karavan and Kami too. We can all be rangers and fight off the Kitin to save Atys and all be friends.
Atys is a living planet. We make choices and it changes the story of the game. Players wanted marauder as they no longer wanted to fit in with the religious views of the Kami or the Karavan. Yes they could be neutral, I understand that.
I just don't think we should take away something that is already here. We have people that were/are working on things for marauders that will take load off the official Devs it just needs to pass "a lore check". I'm still wondering how a mauder being transported by a Karavan Priestess passed the lore check first.
I am not attacking any of your views I just don't understand how this was overlooked and other things have to go through a more lengthly selection process. We are gonna have bugs anytime we put things into game, always has been here so lets just do it.

#8 [en] 

I'm undecided about this idea, mainly because I'm beginning to view the marauder faction as a failed experiment. A lot of good players have tried being a Mara, found that it sucks, and now barely play at all. The entire concept of playing as a villain doesn't seem to work on Atys because our best feature is the community. And if we don't treat maras as the villains that they chose to be, then the whole thing is a joke, just go back to being Kara or kami or stateless!

So, while I do think that the players that are maras should have equal access to Atys, I'm not sure that investing in a faction that is costing Ryzom more players than it could ever possibly attract is worthwhile.

This is Ryzom; life here is hard.  Saying that, mara is not really that hard if one has the necessary skills to survive.  I suspect many players go mara before they should. It seems to me more players leave because the are sick of nothing happening with the faction than that it is 'hard'.   

And Marauders ARE NOT the villians in this story! As you mention for all other homins we likely are, but for Marauders we are the heroes.  Of course this is relative.  But for us the villians are the Religions and Civs.  They are the evil to be countered and making us go to the Temples to get to Almati is a complete joke.  We can't have our own system becuase the Lore need to be verified but it is ok to send us to the Kami/Kara to get there?  It is idiocy like this that makes players leave, not that Marauder life is hard.

Last edited by Lacuna (9 years ago)


#9 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
I do not think that PvP - or Marauders - can be described a a general failure. When PvP was introduced (which was announced from the beginning, if I am informed correctly), indeed many players left the game. But that is long ago. Removing PvP would alienate a large number of active players, today, and probably drive them out of the game, while hardly more that a handful if any would join the game for that reason. Same goes with Marauders, they are here since quite a time, and accepted as part of the game even by those who would not even think about joining them. They are part of the recent Lore, and removing them would be complicated to be justified roleplaywise, moreover I fail to see why.

As to the teleporters, I do not know. The problem definitely is not that it would be hard for any dev or CSR to implement a teleporter. The problem rather is that there is no roleplay justification for the installation of a marauder teleporter to Almati.

Almati was officially discovered (there is reason to assume that the Rangers knew it already, at that time) during the temple wars, when it became the third harvesting spot after Aelius Dunes and Olkern lake. After the wars, the way to Almati was declared open to homins in a ceremony opening the Ranger camp (an event, I shall provide a link to a - german - transcript later, and a translation if I find the time) in presence of Orphie, Dexton, Yrkanis, Still Wyler, and Mabreka. No marauder representative was there at that time.

Yet, already the meeting in Almati in the wake of the exodus during the second swarming (where Akilia participated) demonstrated that the Rangers hold a conciliatory stance towards the clans of the marauders. It would therefore consider it logical that there were a zinuakeen or so, say in one of the free corners of Almati (the last one for Trytonists :)).

Yet it would be boring and illogical to install such without an event making it part of Lore. It would be up to Gaueko in connection with the rest of the event team to provide such.

Until then, I fail to see much suffering for the marauders attending the temple teleporters or sneaking into cities to grab tickets from the occupation masters. For Trytonists, it may be felt humiliating, too, to have to go to a temple.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#10 [en] 

If the marauders remained in the old lands, which Almati is a part of I would think they would know about Almati. The rest of Homin Civilization may have found it due to rangers but how do we know Mara didn't know about it as they lived in hostile kitin inhabited lands for years already?

#11 [en] 

One little correction, Dao. Almati was not "discovered during the Temple Wars". It's part of old Matia, well known as such, and named for the Matis botanist who created it. ;)

Having said that, Marauders in the Old Lands are probably less surprising than Rangers or any of the races.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#12 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
Of course Almati forest once was part of old Matia like Olkern Lake was part of Trykoth, and Aelius Dunes part of the old sharük. Insofar they were rediscovered, naturally.

Yet in none of those regions, marauders have been sighted during all time when homins from the new territories roamed these realms. There is no indication til now, that the marauders of the ancient lands have ever been there.

Maybe something like that may be revealed in some upcoming event - or not.

And, to add that, Rangers are the ones aware of the paths between the dwellings of the homins in the new lands and the ancient lands. So it is least surprising that they know about.

Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#13 [en] 

Until then, I fail to see much suffering for the marauders attending the temple teleporters or sneaking into cities to grab tickets from the occupation masters. For Trytonists, it may be felt humiliating, too, to have to go to a temple.

As soon as the Marauder rite is passed, one cannot use the teleport pacts from the occ masters....even if they are obtained by stealth ;p


#14 [en] 


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Luxee (9 years ago)

#15 [fr] 

Placio :) et oui, la faction maraudeur est une gentille blague ^^ On ne peut même pas enfoncer son doigt dans un oeil sans avoir une levée de Oh!! choqués :D

Sérieusement, depuis que je joue, j'entends parler d'avancée. le souci, c'est que c'est jeté comme.. *se censure, expression pas très jolie*.. dû à une pression des joueurs qui aspirent à voir du concret le plus vite possible, du coup, il n'y a aucun recul sur les implications à suivre..
Le camp maraud, les zinuakeens, les fames bien né base est jetée..ooops on a pas réfléchi que les futurs marauds aimaient changé de coiffure aussi, de tatouages, vendre et acheter des produits, accès aux métiers et missions..
Je crois que les implications étaient secondaires à cette époque et malheureusement, on a peu pensé en terme de temps que ça prendrait pour vraiment finaliser une faction qui tienne la route.

Malgré tout ça, l'idée est chouette et même si c'est souvent un peu plus galère à jouer qu'une faction 'normale', j'avoue que je m'y sens bien. Et puis louvoyer pour obtenir des avantages de factions en soudoyant d'autres personnages, c'est tellement l'esprit maraud de la façon que je le conçois :p

En attendant si vous voulez éviter que mes doigts rencontrent vos yeux, rangez les !! Na mais c'est vrai quoi.. faut pas tout laisser trainer comme ça Oo
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